
So, the word "help" is really important to every language, really. We're always asking for help for something in our lives.,下面我们就来说一说关于如何进行学习的英语表达?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



So, the word "help" is really important to every language, really. We're always asking for help for something in our lives.


So, it's quite important to understand the different ways we can ask for help in English. There are many different phrases, expressions, words that we can use just to simply ask for some assistance, some help.


So, today that is what we will be looking at as well as how to actually use your intonation and pronunciation to actually sound like you need help and not to sound like a robot. Let's do it.


Hi, everybody. It's Elliott from ETJ English and welcome to another British English lesson. But really today is a lesson about all English.

大家好,我是来自 ETJ English 频道的埃利奥特,欢迎来到另一节英式英语课程。但今天的课是关于所有的英语的。

People from all different countries will use these phrases to ask for help. Firstly, let's take a look at the word "help".

来自不同国家的人都会用这些短语来寻求帮助。首先,让我们看看 help 这个词。

I think it's important that we know how to pronounce it. The first thing we need to look at is the letter H, so the /h/ sound at the beginning.

我认为我们知道它如何发音很重要。首先我们要看看字母 H,开头的/h/音。

It depends what country you're from, but many native languages have a problem with putting too much tightness in the throat and it can become more a /hʌ/ sound. So, it's very important not to over-exaggerate this sound. It's a very soft, very relaxed sound in English.


So, just softly release the sound, /h/, "help", okay? So, that's the first thing.


The second sound is an /e/ sound, like in my name "Elliott". The tongue is in the middle of the mouth.

第二个音是一个/e/音,就像我的名字 Elliott 里面的那个音。舌头放在嘴巴中间。

We're slightly smiling and that's because the tongue is at the front of the mouth. Okay? When the tongue comes to the front of the mouth the lips will spread slightly.


Look at my face, my tongue is in the middle area of my mouth at the front, /e/, /e/, /he/, /he/. Now, this is where it starts to get difficult.


We have the dark L. So, in English, we have the light L, /l/, in words like "light", and we have the dark L in words like "help".

这是一个浊音 L。在英语中,我们有清音 L,/l/,例如单词 light,我们还有浊音 L,例如单词 help。

So, with the light L, the tongue is pushing up against the top of the mouth and then it flicks down to create a /l/, /l/, right? But the dark L, we're not doing that movement, we're just keeping the tongue at the top of the mouth and the sound is more like an /l/, /l/, /hel/, /hel/.

发清音 L 的时候,舌头向上顶着上颚,然后向下弹,形成一个/l/音,/l/。但是发浊音 L 时,舌头就不是这样运动了,我们只是把舌头放在上颚,听起来就像/l/,/l/,/hel/,/hel/。

And then, we finish with a nice /p/, /p/, /p/ sound. So, push your lips together and release the sound, /p/, /help/, /help/.


Now, I don't usually recommend just shouting this word at someone because it can sound rude unless you are in an emergency in public. So, let's say you're in public, there are people around but they don't know about something really dreadful that's just happened.


Maybe somebody just stole your wallet or your purse or your bag. Then, what you're going to do is probably shout the word "help".


Now, you don't just want to say "help", "help", because what happens there is it sounds very flat. There's no tone and people will not hear the sense of emergency.


To create a sense of emergency, we need to use an emotional tone. We would call this a rise and fall tone or an up-down tone.


So, instead of being "help", it would be "help", "help", up, down. This tone is really important to English.


It creates effect; it creates emotion. It's a very very powerful tone and it's one which most students who join my course do not use.


So, again, that would be in an emergency if you needed to shout for help, "help!" Okay? Up, down.


Obviously, don't go around practising this on a train or in a public place because people will think that you're being killed or attacked in the streets. Make sure you practice this in the comfort of your own home.


But now, we know how to shout for help, now it's important to maybe ask for help in different ways, maybe in the workplace or from a friend in a particular situation. So, here are a few useful phrases for you which should be able to help in different situations.


Firstly, probably one I use the most. Um. This is more in a work situation.


Let's say there is someone who I need some time from. So, maybe I'm working on something but I need someone to dedicate a bit of time to me.


I need them to help me for a little bit. Maybe it's a manager, someone higher than me, or someone who has some really good knowledge on something which I'm working on.


I would actually say to them their name. So, let's say their name is John.


I could say, "John, could I borrow you for a sec?" "Could I borrow you for a sec?"


Firstly, SEC. Um. Some of you might be wondering what does SEC mean.

首先,SEC。有些人可能想知道 SEC 是什么意思。

It's a short version of "second". It's very very common for us to say this.

它是 second(秒)的缩写。我们经常这样用。

Even nowadays, in formal situations, it's okay to say SEC. But if you are worried, feel free to say "second".

即使现在,在正式场合中,说 SEC 都是没问题的。但如果你担心,那就用 second 吧。

So, "John, could I borrow you for a second?" "Borrow", that means can I take you and keep you for, you know, for a few seconds or a few minutes.


When we say SEC or "second", we don't mean one second, obviously. As an English speaker, generally that could mean anywhere between, I don't know, 10 seconds all the way up to 20 minutes.

当我们说 SEC 或“秒”时,我们显然不是指一秒。作为一个英语母语者,一般来说,这可能意味着在十秒到二十分钟之间。

So, don't take that too seriously. So, "Could I borrow you for a sec?"


