
#头条创作挑战赛#I want to take up art creation. 我想开始从事艺术创作,我来为大家讲解一下关于英语动词短语45个?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




take up sth 开始从事某事;喜欢上某

I want to take up art creation. 我想开始从事艺术创作。

get into sth 开始对…感兴趣

I get into drawing. 我开始对画画感兴趣。

get back at sb 报复某人

I will get back at you one day. 未来的某一天,我会报复你的。

take out a subscription to sth (newspaper/magazine) 订阅...

Thank you for taking out a subscription to my channel. 感谢你订阅我的频道。

go off 变质

Mom. the soy milk on the table went off. 妈,桌子上的豆浆变质了。

take in a movie/film 看电影 == take in a museum 参观博物馆

She enjoys taking in some sci-fi movies, but have no interested in taking in any musiums. 她喜欢看些科幻电影,但是对参观博物馆没兴趣。

take sth in 理解领悟...

You really should spend some time taking in the words our teacher said to you today. 你真的应该花点时间理解领悟今天老师跟你说的话。

send in sth 呈递,提交...

I've already sent in the application form. 我已经提交申请表了。

break out of a prison 越狱 == a breakout 集体越狱

A breakout means that a group of prisoners break out of a prison together. 集体越狱就是一群囚犯一起越狱。

put sb off (sth) 使某人对某事反感 == be off-putting 让人厌烦的
  1. His bad manner really puts me off. 他的没礼貌真的让我反感。
  2. His bad manner is off-putting. 他的缺乏教养让人反感。
  3. The smell of durian puts some people off it. 榴莲的味道让一部分人反感它。

