


constitute 英 /ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt/ 美 /ˈkɑːnstɪtuːt/ v. 组成,构成;是,被视为;成立,设立;任命

【考法1】vt.指派,任命: to appoint to an office, function, or dignity

【例】He was constituted manager 他被任命为经理

【近】n.ominate, designate, authorize

【反】discharge, dismiss 撤除职务;abdicate, resign 退位,辞职

【考法2】v.构成: make up, form, compose

【例】Water constitutes the greater part of the human body 人体中包含着大量的水分

【近】compose, comprise, form

【派】constitution n构成;宪法;体格

buttress 英 /ˈbʌtrəs/ 美 /ˈbʌtrəs/ n. 扶壁;山边扶壁状凸出部分;支持力量 v. 支持;用扶壁支撑(建筑物等)

【考法1】n.扶墙: a projecting structure for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building

【近】anchor, mainstay, pillar, reliance, standby

【考法2】vt.提供支撑的证据或者信息: to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea)

【例】a mass of circumstantial evidence buttresses the prosecutor's case 大量支持起诉人案件的证据

【近】bolster, corroborate, reinforce, substantiate, shore up

【反】contravene, challenge 反对,质疑

crouch 英 /kraʊtʃ/ 美 /kraʊtʃ/ v. 蹲下,蹲伏;俯身接近;(动物)蜷伏 n. 蹲(伏)的姿势

【考法1】v.蹲伏: to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs

【例】crouched behind a rock and watched vigilantly蹲伏石头后紧惕地观察

【近】huddle, squat

【反】arise, stand 站立

fidelity 英 /fɪˈdeləti/ 美 /fɪˈdeləti/ n. (对配偶或伴侣的)忠贞;(对人、组织或信仰的)忠诚;精确性;(CD播放器、收音机、电视机等设备的)保真度

【考法1】n.忠诚: the quality or state of being faithful

【例】They have never wavered in their fidelity to the cause of liberation他们从不动摇对于解放事业的忠诚

【近】adherence, allegiance, commitment, devotion, faith, loyalty, piety

【反】disloyalty, infidelity, perfidy 不忠;treachery 背叛

【派】infidel n异教徒

augur 英 /ˈɔːɡə(r)/ 美 /ˈɔːɡər/ v. 预言;是……的预兆;占卜 n. 预言者;占兆官;占卜师

【考法1】n.预言家: one who predicts future events or developments

【例】The ancient Roman augurs predicted the future by reading the flight of birds古罗马的预言家们通过鸟类的航线来预测未来

【近】forecaster, foreseer, diviner, foreteller, prophesier, visionary

【考法2】v.出现好兆头: to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome

【例】This augurs well for us这是一个好兆头

【近】forebode, promise

【考法3】vt.预言: to tell of or describe beforehand

【例】The fortune-teller augured nothing but a series of calamities for me占卜人预言在我身上将会有一系列大灾难发生

【近】forecast, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy


