
[Steph Curry] Keep doing you @KingJames!


John Wall on the tweet: "You think LeBron cares? What he's doing off the court, you have to respect. He's paving the way for a lot of us..Taking these little kids under his wing. Since I was in 10th grade he took me under his wing.. Nobody has been in that position and done what LeBron has done."


[DMitchell] A sign of an insecure human being is one who attacks others to make themselves feel better... im just sad that young kids have to see stupid tweets like these and grow up thinking it’s okay... forget everything else Donald your setting a bad example for kids our future


[Nick Young] LeBron is going to be President one day.


[Karl-Anthony Towns] So let me get this straight: Flint, MI has dirty water still, but you worried about an interview about a man doing good for education and generations of kids in his hometown? Shut your damn mouth! Stop using them twitter fingers and get stuff done for our country with that pen.


[OKC] Russell WestbrookNobodyRules 2309 指標 7小時前The NBA will unite over this, this is why I love this league.


[–]Res1res 894 指標 7小時前

The NBA isn’t the NFL and Lebron James isn’t Colin Kaepernick Donald Trump!


[译注1] 科林‧凯普尼克(Colin Kaepernick)是美国NFL(国家橄榄球联盟)的球员,他拒唱国歌的事件在美国引起了轰动。

[–]MavsAncientPC 568 指標 6小時前

There's a great article about the different approaches from each league: Why the NFL and the NBA are So Far Apart on Social Justice Stances



Over a 16-hour period last September, President Trump took aim at the country’s two most popular sports leagues, the N.F.L. and the N.B.A.


In a speech on a Friday night in Alabama, Trump used an expletive to refer to professional football players who were kneeling during the national anthem as a form of silent protest against police brutality, and he said they should be fired. The next morning, he took to Twitter to tell Stephen Curry and the N.B.A. champion Golden State Warriors they were not welcome at the White House.


The N.F.L. hasn’t recovered. The N.B.A. hasn’t looked back.


[–]brehbrehbrah 287 指標 5小時前

Nothing but respect for MY preferred sports league!


[–]Warriorsvoldemortscore 617 指標 7小時前Just like LeBron's "U bum" comment supporting him last year, Steph with the show of support for LeBron this time. Good stuff


[–]76ersallstar96 307 指標 4小時前

AWWWWWWWW Lebron took John Wall under his wing !!


[–]Wizardsireddit270 198 指標 3小時前

Wall was one of , if not the first Klutch Sports client. Lebron has been mentoring him since HS and has been very genuine.

Apparently Lebron and John’s mothers are even friends and they go to each other’s houses.

奇才球迷:沃尔好像是Klutch Sports[译注2]头几个客户之一。詹姆斯从沃尔高中就开始指导他了,而且一直很真诚。


[译注2]Klutch Sports,詹姆斯所在的经纪人公司。

[–]Wizardsmac_attack92 169 指標 4小時前

That’s my PG. Lebron has been doing amazing things for his community since day 1.


[–]LakersLeBronNeedsHelp 122 指標 4小時前The outpouring on social media really warms my heart.


[–]Kingssoda_cookie 638 指標 3小時前

One could argue LBJ has done more good for America as a philanthropist than Donald Trump has done as president of the United States


[–][PHI] Allen Iversonfinnfinnfinnfinnfinn 318 指標 3小時前

You could and you'd be right


[–]Res1res 1276 指標 11小時前

Respect for these young kids like Donovan Mitchel and KAT


[–]Cavaliersbananashamrock 3158 指標 13小時前Yep, no matter what you think of trump or LeBron or lemon..... The bottom line is that the president of the United States is a Twitter troll. Which is the last thing kids these days need to see in a role model.

骑士球迷:没错,不管你怎么看待特朗普、詹姆斯或是Don Lemon[译注3]......归根结底的问题是现在的美国总统是个推特喷子。这是现在的孩子们最不应该从一个榜样身上所看到的东西。

[译注3]Don Lemon,美国著名记者。他的专栏节目CNN tonight Don Lemon专门揭露特朗普的种种谎言。

[–]Knicksshy247er 1151 指標 12小時前

I think you're giving him too much credit. Troll would imply some kind of strategy behind this, I think he's just incredibly narcissistic person who never really had any consequences for his actions.

