

Everything is created by the mind, and all laws are born of the mind.



与此同时,我们还有另一个非物质方面的心,这个心无形无相, 无色无味,摸不着,看不见。它以人的躯体为载体,换言之,它就住在我们的身体里。它对人的思维(思想)起着决定性的作用。故圣人老子言:“有之以为利,无之以为用。”这里的“有”是我们通过眼睛可以看见的身体,它以肉眼可见的形态而存在并且承载着一个看不见的心。因此,心可以无边无际、无限广大。而身体却有很大局限;身体再大,大不过心。任何有形的事物都有着很大的局限性, 只有无形无相,老子称之为“道”的东西,才是不可估量的。无形的道可以生出无量有形之物。于是佛家所说“万般神通皆小术,唯有空空是大道”的含义,就不难理解了。

“万事由心造,万法由心生”意思是大千世界的千万种事物、 千万种认知事物和解决问题的方法,都是由心所产生的。人因心而各不相同,什么样的心性,决定什么样的人生。

Physically speaking, everyone has one heart and one mind. The heart is a flesh organ beating without stopping. The heart powers the blood circulation and is responsible for delivering blood to all parts of the body. The heart is an indispensable vital organ that sustains life. It is a material heart.

At the same time, we have another non-material mind. The mind is intangible, colorless and invisible. The mind is based in the human body. In other words, it lives in our bodies. It plays a decisive role in people's thinking (ideology). Therefore, sage Lao Tzu remarked, “Yes - the visible physical is convenience, and No - the intangible plays its part.” Here “physical” is the body that we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands. It exists in a concret flesh form and carries an invisible mind. Therefore, the mind can be boundless and unlimited. But the flesh body has great limitations. No matter how big the body is, it can not exceed the mind. Any tangible thing has many limitations. Only things that are intangible, Lao Tzu call “Tao”,are immeasurable. The invisible Tao can produce immeasurable tangible things. Therefore, the Buddhists say: it is not difficult to understand that “all kinds of supernatural powers are small techniques, and only empty space is the great Tao.”

Everything is created by the mind, and all laws are born of the mind.” It means thousands of things in the world, thousands of rules of understanding and answers to problems are all produced by the mind. People are different because of their own minds. What kind of mind,decide what kind of life.


