

1.表示方式、手段或工具等时(=以,用),如:with a car 用卡车

2. 与某些抽象名词连用时,其作用相当于一个副词.如:

with care=carefully 认真地

with kindness=kindly 亲切地

3. 表示条件时,根据情况可与虚拟语气连用.如:

With more money I would be able to buy it. 要是钱多一点,我就买得起了.

With better equipment, we could have finished the job even sooner. 要是设备好些,我们完成这项工作还要快些.

4. 比较with和as:两者均可表示“随着”,但前者是介词,后接名词或代词;后者是连词,用于引导一个句子.比较:

He will improve as he grows older. 随着年龄的增长,他会进步的.

People’s ideas change with the change of the times. 时代变了,人们的观念也会变化.

5. 复合结构“with 宾语 宾语补足语”是一个很有用的结构,它在句中主要用作状语,表示伴随、原因、时间、条件、方式等;其中的宾语补足语可以是名词、形容词、副词、现在分词、过去分词、不定式、介词短语等.如:

(1) with 宾语 形容词

He often sleeps with the windows open. 他常开着窗睡觉.

Don’t speak with your mouth full. 不要满嘴巴食物说话.

(2) with 宾语 副词

He stood before his teacher with his head down. 他低着头 站在老师面前.

He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. 他和衣 躺在床上.

(3) with 宾语 介词短语

She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着眼泪说了声再见.

The man was asleep with his head on his arms. 这个人头枕着胳膊睡着了.

(4) with 宾语 现在分词

He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他没熄灯就睡着了.

I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. 因为妈妈有病, 我无法去度假.

(5) with 宾语 过去分词

He sat there with his eyes closed. 他闭目坐在那儿.

All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作.

(6) with 宾语 动词不定式

I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash. 要洗这些衣服, 我无法出去了.

With such good cadres to carry out the Party’s policy we feel safe. 有这样的好干部执行党的政策, 我们感到放心.

(7) with 宾语 名词

He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl. 他去世时,女儿还是个小学生.



