
我们来继续跟了解多邻国写作问题题型 前情回顾:「备考干货多邻国」Duolingo每个写作问题类型的提示和例子(一)


3. Write About A Topic (Recount) 写一个主题(复述)


· 这个问题将在考试中出现一次。

· 你必须在5分钟内写出你的答案。

· 至少50个字(或更多为佳)。

· 它对你的制作和识字分数有贡献。



i) 充分回答问题



ii) 你怎么能说这是一篇记叙文?


iii) 组织你的答案

· 主题句:它为读者提供理解内容所需的背景信息,如谁参与其中,在哪里发生,何时发生。

· 支持性观点:对过去发生的一系列事件的描述。

· 总结句子:关于该事件或最终结果的个人评论。

iv) 写作复述的其他提示和技巧


· 用过去式写。

· 经常使用与时间上发生的事情有关的词语。

· 因为回忆是对事件的解释,所以通常使用动词(行动词)和副词(对动词进行描述或增加细节)。

· 使用人称代词(我,我们)。

· 有可能使用被动语态。




i) 规划样本

· 写下我的经历

· 国家:菲律宾

· 我学到的东西。他们不惧怕描绘社会问题,展示他们的坚韧。

· 支持观点的例子

· 主题句、支持句、结论

ii) 主题句


“I am particularly fond of Filipino movies, and I have learned so many aspects of their culture from watching its films. “


iii) 支持性观点


“The Third Golden Age of Philippine cinema began in the 2000s, owing to films that weren't hesitant to the reality of its society – social realism. For example, the movie "Pisay" is about kids at a prominent high school going through puberty, and "Tribu," a gritty narrative about the people living in slums of Tondo, is presented through hip-hop and rap. Another, "My Fake American Accent" and "Endo" are must-see films for working-class Filipinos because they reveal unpleasant facts regarding Philippine labor concerns such as job security.”




"Watching these movies gives you an idea that a good film may be used to represent life's truths and realities. These are some of the most typical issues that individuals who live in cities face, yet they continue to live up to their motto: Filipino Resilience."



“I am particularly fond of Filipino movies, and I have learned so many aspects of their culture from watching its films. The Third Golden Age of Philippine cinema began in the 2000s, owing to films that weren't hesitant to the reality of its society – social realism. For example, the movie "Pisay" is about kids at a prominent high school going through puberty, and "Tribu," a gritty narrative about the people living in slums of Tondo, is presented through hip-hop and rap. Another, "My Fake American Accent" and "Endo" are must-see films for working-class Filipinos because they reveal unpleasant facts regarding Philippine labor concerns such as job security. Watching these movies gives you an idea that a good movie may be used to represent life's truths and realities. These are some of the most typical issues that individuals who live in cities face, yet they continue to live up to their motto: Filipino Resilience.”


4. Write About A Topic (Describe) 写一个主题(描述)


· 你在考试中会遇到一次这样的问题

· 你有5分钟的时间来写出你的答案

· 你必须至少写50个字(但越多越好)。

· 它对你的写作和识字分值有贡献





i) 组织你的答案

· 主题句:它为读者提供了理解内容所需的背景信息,如谁参与其中,在哪里发生,以及何时发生。

· 支持性观点:对过去发生的一系列事件的描述。

· 总结句子:这是对事件或结果的个人评论。

ii) 写作描述的技巧和窍门


· 名词和名词短语取代人称代词。少用人称代词。

· 在大多数报告中使用现在时。

· 为了提供一致性,采用连接动词,如as is, are, has, have, and belong to。

· 使用一些动作动词(爬、吃)。

· 颜色、形状、大小、身体部位、习惯、行为、功能和目的是描述性语言的例子,是真实而非创造性的。

iii) 样品问题:(描述)



i) 主题句


“Around the world, life expectancy is increasing, which has both positive and negative effects.”


ii) 支持性观点


“An aging population has several advantages, such as allowing more children to know their grandparents and great-grandparents. Elderly people in good health can pass on their wealth of knowledge to new generations and continue to contribute to society. However, one of the most serious consequences is the financial strain it places on taxpayers. As more people live together and retire for longer periods, there is a lack of cash available for basics such as pensions and healthcare. As a result, future generations will be forced to foot the cost through increased taxes. Yet, there are societal advantages to this occurrence. One advantage is that grandparents may spend more time with their grandchildren, which can help foster a stronger sense of community and promote family values.”


iii) 结论


“To summarize, life expectancy will continue to rise, and we must embrace the good and bad consequences this will have on society.”



“Around the world, life expectancy is increasing, which has both positive and negative effects. An aging population has several advantages, such as allowing more children to know their grandparents and great-grandparents. Elderly people in good health can pass on their wealth of knowledge to new generations and continue to contribute to society. However, one of the most serious consequences is the financial strain it places on taxpayers. As more people live together and retire for longer periods, there is a lack of cash available for basics such as pensions and healthcare. As a result, future generations will be forced to foot the cost through increased taxes. Yet, there are societal advantages to this occurrence. One advantage is that grandparents may spend more time with their grandchildren, which can help foster a stronger sense of community and promote family values. To summarize, life expectancy will continue to rise, and we must embrace the good and bad consequences this will have on society.”


