
黄杨(学名:Buxus sinica (Rehder & E. H. Wilson) M. Cheng):灌木或小乔木,高1-6米;枝圆柱形,有纵棱,灰白色;小枝四棱形,全面被短柔毛或外方相对两侧面无毛。叶革质,阔椭圆形、阔倒卵形、卵状椭圆形或长圆形,叶面光亮,中脉凸出,下半段常有微细毛。花序腋生,头状,花密集,雄花约10朵,无花梗,外萼片卵状椭圆形,内萼片近圆形,长2.5-3毫米,无毛,雄蕊连花药长4毫米,不育雌蕊有棒状柄,末端膨大;雌花萼片长3毫米,子房较花柱稍长,无毛。蒴果近球形。花期3月,果期5-6月。



镂空 是一种雕刻技术。外面看起来是完整的图案,但里面是空的或者里面又镶嵌小的镂空物件。









英文翻译:Buxus sinica (Rehder & E. H. Wilson) M. Cheng: shrub or small tree, 1 -- 6 M tall; Branches cylindrical, with longitudinal ribs, gray white; Branchlets quadrangular, pubescent comprehensively or glabrous externally on opposite sides. Leaves leathery, broadly elliptic, broadly obovate, ovate-elliptic or oblong, glossy, midrib convex, lower part often with fine hairs. Inflorescences axillary, capitate, densely flowered, male flowers ca. 10, sessile, outer sepals ovate-elliptic, inner sepals suborbicular, 2.5-3 mm long, glabrous, stamens with anthers 4 mm long, sterile pistils clavate, terminal enlarged; Female sepals 3 mm long, ovary slightly longer than style, glabrous. Capsule subglobose. Flowering march, fruiting May - June.

Carved dragon boxwood dressing table

Hollowing is a carving technique. The outside looks complete, but the inside is empty or inlaid with small hollowed-out objects.

In contemporary times, the word hollow out is more widely used. Fashion bound uses this expression knitting or cut out technology, hollow out fashionable dress is the pronoun that shows fully, sex appeal. Many international brands have their own classic hollow-out style, loved by fashion people.

Tuanlong is an ancient traditional allegorical pattern. A form of dragon pattern, set in a circle with dragon pattern, form a round suitable pattern, known as "group dragon".

A dresser is a piece of furniture used for making up. Dresser one word, in contemporary household, had been used extensively by owner, client, household stylist, point to furniture dresser extensively now.

Boxwood plate will turn red in 3 months. After playing for 3 months, the surface of boxwood will gradually be oxidized, resulting in the formation of oxide layer. When the boxwood hand string is finished, wipe it first to remove excess impurities. Repeat this step for 7 days and start to play. After 3 months, the surface of boxwood hand string will change color and start to turn red.

Boxwood is yellow color at first, the older the more red, the boxwood dresser, overall wrapped slurry, ruddy color, smooth touch, without the feeling of shake handshandle, edge burr, etc., is ages ago, under a small drawer, with three gem decorations, two red and green, dragon engraved look, gossip taiji diagram in the former, about African wulong, visible to honor his or her identity, When it is used by the court, it has immeasurable collection value.


