















On the past

When was the first time you knew and played league of legends?

Looper:long time ago, I had friends who played other game together. Since S2, so it was 2012, they started playing lol and I followed them.

We all knew University of Seoul is a very good university, why would you decide to leave the school and become a professional player?

Looper:at that time, I just enjoyed playing lol. I didnt go school and played game whole day. I didnt even think of being a pro. but as I reached high rank, I got offer from a few team and became pro.

As far as I know, your father was really against your gaming career at first, how do you convince him?When you won the champion ship at 2014, your father was watching you in the audience, and feeling regret about scolding you, have you had any talks with him about this?

Looper:before leaving home to go team, i told mother to tell father. we had talks about that. i think its right natural for every father to want his son to be good, so i didnt complain it at all

How did it feel to join a pro team for the first time?

Looper:I was just happy that i achieved my dream that playing game whole day

You have experienced living in South Korea, China and the USA, can you compare LCK, LPL and NALCS for us.

Looper:I think korea play hardest, china next and nalcs. In U.S.A, during the day, most players usually invest time exercising. food was korea>u.s.a> china. house was u.s.a>korea>china

Is living abroad different from your imagination? Any difficulties?

Looper:of course, i had some trouble. especially when i first went china, food was big lauguage was. and some cultures. but i got better as stayed long in china. when i went to u.s.a, it was not bad. they usually eat chicken, pizza, hamburger which i like. and i was able to speak english. the problem is u.s was that only i was korean. so i felt lonely

How do you think your pro gaming career changed you?

Looper:many things. it gave me some fame, some money, good friends, good memory,opportunity to experience foreign country etc..

And some fans!


I send you a video before, you were the best top of LPL in 2016, because of the language barrier, you didn't give a proper thank speech, but it was very obvious you were really happy, do you have something you want to add to that speech now?

Looper:it was thanks to teammates and fans.

Until now, what's your regrets?

Looper:its mostly because of my character, i didnt express thank you enough to fans

Which match is the most impressive one to you?

Looper:probably world final and first game

Was there any time when you were feeling really down?

Looper:when i lost game in stage, i always felt bad.

I heard you cried after 2016 world competiton, there are some regrets, right?

Looper:i didnt cry..

As a pro gamer, any proud moments?

Looper:world winner, which is possible for only a few

Any days you really missed?

Looper:not specially

About Now

There has been no news from you this season. Why did you announce your retirement suddenly? Is it because fans asked you or you’ve thought for a long time? Was it hard to make this decision?

Looper:i made a decision a few months ago. i wanted to disappear silently, it was irresponsible to fans. one day, some fan got to know accidentally and now everyone knows.

After you announce your retirement, many LPL staffs and fans gave you their blessings, how do you feel about it?


Do you still stay in touch with your old teammates? Anything want to say to them?

Looper:fewer than before. keep playing hard, make a good result.

• RNG is on MSI again, what do you think of current RNG? Comparing to the old RNG 2 years ago, what's the difference? Do you still watch their games?

Looper:no.. so i dont have information

Do you have any contact with them (RNG)?

Looper:no. if they come to korea for world, i want to go watch them

Look upon the future

Will you still come to China?


What's your plan for the future, like what do you want to do after graduation, when do you plan to have a love relationship?

Looper:i dont have any plan now.

• do you have girlfriend now?


Is it hard to go from a pro gamer to a student?

Looper:so far, its fine.

Have you met any fans in campus? Anyone call you Looper? How do you feel if someone call you Looper in school instead of your name?

Looper:few people recognize me. maybe cuz i played in korea long time ago.

they call you "looper" or "장형석"?


There are some easy questions...

• Do you have a lesson that feels very difficult?

Looper:not yet.

What do you do besides study? Do you still play games? What games usually?


What's your favorite three league of legends roles?

Looper:mid jg top.

and three champions?

Looper:leblanc quinn singed.

Why did you always stream without any cam or mic before?

Looper:I dont like streaming.

Have you noticed that you like to wiggle your body a little when playing games? Why is that?

Looper:i dont recognize it.

Is facebook the only social media that you are on? if fans want to know about your current situation, what can they do?

Looper:use fb.

Many fans love SSW and SSB, do you still stay in touch with them? like your friends dade and dandy, we have no news about them for a long time.

Looper:I talk them sometimes.

Any Chinese words or sentences you still remembered?

Looper:I remember some bagic words. I like the sentence "xg zuo mei a".

Do you know the meaning of it?

Looper:same as "mlxg zuo shenme".

Is it Cantonese?

Looper:idk he taught me.

Is there something from China that you still miss?

Looper:not specially.

How's your health? Any injuries caused by pro gaming?

Looper:i've had proper stretch during the game. so i am fine.

• Do you think you have more boy fans or girl fans?

Looper:maybe girl fans.

• What's the favorite gift you ever received?

Looper:snacks because i receiced it when i was starving.

What's the most touching thing fans have done for you?

Looper:everytime they cheer me.

At last, a few words to your Chinese fans?

Looper:thank you remembering and cheering me.i will not forget the fans,games, memeories in china.

之前跟per沟通过几次,提前说了我们的提问有很多,他都回答it‘s ok,感谢~





