
That'll be one pound 20, please.,我来为大家讲解一下关于英国国际通用货币?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



That'll be one pound 20, please.


Oh, yes, uh, um, there you go.


Oh, that's 30p.


Whenever I travel to a different country, one of the things I find the most frustrating is that I don't understand how the money works.


I end up turning coins over, peering at them and eventually asking the shop assistant for help, and I know lots of other tourists do the same.


In the future, I'm going to make sure that I research the currency before I arrive in another country and today's tutorial is to help you do just that.


Now before we jump in, I want to thank our sponsor Lingoda, who are giving their students a chance to study for free but more about that later.

在我们开始之前,我想感谢我们的赞助商 Lingoda,他们给了他们的学生一个免费学习的机会,但更多的内容稍后再说。

First of all, we're going to discuss some money vocabulary that will be useful when buying things in England, and then I'm going to show you the British coins and notes and talk through the value of each one.


So, first in our list is "Bargain". Bargain.


A 'bargain' is something which is bought for less money than you would expect.


It's good value for money.


For example, you might say, "This T-shirt was a bargain! It was only a fiver." A "fiver" is slang for "five pounds".

例如,你可能会说,“这件T恤很便宜!只花了五英镑。”Fiver 是“五英镑”的俚语。

number two, "Currency". Currency.


Currency is the word we use to describe a system of money in general use in a particular country.


Britain's national currency is the pound sterling.


What is your country's currency? Write it in the comment below.


Number three, "Card". Card.


Card is the word we use to describe paying with one of these.


It's an umbrella term which includes debit cards which is when you are paying with money from your bank account, and credit cards, which is when you pay with the bank's money.


"I'd like to pay by card, please." Next, we have "Cash". Cash.


Cash is the word we use to describe physical money.


"I'm sorry, our card machine is broken so we can only take cash at the moment." "Coin". A coin is a metal disc of money.


The plural of "coin" is "coins".

Coin 的复数是 coins。

"I need a coin to scratch my scratch card." Or you might say, "I'd like to give the grandkids a few coins for their piggy bank when I see them." And a piggy bank is like a poor slim pig in which you would put your coins to save them up.


Next we have "Notes". Note.


A note is the paper, or nowadays, plastic sheet of money.


"I only have a £20 note. Do you have enough change?" That brings me on to 'Change'. Change.


Change is the noun we use to describe the money returned after paying something with more money than it costs.


So, "It costs £6, so if I pay with a £10 note, I'll get £4 change." The word "change" can also be used to refer to any kind of money in coin form.


"Oh, I'm 10p short. Do you have any change?" Next, "Contactless".


Contactless is the word we use to describe paying with a card by tapping it, rather than by putting in the machine.


"Not all stores can take contactless payments." Next, we have the word "cheap". Cheap.


If something is cheap, that means it doesn't cost much money.


Of course, "cheap" is a subjective word, meaning it really depends on the context.


£350 is cheap for a car, but not for a bottle of water.


So, when buying a cheap bottle of water, you might say, "These were so cheap! I bought 8 of them." Opposite to that we have the word "Expensive". Expensive.


If something is expensive, that means it costs a lot of money.


Again, "expensive" is a subjective word, so it depends on the context.


"Buying snacks and drinks from the cinema is so expensive." That's absolutely right.


So now, let's talk about the different coins and notes that we use in the UK and the value of each one.


But first, let me tell you about the great opportunity you have to save yourself some money while learning English with Lingoda.

但首先,让我来告诉你一个好机会,你可以节省自己的钱,同时用 Lingoda 学习英语。

You need a confidence boost to transform your career or you just want to have a real conversation in English.


Whatever your goal is, you can achieve it in 3 months of intensive learning with Lingoda.

无论你的目标是什么,你都可以通过三个月的 Lingoda 强化学习来实现。

I've been working alongside them for around three years now and can guarantee that this type of intense learning is one of the best ways to finally speak confidently in any situation.


The best thing is that Lingoda will pay you back if you attend all of your classes.

最好的一点是,如果你参加了你所有的课程,Lingoda 将对你返现。

It sounds too good to be true but it's simple, get up to 100% cashback when you attend all of your classes.


Free access to Cambridge speaking online tests is the cherry on the top.


Now, the Sprint has been running for more than 3 years and the concept is proven, with more than 40,000 people participating, and you can read about their successful stories over on Instagram.

冲刺课已开设了三年多,这个课程得到了验证,有超过四万人参与,你可以在 Instagram 上阅读他们的成功故事。

Lingoda is the number 1 trusted European language school with ''German stamp of quality" but very affordable prices.

