

· 自由职业同传/管理咨询公司创始人/英语老师/资深培训师/实用心理咨询师……跨界同传,行业视角广博,拥有十余年的英语口语教学及口笔译从业经验,独创听说读写译全面突破训练法门和母语习得口语训练方法。曾为联合国副秘书长等国内外政要,诺贝尔物理学奖得主等科学家和知名学者,德国汽车工业协会等国际行会组织,以及多个世界500强企业提供现场同声传译及相关口笔译服务。

· 长期活跃在一线IT以及互联网峰会上,合作的科技企事业单位包括但不限于中科院、中国工程院、Intel、国家电信研究院、IBM、华为、爱立信、美团、优步等,翻译的领域涵盖但不限于IT、通信、科技、汽车、金融、能源、心理学等。

· 万译主创团队出品





2007: iPhone 2G; 2008: iPhone 3G; 2009: iPhone 3GS; 2010: iPhone 4; 2011: iPhone 4S

2012: iPhone 5; 2013: iPhone 5C; iPhone 5S; 2014: iPhone 6; iPhone 6 Plus; 2015: iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus; 2016:iPhone SE(第一代), iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus; 2017: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X; 2018: iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR; 2019: iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max; 2020: iPhone SE(第二代)



1. durable glass and aluminum design 玻璃配铝金属设计,持久耐用

2. retina HD display 视网膜高清显示屏色彩绚丽

A13 Bionic A13仿生 (A13 Bionic is the fastest chip ever in a smartphone)

3. Portrait mode人像模式

The advanced camera system with A13 Bionic brings you Portrait mode, which artfully blurs the background to put the focus on your subject-even when you're taking selfies.

先进的摄像头系统携手 A13 仿生,为你带来了人像模式。它能让背景生成精美的虚化效果,更加突显拍摄主体,即使在自拍时也用得上。


4. Depth Control 景深控制

A simple slider lets you blur the background as much or as little as you like - before or after you take the photo.


5. Portrait lighting 人像光效。

Choose from six studio-quality effects, then adjust the lighting intensity to show your subject in the best possible light.


6. six studio-quality effects六种影棚级的效果

natural light自然光

studio light 摄影室灯光

stage light mono 单色舞台

contour light光轮廓光

stage light舞台光

high-key light mono高调单色光


7. HDR (High Dynamic Range 高动态范围成像)

Next-generation Smart HDR knows a face when it sees one, and intelligently relights it to capture more natural-looking contours and skin tones. It also finesses highlight and shadow detail in the background. So every part of your photo looks amazing.

新一代智能 HDR 能识别到入镜的人脸,并智能地对其补光,以捕捉更自然的轮廓和肤色。它还能对背景中的高光和阴影细节进行优化。因此,照片中的每个部分看起来都分外亮眼。

8.high-definition video高清视频

4K video means you'll see four times more detail than in 1080HD video. And extended dynamic range adds greater detail in highlights and shadow.

4K 视频意味着,你看到的细节是 1080p 高清视频的 4 倍。扩展的动态范围则可呈现更出色的高光和阴影细节。

9. Quick Take 快录功能。

When a photo op turn into a video op, you can instantly start recording video by just holding the shutter



10. Touch ID 触控式身份验证

Touch ID lets you securely

unlock your iPhone and sign in to apps instantly.You can even use it with Apple Pay to grab a coffee, get a yoga app, or shop for sneakers online. All without reaching for your credit card.

通过触控 ID,你可以安全地解锁 iPhone,以及快速登录 app。你还能通过它来使用 Apple Pay,无论是买杯咖啡、下载瑜伽 app,还是搭公交乘地铁,叮一声,就能轻松搞定。

11. water resistance 抗水性

iPhone SE is water resistant to 1 meter for 30 minutes.It's not afraid of a little coffee,tea, or soda either. And dust? No worries.

具备抗水性能,最多可在 1 米水深停留 30 分钟,因此,它无惧咖啡、茶水、汽水等液体的侵袭。至于灰尘?更是不在话下。


12. battery life 电池续航

So iPhone SE lets you watch up to 13 hours of video on a single charge. When you do need to power up, just set it down on a wireless charger. Or connect to an 18W fast-charge adapter to go from zero to up to 50 percent in 30 minutes.

情节正精彩,当然要继续。iPhone SE 充满一次电,就能播放视频最长达 13 小时。充电时,可以直接放在无线充电器上;或者用 18 瓦快充电源适配器,30 分钟即可从零充至最高达 50% 电量。

13.True Tone原彩显示

Dynamically adjusts white balance on the display so images look natural and are easier on your eyes.


14. Haptic Touch触感触控

Press and hold an icon for shortcuts and a slight vibration makes it feel like you're pressing a real, physical button.


15. Augmented reality 增强现实

Run the latest AR apps that let you measure real‑world objects, map constellations over the stars, and more.

运行各种新款增强现实类 app,让你能测量现实世界中的物体,在星空中定位不同的星座,体验更多精彩


16. Stereo audio recording 立体声录音

iPhone SE records videos in stereo to make the sound as engaging as the picture.


17. Faster Wi‑Fi and cellular data 高速的无线局域网和蜂窝网络

Wi‑Fi 6 and Gigabit‑class LTE can deliver much faster download speeds, whether you're on Wi‑Fi or cellular networks.

无论以哪种方式接入网络,802.11ax 无线局域网和 4G LTE Advanced 都能带来更快的下载速度。

注:1-17来源于iPhone SE的官网(SE:Special Edition),想了解更多科技互联英语,请戳文末“了解更多”链接