The President is a spoiled, rich brat and it shows.



[–][CLE] Hot Rod Williamswardsac 835 指標 11小時前

100% this.

LeBron was homeless for stretches of his childhood. Missed 80 days in like 3rd grade. He came from absolutely nothing and is now wealthy and famous and doing great things for the communities around him.



Trump was born wealthy and has lived a privileged life doing whatever he wants whenever he wants it without real consequence. Saying "He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple" isn't even enough for his level of narcissism, it's more like "Trump was born on 3rd base thinking he invented the game of baseball".


LeBron is so much better of a person than Trump it's like they're not even on the same spectrum. And that's even BEFORE you get into LBJ marrying his high school sweetheart and having 3 kids from that same mother while Trump has paid off AT LEAST one porn star he had an affair with after his child was born.


I can't help but just feel sorry for the folks who are taking Trump's side on this (and everything else). Just, come on people.


[–]michaelscarn00 605 指標 10小時前

Last night I read trumps tweet and was waiting for Lebrons response calling him out and thought “nah Lebron won’t stoop down to his level and call him names”

Then it sank in that the first reaction I had was that there was no way an NBA player would be as immature as the president of the United States....what a world we live in

昨晚我读到了特朗普的那条推特,然后开始等待詹姆斯的回应,但是我转念一想:“不会的,詹姆斯不会屈尊回怼特朗普的。 ”


[–]WizardsDinner4Thots 4887 指標 13小時前I swear to God, if y’all don’t vote this November, y’all are just doing fake outrage.

I’m in the process of getting my citizenship and this shit is just disgusting. It’s the fucking White House and we voted this dunce in?



[–]MavericksMysteriagant 1106 指標 7小時前x2

Register to vote here



[–]CelticsShahman292 3223 指標 13小時前

I am someone who has never voted because I always thought it doesn’t matter. For the past two years I have been sitting outraged but have not started the process to register to vote. I just wanted to tell you that your comment is kinda a realization for me that I am just a fake outrage. I will register and I am voting. Idk where to start but I assume google is the first step. Thank you is all.


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 785 指標 12小時前

Let's just say I don't think you are the first person to come to this realization. And let me also say that I don't think you are a bad person because of it. But if we want change, everybody has to do their part and we all need to get out there and vote for that change.


[–]CelticsShahman292 457 指標 12小時前

I may not be a bad person but I am definitely part of the problem.


[–]CavaliersPeacefulDiscussion 284 指標 12小時前

Voting is actually kinda fun tbh (if you don’t have to wait in lines).

Fillin in them little bubbles n shit



[–]KnicksYanksrock615 2242 指標 13小時前He’s so right. So many kids at my college are Trump supporters simply because of how he carries himself and his “funny” tweets.


[–]76ersHandRailSuicide1 432 指標 12小時前

I had a friend who was like that. He voted for him because of the “entertainment” factor. Dude, this isn’t a fucking television show! How can you be in college and think that’s a rational voting method?


[–]Cavaliersbananashamrock 1610 指標 13小時前

TD sub right now is a circle jerk all about how savage and hilarious Trump is. Its embarrassing.


[–]Warriorsdingdongfootballl 1176 指標 12小時前*

I went and looked and there is 0 content or discussion going on about anything relvant (no surprise) It really is just thousands of comments that are like "OMG HE ROASTED LEBRON LOL" or "OMG this is gonna be a shitshow we have the best president!!!". It really just further proves nobody on that sub is over 14 and they all suck at Fortnite probably.



[–]76ersmemeganoob 773 指標 11小時前

The scary part is that many of them probably are over 14, voted for trump, and continue to act like that as a fucking adult


[–]Bladex10 558 指標 19小時前

We seriously got a shit posting twitter troll as a president let that sink in


[–]BootyGoonTrey 125 指標 19小時前

It will always be surreal as fuck


[–]76erstimacles 198 指標 15小時前

On top of being a shitposting troll he also posts with the wit and delivery of the town idiot.

