
第十四天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句,我来为大家讲解一下关于一目十行吗?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



第十四天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句。
















postpone 延迟 延缓

Although he managed the first, he had to postpone the second after the death of the Duke of Edinburgh.

preparation 准备 预备

a lack of preparation that led to agencies within HHS feuding over which division was in charge of the rescue operations, sometimes because of the terminology used in government plans.

advertisement 广告 宣传

At least five of the top corporations that signed the letter featured in a newspaper advertisement don’t pay income taxes.

association 协会 社团 联盟

However, last week the Association of Independent Festivals said more than 90 per cent of its members felt they could not host events this summer without indemnity.

preserve 保护 维护 保留

“At the current costs, even low-risk green destinations look likely to make travelling for a well-deserved holiday or the chance to see family out of reach for many and the preserve of the rich. This is unfair.

historical 历史的 史学的

Much of the blame has been laid on historical underfunding of local roads.

proceed 开始 继续从事

From the net proceeds of the sale, Melrose plans to continue to plug the inherited deficit in the pension funds of GKN, a contentious issue when it took over the company, and will reduce some of its £2.85 billion group debt.

construction 建设 建筑物

Last year, construction output practically halved from its high, but was down a mere 5.8 per cent in January.

amusement 消遣 娱乐 乐趣

“Of course not,” Oswald shot back, his eyes twinkling in amusement. “She was rather partial to scoundrels like you.”

prolong 延长 拖延

Whenever there are prolonged dry periods, the inevitable question arises: when will the first hosepipe bans start?

occupation 工作 职业 占有

I turned away from the flag to show I was ignoring it, that it did not exist for me, and that I did it for all of us, for our fight against the occupation.

region 地区 范围

a levelled-up economy would be one where it is easier to climb the wage ladder in your home town or region.

promote 促进 推动 提升

The school, which charges more than $50,000 a year in fees, began to grapple with the question of how to promote diversity and inclusivity after the death last year of George Floyd and a summer of protests over racial injustice.

advanced 先进的 高级的 晚年的

He told me that the Sappers who were constructing an Advanced Landing Field had not enjoyed any fresh bread since the invasion and as I was passing by could I drop off a few loaves before I continued with my mission.

developing 发展中的

Patel confirmed that the government was developing tools to scan highly encrypted channels.

