
大家好,我是英语老师老陈。当前,新型冠状病毒横行中华大地,祝朋友们身体健康,居家愉快!随着疫情的缓解,开学的时间已慢慢地明朗了,为了八年级同学能快速地进入英语学习状态,今天我们一起分享新目标八年级英语下unit 1 短语,请同学们试着把它们翻译成中文,如有不理解的短语可以私聊我哦。喜欢的朋友欢迎分享!


1.have a sore back

2.have a stomachache

3.have a cold

4.lie down and rest

5.drink hot tea with honey

6.see a dentist

7.take one’s temperature

8.get an X-ray

9.have a fever

10.go to a doctor

11.get off

12.have a headache

13.to one’s surprise

14.agree to do

15.get into trouble

16.fall down

17.cut oneself

18.put some medicine on the cut

19.take breaks

20.in the same way


21.on the side of the road

22.shout fof help

23.without doing

24.have a heart problem

25.go to the hospital

26.thanks to

27.in time

28.think about oneself

29.right away

30.put a bandage on the cut

31.feel sick

32.get hit on the head

33.have a nosebleed

34.be interested in

35.be used to doing

36.lose one’s life

37.because of

38.on that day

39.run out (of)

40.be ready to do

41.use something to do

42.bandage oneself

43.in a difficult/dangerous situation

44.be in contol of

45.keep on doing

46.tell of the importance of

47.make a decision

48.lose too much blood

49.have a (serious) accident

50.have a sore leg



