
本话题难度居中,重点在于对不同材质和款式的描述,而这两项可以通过积累词汇解决。珠宝材质可能会涉及各种宝石的名称,如蓝宝石(sapphire)和祖母绿(emerald)等,以及贵金属,如铂金(platinum)等。款式方面,男生尤其需要注意积累一些男士专用的表达,比如袖扣(a pair of cufflinks)等。整体而言,本话题在答题时应多以具体细节为主。即使是主观问题,也可以通过对个人经历进行改编得出答案。

Q: What’s your attitude towards jewellery?

A: Well, I think jewellery plays a significant dual role in many senses. First, jewellery is a kind of accessory that decorates my dark-coloured dressing. It makes me look gorgeous. Second, jewellery may stand for some status, not only financially but also for the sense of fashion or classiness. On the other side, jewellery has its disadvantageous side. For example, sometimes people may irrationally purchase some unaffordable jewellery, which will lead to financial problems.


significant 有意义的、重要的=important

dual role 双重角色

accessory n. 装饰品

gorgeous adj. 极其漂亮的,极其吸引人的

stand for 代表,象征

the sense of fashion 时尚感

classiness n. 有品位,上等

disadvantageous adj. 不好的,不利的

irrationally adv. 冲动地,盲目地

unaffordable adj. 买不起的,不能承担的

financial 财务的、财政的



Q: Why do so many people choose to buy expensive jewellery to maintain value?

A: Well, at least in my view, partly due to the contemporary economic circumstances, like the unstable currency rate, people prefer purchasing solid objects to maintain their monetary value. Also, if you have a large amount of fortune, in terms of money, it should be saved in the bank. However, sometimes banks are likely to collapse during economic crisis. At that time, you’ll lose your saved fortune without any forms of compensations.


contemporary adj. 当代的

economic circumstance 经济状况,经济环境

unstable adj. 不稳定的

currency rate 汇率

solid object 实物

monetary adj. 货币的,金融的

fortune n. 财富

in terms of 在……方面

collapse vi. 倒塌;崩溃

economic crisis 经济危机

compensation n. 补偿


