语法be going to的用法(你学soupandfish的)

你学soup and fish的“理解语言”是什么,中文or英语?

语法be going to的用法(你学soupandfish的)(1)

你不要“指望”今天学了soup and fish,明天就有机会用上这句“地道”英语,可能你一辈子都没机会使用。

所以,我们不把soup and fish当“实用英语”练,我们做Put English into English训练就好。

今后你再见到soup and fish的时候,你“说”的不是它是的中文,而是它的英语,你的英语口语没白学。

1) 查英英字典:soup and fish

语法be going to的用法(你学soupandfish的)(2)

1. formal evening dress for men

2. evening dress for men

3. formal dress for men

4. full evening dress,

2) Put English into English口语训练

1. Okay.Got you.Soup and fish means the formal evening dress for men for a party or for a formal dinner, or for a formal occasion.

2. Well,soup and fish means evening dress for men, or a formal dress for men, or the full evening dress.

It also means white tie and tails

用这些英语“理解”soup and fish已经足够了,本身不也是“英语口语”吗?

那为什么把a formal evening dress for men叫做soup and fish呢?

3) Soup and fish: alluding to the early courses of a formal dinner

4) Put English into English

Okay.Got you.Men usually wear formal evenung dress for a firmal dinner where soup and fish are served, so soup and fish means a formal evening dress.

为什么非得“说”中文才能“理解”soup and fish呢?