Notice how I'm pronouncing "for a". I'm not saying "can I borrow you/could I borrow you for/fɔː/ a/ə/ sec?", I'm saying "for-a/fərə/ sec".

注意我说 for a 的方式。我不是在说 can I borrow you/could I borrow you for/fɔː/ a/ə/ sec?,我说 for-a/fərə/ sec。

I'm pronouncing "for/fɔː/" as "for/fə/" and then using the /r/ to help me connect to the vowel "for-a/fərə/ sec". If you're a bit confused about connected speech, don't have a very good understanding of it, I have many videos here which help with that you can find them on my channel.

我把 for/fɔː/ 发成 for/fə/,然后用/r/音连接了元音,for-a/fərə/ sec。如果你对连读有点困惑,不能很好地理解它,我这里有很多视频可以帮助你,你可以在我的频道上找到它们。

So, number one is "could I borrow you for a sec". Remember to use their name at the beginning.


It does create more of a connection. Another one I use all of the time is "Would you give me a hand?"


"John, can you give me a hand?" or "could you give me a hand?" "Can", "could", you can use either: could you give me a hand or can you give me a hand.

“约翰,你能(can/could)帮我一下吗?”Can,could,二者皆可:could you give me a hand/can you give me a hand。

Notice how I'm going, "hand". This is making it into a question: Can you give me a hand?


I'm raising the tone at the end, "hand", to make it sound like I'm asking a yes/no question. I need an answer, you know, "Could you come over here and help me?"


Alternatively, if you notice someone might need some help, you could say to them "Do you need a hand?" "Do you need a hand?" Okay. So, same thing again but now we're asking them if they need help.


"A hand" just means help, like the old phrase "a helping hand". A more kind of indirect way of asking someone for help is. . . let me give you an example, actually and we'll start with an example.

A hand 意思是帮助,就像那句旧时的短 a helping hand。一种更间接的求助方式是......让我给你举个例子,我们从一个例子开始。

Let's say I am not very good at thinking of words, you know, when I'm writing an essay, maybe a really important essay and I want to use some more intelligent words in my essay. Perhaps I'm using the word "good" and "nice" too much.

假设我不太擅长思考单词,你知道,当我在写一篇文章时,可能是一篇非常重要的文章,我想在我的文章中使用一些更高级的词汇。也许我用 good 和 nice 这个词太频繁了。

Now, I could say to my friends, again, John, I could say, "John, you're good with words, aren't you?" "You're good with words, aren't you?"


By saying this, I'm kind of showing John that I need some help. I'm kind of telling John that I know he's good at this, so I need his help.


So, I would say "John, you're good with words, aren't you?" and then, he might say, "Yeah, what do you need?" or "Yeah, do you need some help?", right? So, that's a great way of opening a question.


You could even say, "John, you're good with words, aren't you? Could you give me a hand?" Okay? So now, we've turned it into a really big question and it also sounds very polite.


This is very advanced. Of course, a very very formal way of asking for help is very simple.


You could just say, "I was wondering if you could help me with this." "I was wondering if you could help me with this."


So, this turns it into quite a formal. You know, saying that you were wondering meaning they don't have to but you were kind of thinking about maybe they could help you with this.


And what this does is it makes it sound friendly; it makes you sound approachable, and it's also quite formal, you're being polite. So, "John, I was wondering if you could help me with this."


If you need someone's opinion, you could say, "Can I get your opinion?" or "input", "Can I get your input on this?" Okay? So, these are all kind of ways of asking for help with maybe a project you're doing, something you're doing you need help with.

如果你需要别人的意见,你可以说,“我能得到你的意见吗?”或者 input,“我能得到你的意见吗?”好的,这些都是你向他人寻求帮助的方式,也许帮助你正在做的项目,或者是你正在做的事情。

And really, those are the main ways that I've noticed other people and also myself asking for help in various situations. I would say the most common are "give me a hand", that's really really common in the UK especially, and also "can I borrow you" if you need someone for quite maybe a long amount of time and you want them to do something for you.

事实上,这些都是我注意到别人和我自己在各种情况下寻求帮助的主要方式。最常见的是 give me a hand,这句话在英国特别常见,还有 can I borrow you,如果你需要某人很长一段时间,你想让他为你做点事的话。

So, those would be my two kind of "go to" ones, but you're welcome to experiment with many different ways and it's okay just to say "Can you help me?" Honestly, it's absolutely fine to say that.

所以,这就是我的两种选择,但欢迎你尝试许多不同的方法,你可以说 Can you help me?老实说,这样说完全没问题。

But I'm just here to give you more options and more ways of perhaps being more playful and having fun with your English because we don't want to be bored when we're speaking English and using the same expressions all of the time can often make things quite boring. So, play around, have fun.


Now, if you're looking to learn more about how to pronounce these words, pronounce these expressions, it's my job, I'm a professional pronunciation teacher. You're welcome to join my pronunciation course.


All of the details are in the link in the description below: etjenglish. com. And you can learn both with my course and with me through WhatsApp and WeChat voice messaging whichever you prefer.

详情就在下方描述框的链接中:etjenglish.com。你可以通过我的课程学习,也可以通过 WhatsApp 和微信语音信息和我学习。

And also, if you enjoyed this lesson, you found it helpful, don't forget to give me a thumbs up. Hit subscribe if you haven't already so you can see my future videos and I will see you next time.


Cheers, guys. Bye.



