英文在职证明格式 在职证明的标准英语翻译样稿


Employment Certificate

英文在职证明格式 在职证明的标准英语翻译样稿(1)


To: U.S. Embassy


This is to certify that police officer Li XX (ID Card No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) born on December X, 1983, has been working in our procuratorate since X 2007. Now, he acts as the director of Development Zone Public Prosecution Service of the XX People’s Procuratorate with his monthly salary of approximate RMB 8,000 Yuan(including allowance and subsidiaries and so on).

李先生将于2018年7月X日与其夫人肖XX女士一同前往美国,探望其在美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀分校读书学习的女儿, 此次出行所需的一切费用将由其本人予以完全承担。李先生将按时予以回国,且回国后将继续担任其原来的职务。

On July X, 2018, both Mr. Li and his wife Mrs. Xiao XX will set to pay a visit to his daughter who is studying in the University of Texas at Austin, USA. All the expenditures for this trip will be fully assumed by himself and Mr. Li will come back to China in time and undertake the original post.

英文在职证明格式 在职证明的标准英语翻译样稿(2)

英文在职证明格式 在职证明的标准英语翻译样稿(3)


