

A Letter of Saying Farewell to Our Dearest Teacher

Directions: For this part, you’re allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter to Our Dearest Teacher. The main body of your letter should be no less than 120 words, and it should be based on the following information:



A Letter of Saying Farewell to Our Dearest Teacher

June 28, 2005

Dear Prof. LI,

Just as the longest road has its final end, now the two years of our English study is drawing to its end, and it is the right time when we have to say farewell to each other.

As the monitor, I’m on behalf of① the 26 students in Class 4, Grade 2003, School of Life Science② to express our inner-most thanks to you--our sincerest, learned teacher.

Honestly speaking, compared with other instructors, it is the longest time that we stayed together with you for the past two years of our college life. Two years ago, we left our parents for the first time, came into the Ivory Tower, full of curiosity, and expectation, but also mystery and loneliness. It is you, our dearest friend, that has shown us the proper direction, taught us how to cope with③ any unexpected situations, and shared your social experiences and optimistic④ attitudes towards life with us. The most important you have given us is not only knowledge, but also the cultivation of our interest in English and other subjects, and how to be an honest, gentle man. Just as you have always told us to learn a lot and enrich our knowledge, you yourself are really a learned scholar with a very wide range of knowledge. Whenever we remind of this, we feel happy and thankful.

Since smoking is very harmful to your health, we send you this special present—a gun-like lighter, which can be used for smoking, with our sincere hope that you can get rid of smoking, or at least, smoke less.

We all love you, and adore⑤ you very deeply. You’ll be alive in our heart forever.

Best wishes to you, your lovely son and your beautiful girlfriend!

Yours sincerely,

ZHANG Huiyong

Monitor of Class


①on behalf of:代表

②School of Life Science:指(华中师范大学)生命科学学院

③cope with:对付















