
蚊子和狮子(Mosquitoes and lions)有只蚊子飞到狮子面前,对他说:“我不怕你,你也并不比我强要说不是这样,你到底有什么力量呢?是用爪子抓,牙齿咬吗?女人同男人打架,也会这么干我比你强得多你要是愿意,我们不妨较量较量吧”蚊子吹着喇叭冲过去,专咬狮子鼻子周围没有毛的地方狮子气得用爪子把自己的脸都抓破了蚊子战胜了狮子,又吹着喇叭,唱着歌飞走,却被蜘蛛网粘住了蚊子将被吃掉时,叹息说:“我同最强大的动物都战胜过,不料被这小小的蜘蛛消灭了”,下面我们就来说一说关于伊索寓言其中的三个故事?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



蚊子和狮子(Mosquitoes and lions)



A mosquito flew up to the lion and said to him, "I'm not afraid of you, and you're not better than me. If not, what strength do you have? Do you scratch with your claws and bite with your teeth? Women fight with men, and they will do the same. I'm much better than you. If you like, we might as well have a competition!" the mosquito blew its horn and rushed over, It only bites where there is no hair around the lion's nose. The lion was so angry that he scratched his face with his claws. The mosquito defeated the lion, blew the trumpet, sang songs and flew away, but it was stuck by the spider web. When the mosquito was about to be eaten, he sighed and said, "I have defeated the most powerful animals, but I was destroyed by this little spider."

Moral: it applies to those who have defeated big people but are defeated by small people.

蚊子和公牛(Mosquitoes and bulls)



The mosquito flew to the bull's horn and rested for a long time. As he was about to fly away, he asked the bull if he wanted him to leave. The bull replied, "I didn't know when you came, and I may not care if you leave."

Moral: for those who are weak and ignorant, it doesn't matter whether they exist or not.