I literally don't understand how you can graduate high school and look at his tweets and say, this person isn't a fucking moron



LeBron James Appreciation Thread



[GSW] Jarrett Jackabbeyroadblues 1081 指標 17小時前What I respect the most is that he's such a great role model for black kids in america. And all of us really


[–]TheGuineaPig21 243 指標 14小時前

He's not just a great role model, he's aware of his profile and uses it to speak out on important things. It would be so easy for him to say nothing about what's happening in America right now. I'm very grateful that there are smart, decent people like him who are willing to stand up for things they could just easily ignore


[–]MavericksMysteriagant 322 指標 17小時前

He's a great role model to every kid


[–][GSW] Jarrett Jackabbeyroadblues 204 指標 17小時前*

But more so to african americans growing up in similar environments wouldnt you agree


[–]MavericksMysteriagant 102 指標 17小時前

Yeah that makes sense


[–]Bullsthepobv 1047 指標 15小時前LeBron:


Grew up poor

Raised by single mother.

World class athlete.

Great leader







Faithful Husband

Present & Loving Father

Humble despite many unreal achievements and accolades.

Incredibly philanthropic

Legit worth over $1 Billion after the Nike deal.

(copied from another redditor)







[–]NBAarrackpapi 353 指標 13小時前

successful businessman too. Arguably a better one that trump given their beginnings.


[–][OKC] Gary Paytoncyclostationary 166 指標 12小時前

It's not even arguable, Trump grew up as a millionaire, was given his father's real estate connections and money. NY real estate was one of the easiest money makers, almost impossible to mess up... No doubt Trump tried what with him bankrupting on those shitty casinos.


[–]JPOG 207 指標 13小時前

LeBron can buy things without Russian loans so I think it's safe to say he wins so far.


[–]Rocketsihatefruitfliez 224 指標 12小時前




Grew up rich

Father was almost as much of a tool as he is

Probably one of the least coordinated men alive







Terrible leader

Unfaithful, would fuck his daughter if he could

Loves his daughter a bit too much

Incredibly cheap

Potentially worth over a billion dollars but could just as easily be up to his head in debt and scared to show tax returns






[–]okaiokaiokaiokaiokai 127 指標 11小時前

Also, can’t dunk


[–]WarriorsMack222 207 指標 15小時前

LeBron built a school to help underprivileged kids. Trump built a university to help scam people with bullshit real estate advice.


[–]Warriorsyour_grammars_bad 129 指標 17小時前The amount of respect I have for him off the court far outweighs the dislike I have seeing my team play against him on the court. I'm with you LeBron, all the way.


[–]MavericksMysteriagant 533 指標 17小時前

I don't like basketball LeBron but human LeBron is awesome and the fact that he gets the President so riled up shows what a huge deal he is


[–]CavaliersKingVibrant 176 指標 14小時前

Why don’t you like basketball LeBron? He’s excellent.


[–]PistonssubMJM 577 指標 14小時前

He scored 25 straight points to close out a game against my team back in 2007.


[–]Wizardssperjhgsoiejrg 175 指標 13小時前

He whispered to Gilbert Arenas that one time


[–]Raptorsdunkster91 111 指標 13小時前

He literally (figuratively) owns my team's city.

Dude is fucking good, and denying it is lying to yourself. I used to get annoyed by his flopping (I still do), but it seems to happen less often.

LeBron is #FunAndGood




[–]steampunkpnd 485 指標 16小時前The thing I hate most about this is the message it sends to black people in the country. Lots of black people look up to lebron and what he did for the community. Trump's tweet basically just said, "I dont care what you do to help kids, you're still a stupid basketball player and I'll publicly insult you". If people, esp black folks, wanted to like trump, this shit sent them away.


It's just an insurmountable level of disrespect. I can not fucking stand this shitbag of a president.


[–]Grizzliessmoothsensation 177 指標 13小時前

At this point I have no idea what will send people away from trump that haven't already been sent away.


[–]bunka77[] 90 指標 13小時前

Him losing, or god forbid 2024. Your loudest Trump supporting friends will pretend like they never liked him after he isn't in office anymore, just like what happened with GWB.



