




U idioms

Upset the apple cart- to create difficulty

Under a cloud- If someone is suspected of having done something wrong, they are under a cloud

Under fire- If someone is being attacked and criticized heavily, they are under fire

Under your nose- If something happens right in front of you, especially if it is surprising or audacious, it happens under your nose

Up for grabs- If something is up for grabs, it is available and whoever is first or is successful will get it

Up to the neck- If someone's in something up to the neck, they are very involved in it, especially

when it's something wrong

Up a river without a paddle- If you up a river without a paddle, you are in an unfortunate situation, unprepared and with none of the resources to remedy the matter

Uncharted waters- If you're in uncharted waters, you are in a situation that is unfamiliar to you, that you have no experience of and don't know what might happen

Under lock and key- If something is under lock and key, it is stored very securely

V idioms

Vale of tears- This vale of tears is the world and the suffering that life brings.

Velvet glove - This idiom is used to describe a person who appears gentle, but is determined and inflexible underneath. ('Iron fist in a velvet glove' is the full form.)

Vent your spleen - If someone vents their spleen, they release all their anger about something.

Vicar of Bray - A person who changes their beliefs and principles to stay popular with people above them is a Vicar of Bray

Vicious circle - A vicious circle is a sequence of events that make each other worse- someone drinks because they are unhappy at work, then loses their job... 'Vicious cycle' is also used.

Vinegar tits - A mean spirited women lacking in love or compassion.

Virgin territory - If something is virgin territory, it hasn't been explored before.

Voice in the wilderness - Someone who expresses an opinion that no one believes or listens to is a voice in the wilderness, especially if proved right later.

Volte-face - If you do a volte-face on something, you make a sudden and complete change in your stance or position over an issue.

Vultures are circling - If the vultures are circling, then something is in danger and its enemies are getting ready for the kill.


