
1. Wow 哇(叫绝声),我来为大家讲解一下关于美国日常生活口语?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



1. Wow! 哇!(叫绝声)

2. Way to go! 就该这么做!

3. Super! 极好的!

4. You’re special! 你不一般!

5. Outstanding! 杰出的!

  6. Excellent! 优秀的!

7. Great! 伟大的!

  8. Good! 好的!

9. Neat! 真整洁!

10. Well Done! 做得好!

11. Remarkable! 非凡的!

12. I knew you could do it. 我知道你能做的。

13. I’m proud of you! 我为你而骄傲!

14. Fantastic! 太奇妙了!

15. Super Star 超级明星

16. Nice work! 干得好!

17. Looking good. 看上去不错。

18. You’re on top of it. 你是数一数二的。

19. Beautiful 美极了

20. Now you’re flying. 现在你起飞了.(进步了)

21. You’re catching on! 你是有吸引力的!

22. Now you've got it. 现在你做到了.

  23. You're incredible. 你简直难以置信.

24. You can do it! 你能做到!

25. How did you do that? 你怎样完成的?

26. Bravo! 好啊!妙!

27. You're fantastic! 你真太妙了!

28. You're improving! 你在进步!

29. Hurray for you! 为你喊万岁!

30. You're on target. 你达到目标了.

31. How nice! 多好啊!

32. Good job! 干得出色!

33. That's incredible! 简直难以置信!

34. Let's try again! 再试试!

35. You're Beautiful! 你太美了!

36. You're unique! 你太不寻常了!

37. I like you. 我喜欢你.

38. You're a winner. 你是赢家.

39. I respect you. 我尊敬你.

40. You'll make it. 你一定会成功的.

41. You've discovered the secret. 你已经发现了秘密.

42. You're making progress. 你正在进步.

43. You figured it out. 你搞懂了.

44. Bingo! 你成功了!

45. I believe you'll handle it. 我确信你能行.

  46. Thanks for helping. 感谢你的帮助.

47. I like your work! 我欣赏你的工作!

48. You are exciting! 你真令人激动!

  49. You learned it right! 你做对了!

50. Look how far you've come ! 瞧,你已经有多领先了!

