


1. in red V.S in the red: 穿红色衣服V.S 赤字,亏损

eg. Young girls always like to dress in red. 小女孩都喜欢穿红色的衣服。

The company is in the red all the time. 公司一直在亏损之中。

2. in black V.S in the black: 穿黑色的衣服V.S 盈余

eg. He looks extremely handsome in black. 小女孩都喜欢穿红色的衣服。

I wish my accounts were in the black. 真希望我的账户里有钱啊。

3. by day V.S by the day: (在)白天V.S 按日(计算)

eg. I sleep by day and play by night during the holiday. 假期里,我白天睡觉,晚上玩耍。

she is paid by the day. 她的薪水按日发放。

4. in charge of V.S in the charge of: 负责某人/事V.S 由某人负责

eg. I am in charge of daily affairs in my class. 我是班上的生活委员。(我负责班级日常事务。)

The company is in the charge of a wise man. 公司由一位智者掌管。


5. in case of V.S in the case of: 以防万一V.S 就……而言

eg. Don’t use your mobile phone in case of thunder. 万一打雷千万不要用手机打电话。

In the case of his health, it is already fortunate to have recovered from his illness like this. 就他的健康状况而言,能恢复成这样已经很幸运了。

6. at play V.S at the play: 在玩耍/赌博 V.S 在看戏

eg. He is a lover boy at play. 他是个花花公子。

My grandparents are at the play. 我的祖父母这会儿在看戏。

7. in view of V.S in the view of: 鉴于,考虑到…… V.S 在……看来

eg. Schools were closed that day in view of the typhoon.因为台风的关系,学校那天停课。

In the view of an adult, nothing is more important than their family. 在成年人眼中,没有什么比家庭更重要。

8. in flesh V.S in the flesh: 肥胖的 V.S 活生生地,本人,真人,亲自

eg. She is in flesh recently. 她最近胖了。

I have never seen Brad Pitt in the flesh. 我从未见过大帅哥布拉德﹒彼特本人。

9. out of question V.S out of the question: 肯定,没问题 V.S不可能,办不到

eg. Your success is out of question. 你一定会成功的。

Marriage is out of the question in the absence of love. 没有爱情,婚姻免谈。


10. in place of V.S in the place of: 代替V.S在……的位置上,在……地方

eg. I am not a good drinker. I drink water in place of beer. 我酒量不佳,以水代酒。

New houses have been set up in the place of the old ones. 在旧房子的那片地上又建起了新房。

11. in sight of V.S in the sight of: 看见…… V.S 从……观点来看

eg. In sight of a boat, they cired out excitingly. 看到小船,他们兴奋地大叫起来。

We all equal in the sight of God. 在上帝眼中,人人平等。

12. in trade V.S in the trade: 做生意,经商 V.S 精通,在行

eg. He is engaged in trade. 他在经商。

He plays the piano in the trade. 他擅长弹钢琴。

13. in front of V.S in the front of: 在(事物整体,外部)的前面 V.S 在(空间内部)的前部

eg. She will be delivering a speech in front of the whole department. 她要在全系同学面前做演讲。

We all like to sit in the front of the classroom in Frech class. 法语课上,我们都喜欢往教室前排坐。


好了,以上所举之例,都说明定冠词the的重要性,英语学习者可千万不能小看它,如果怕记混淆,不妨多看点例句,有趣的例子可以帮助加强记忆。类似的因为the的有无意思大相径庭的短语还有不少,这里不胜枚举。当然,并非所有的短语都因为the 的有无意思全变了,有的差别也不大。至于差别大或小,这就需要学习者实事求是,发挥探索精神,勤快地查阅和讨教,然后准确地记忆。切记,学习外语不可妄加猜测,要本着尊重外来语言与文化的态度,勤于查阅,化?为!。


