
十八年(孙中山西服像)背(双旗·地球·壹圆) 民国十八年(1929年)孙中山西服像地球双旗壹圆银币系天津造币厂设计并正式铸行的银币之一,正面为孙中山头像,背面为地球图片。是国民政府拟定孙中山像国币以来取代流通已久的袁世凯像银币和孙中山像中华民国开国纪念币。此币立意高远大气,图案瑰丽庄重,制作精细规整,






In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), the silver coin of Sun Yat Sen's suit like the earth is one of the silver coins designed and officially minted by Tianjin mint. On the front is the head of Sun Yat Sen and on the back is the picture of the earth. Since the national government drew up the national coin of Sun Yat Sen, it replaced the silver coin of Yuan Shikai and the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China. This coin has lofty and grand intention, magnificent and solemn design, fine and regular production, and is second to none for Chinese coins. In addition to the production, the composition is indeed exquisite and well deserved, but also has the expectation of the rise of a weak and poor China standing in the forest of world powers. Since the national currency at that time was finally selected as the silver coin of Sun Yat Sen's sailboat, commonly known as "Chuanyang", this coin only produced a small number of samples, which is very rare in the world. It is precisely because of its rich connotation, exquisite workmanship and rarity in the world that this coin has long been appreciated, cherished and pursued by silver coin collectors. Today, the new generation of Chinese silver coin collectors do not change the love of the older generation for this coin. They choose this coin as one of the top ten treasures of the Republic of China, which has a very high market value and collection value. Sun Yat Sen's earth silver coin, which passed through a small amount during the period of the Republic of China, was one of the circulating currencies officially minted by the national government at that time. Therefore, the amount of coinage is very small, so some people in the spring circle say that there is a trial coinage of this edition, but it is not enough. This coin was once rated as the most beautiful silver coin in the Republic of China due to its unique design, deep and steep carving mold and excellent casting. Later, it was selected as one of the top ten treasures of silver coins in the Republic of China, so it is very cherished by people in the spring world.