Lingoda 是最受信任的欧洲语言学校,拥有“德国质量标志”,但价格非常实惠。

So, even if you don't manage to attend all of your classes, you'll end up paying from €10 for a small group class with a maximum of 5 students.


And you will be learning with qualified teachers in classes that are available for 24/7 with proven methods and expert-designed curriculums that deliver real results.

你将与有资质的教师在课堂上学习,全天 24 小时,使用经过验证的方法和专家设计的课程,带来真正的结果。

Now, when taking the sprint, there are two options: You can join the 'Super Sprint' where you attend 30 classes in a month (for 3 months) and if you do, you get 100% cashback.


Or you can take just the sprint which is attending 15 classes a month (for 3 months) and you get 50% cashback!


You can join the sprint in English, German, French, Spanish, and Business English.


Now, both plans require a €49 (US$59) deposit and each plan will be paid in three monthly installments.

两个计划都需要 49 欧元(59 美元)的押金,每个计划将分三个月分期付款。

I do have a code to give you a 10 euro discount off that deposit and that code is CHANGE7. Now, Lingoda will refund your tuition fee in full together with the deposit if you attend all required classes.

我有一个代码,可以给你们十欧元的存款折扣,代码是 CHANGE7。如果你参加了所有要求的课程,Lingoda 将退还你全部的学费和押金。

But hurry up, because places in the sprint are limited.


Now, the sprint is starting soon, I've put the dates in the description below.


So, if you are up for the challenge, don't delay, click on the link below.


Okay, let's carry on with the lesson.


Our notes are slowly being changed over from an old paper note to a new plastic or 'polymer' note.


At the time of filming, the £5, £10, and £20 notes have all been replaced by the new design but the £50 note will be changing in 2021 — this year.


Each note has a photograph of the Queen on the front, and a transparent window to prevent fraudulent, or fake, notes from being used.


The largest note we have is the £50 note.


The £50 note is red in colour and the new note will display a photo of Alan Turing, a British man who devised code-breaking machines during the Second World War and is widely recognised as being one of the pioneers of computers.


If you would like to learn more about Alan Turing, you can watch the film 'The Imitation Game' starring Benedict Cumberbatch.


Watching films and television series in English is a great way to practice and improve your English listening.


The £20 note is purple in colour.


It has a photo of the Queen on one side and British artist JMW Turner on the other.

它的一边是女王的肖像,另一边是英国艺术家 JMW 特纳 的肖像。

The £10 note is orange and features a portrait of the famous British author, Jane Austen.


Lastly, the £5 note is blue and features a picture of Sir Winston Churchill, who was the British Prime Minister in the 1940s and 1950s.


The £5 note is our lowest value note.


Now, let's move on to the coins.


If you look carefully at any British coin, you can see the year it was made written on the edge.


The largest value coin is £2. They are circular; gold around the edge and silver in the middle.


If you're looking at your coins in a rush, you can look at the edge of the coin and see that it says 'two pounds'.


The next coin is the £1 coin which is a gold circular disc.


£1 is worth 100 pennies or 100 pence.


Now, let's look at the 50 pence coin.


It has 7 sides and is silver in colour.


It's the biggest coin we have and one of the most easily recognised.


While the official term is '50 pence', you might hear English speakers saying '50p' for short.

官方的称呼是五十便士,你可能会听到英语母语人士把五十便士简称为 50p。

Now, getting smaller in value, here is the 20 pence coin.


It's similar in shape to the 50p, it has 7 sides and is silver but it is much smaller.

它的形状与 50p 相似,有七边,是银色的,但它要小得多。

Next, we have the 10 pence coin, or 10p.


It is a large, silver, circular disc.


The 5p coin or 5 pence coin is the smallest in size but not in value.


It's silver and circular and the number 5 can be seen quite largely on one side, which could give you a big clue if you needed to find 5p quickly.

这块硬币是银色、圆形的,数字 5 在硬币的一边随处可见,如果你需要快速找到五便士,它可以给你一个很大的提示。

It's so small.


Next, we have the bronze coins, which are the lowest in value.


The two pence coin is a fairly large bronze disc.


And lastly, the smallest value of coin is the 1 pence coin or 1p or a penny we could call it.


It's bronze, round and slightly larger in size than the 5p coin.


So, there we have your guide to British Money.


There is also 'Scottish Sterling' as well, which looks a little bit different but is still legal currency in England.


But if you are exchanging currency to take away on holiday to come and visit the UK, you will most likely receive the notes that I've shown you today.


Do tell me in the description box below what currency you use in your country.


Don't forget about that Llingoda sprint which is starting soon, all the details are in the description box below.

不要忘记即将开始的 Lingoda 冲刺课,所有的细节都在下面的描述框中。

And if you have a spare few minutes, then why not check out another video?


Until next time, take care. ,



