
All the President's Pronouns 总统使用的那些代词Faye Flam 费伊·弗拉姆,下面我们就来说一说关于人称代词连读?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



All the President's Pronouns 总统使用的那些代词

Faye Flam 费伊·弗拉姆

By some scientific measures, Donald Trump's presidency is not an aberration but part of a long-running trend. In his use of language, Trump is off the charts in his absence of analytical statements, as well as his expressions of confidence. Both of those tendencies are correlated with success in politics.

A trend toward less analysis and more confidence has been going on for a century, according to researchers who are using a technique created a few years ago by psychologist James Pennebaker at the University of Texas. He created a program that analyzes large bodies of text and counts the different kinds of connector words — pronouns, prepositions, articles and auxiliary verbs (like “is,” “have,” “does”). He and colleagues found they could draw inferences from the way people used those words — about whether they were likely to succeed in school, and whether they were of higher or lower status than those they were addressing.

People with a lot of confidence assume higher status in their expressions — mainly in their use of pronouns. Confident people favor “we” and “you” while the meeker tend to use “I.” We're more likely to follow someone who says “We should go this way” than one who says “I think this might be a good way to go,” Pennebaker says.

We are, he said, suckers for people who sound confident. And we are also suckers, he said, for simple, storytelling language over analytic language. People want to hear about policy, but we gravitate toward simple solutions, preferably with slogans.

Psychologists and linguists became intrigued with Trump's elocution from the time he started to rise to prominence in the 2016 primary debates. Trump's lack of analytical language was striking; he never used if-then statements, said Pennebaker.

Lack of analytical language doesn't necessarily signal low intelligence, said Pennebaker. Listeners and readers relate to simple language, and good writers and orators give people what they like. In almost every presidential election since 1980 (when debate transcripts were first available), the candidate with less analytical speech and writing won, with the exception of Bill Clinton, who was more analytical than his rivals.

Barack Obama was often criticized for using the word “I” too often, Pennebaker said, though he used it less than his predecessors and less than Mr. Trump. Pundits critical of Obama assumed the use of the first person revealed a self-centered attitude, but that isn't necessarily the case. A statement like “I feel there might be a problem with our relationship” shows an understanding that there are other perspectives and that we're each privy to only our own.

But the program showed that Obama was a relatively light user of “I,” and a much heavier user of the confidence-projecting “you” and “we.”

When the researchers looked back into the long history of presidential writings, press conferences, debates and speeches, the result, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed steady decrease in analytical language starting in the era of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

Obama is no exception to the trend. His language was very low in analytic content. He used simplicity to inspire people to think we can make headway against complex problems like race relations and access to health care. Trump takes the trend a step further, and employs a different style, with phrases that stick in the mind — from “Lock her up” to “Build the wall.”

It probably reflects changes in technology, with radio and then television and then social media reshaping the way candidates speak to the public, as well as shifting the kinds of people most likely to win elections. The good news: It may not be possible to get any less analytic or more confident than Trump.













