






(Via Twitter)


亚的斯亚贝巴东南处的比斯霍夫图镇坠机现场(图via Reuters)


Ethiopian Airlines CEO Tewolde GebreMariam told reporters at a press conference that the pilot of flight ET 302 that crashed Sunday morning hadreported technical difficulties and asked for clearance to return to Addis Ababa.


He was given clearance to turn back , according to Mr. GebreMariam, citing the Air Traffic Controllers record.


Ethiopian Airlines plane crash via CNN

只是,在返航前,悲剧就发生了 ,该飞机机头朝下插入地面坠毁。

Flight data viewed by The Washington Post shows the flight getting into trouble almost immediately after departure. A normal takeoff for most passenger jets involves a steady climb to about a thousand feet, followed by an accelerating climb.


However, on this flight, a minute and a half after its takeoff, the plane inexplicably began to descend — for nearly a minute — before climbing again.


During that time, the plane’s speed kept increasing to what is far above normal for that phase of a takeoff. The plane underwent a sharp pull up — 600 feet in just 10 seconds — and was flying at 380 nautical miles per hour, when about 270 would be closer to normal.


Three minutes later, it crashed.


Ethiopian Airlines flight bound for Nairobi crashes, all 157 on board killed via The Washington Post

去年印尼狮航的坠机也有相似的遭遇 。


在11分钟的飞行中,飞机的机头自动下垂二十多次 ,飞行员一直在与出问题的飞机作斗争,将机头拉高,但这场“人机互斗”最终以坠海为结局。

via 环球时报



(via The Sun)

这位名叫Dave Inch的波音787机长在Quora上分享了一些提高生存几率的建议。

What a passenger does in those final minutes before a plane crashes could be crucial for their survival.


First of all, passengers should secure their general person in preparation for a crash landing.


He said: "Remove everything sharp from your pockets, loosen your belt and remove your tie or scarf and remove high heeled shoes.


"Take glasses off for landing so they don't fly off and are available to help you see your way out if you need them.


"Know where your closest exit is and a backup for the type of landing [as] some exits can't be used in water landings.


"Count the number of rows to those exits and try to identify any protrusions that you might use to find them if the cabin is full of smoke."


(图via The Sun)

Even though there is likely to be an air of panic and chaos in the cabin, Mr Inch says that it is crucial to listen to the flight attendant briefing.


He said: "Follow the instructions of the flight attendants in their pre-landing briefing.


GOING DOWN How to survive a plane crash – pilot reveals the crucial rules to follow if your plane is going down (via The Sun)

(via The Sun)

此外,他还说,机上所有人行动协调一致 ,才有可能大家一起脱险。

他还提醒了一些不该做的事 。

"Don't waste your time taking video with your camera.... listen and pay attention.


"If you survive with a video, it's cool. If you die because you were more interested in taking a video than paying attention, it's not so cool."


After the plane has landed, travellers should then resist the temptation to run for the exit and wait in their seat until instructed.


Mr Inch: "Stay in your seat until instructed. Do not open a door or window exit without direct instructions from a flight attendant.


"Have a piece of cloth (preferably damp) to assist in breathing if there is smoke - if there is smoke during evacuation, stay as low as possible."


"If [it's] a water landing, do not inflate your life vest until you are at the doorway - if you inflate it and the aircraft fills with water, you will get trapped on the ceiling and not be able to swim underwater to get out.


"If this happens, get out of your life vest to be able to swim out and hang onto someone once out. Life vests easily buoy 2 people."



整合:Du Qiongfang

原文:CNN, The Washington Post, The Sun,央视,环球时报

图/题图:Reuters, The Sun, Twitter

