




[In the early 20th century], few things were[more]appealing1[than the promise] (of scientific knowledge). [In a world struggling with rapid industrialization], science and technologyseemed to offersolutions [to almost every problem]. (Newly created) state colleges and universitiesdevotedthemselves[almost] [entirely]to(scientific, technological, and engineering 2) fields. Many Americans came to believethatscientific certaintycouldnot onlysolve scientific problems, but also reformpolitics,government, and business. Two world wars and a Great Depressionrocked the confidence (of many people) (that scientific expertise [alone]could create (a prosperous 3 and ordered)world.) [After World War II], the academic worldturned withnew enthusiasm4 [to humanistic studies], (whichseemed[to many scholars]the best way(to ensure the survival 5 of democracy 6).) American scholarsfanned out7 [across much of the world] – ^with support from the Ford Foundation, the Fulbright program 8, etc.^ – [to promote the teaching of literature 9 and the arts] [in an effort to make the case for democratic freedoms].在二十世纪初,没有任何事物比自然科学知识的前景更具吸引力。在一个努力加快工业化的世界,科学技术似乎为所有问题提供了解决方法。一些新成立的州立学院和大学几乎完全投身到科学、技术和工程领域。许多美国人逐渐相信科学的确定性不仅能解决其自身的问题,同时也能改革政治、政府和商业。两次世界大战和大萧条动摇了许多人对单靠科学知识就能创造出繁荣有序世界的信心。二战后,学术界带着热情转向了对人文学科的研究,这对于学者们而言是确保民主政治继续存在的最好办法。在福特基金和富布莱特项目等的资助下,美国学者们前往世界许多国家宣传文学和人文学科的教育,努力证明这种教育有利于民主自由。

注:1. appeal vi. (to)呼吁,要求;(to)申诉,上诉;(to)对...有吸引力。例:

He appealed to the people in the conflict for calm.他呼吁冲突中的人们保持冷静。

Does James bond’s film appeal to you?你喜欢007系列的电影吗?

The victim appealed to the high court.受害者向高等法院上诉。


Cats are never fail to fascinate human beings.喵咪总能吸引人类的兴趣。

[选自:新概念英语第三册][This sentence was just running out of my mind when I edited this passage, as I have recited the passages of New Concept English 3 for so many times. 这个句子在我修订这篇文章时从我脑袋中冒了出来,就因为我把《新概念英语3》的课文背了太多遍了。]


I think you for all for supporting our appeal to raise funds for the sick children.感谢各位支持为我们为生病儿童筹资的请求。

This job hasn’t much appeal to me.这份工作对我没有太大的吸引力。

The case is on appeal.该案正在上诉中。

2. engineering n. 工程学

electronics engineering电子工程学,学生们常说自己是读EE的。


3. prosperous adj. 繁荣的,兴旺的。例:

a prosperous city 兴旺发达的城市

Alice conducted a book story which enjoyed a prosperous trade.爱丽丝经营一家书店,并且生意兴隆。

The key is to bridge where we are now to that more prosperous future.关键就在我们需要搭建一座沟通繁荣昌盛的未来与现如今的桥梁。

[选自:WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Press After Cabinet Meeting]

4. enthusiasm n.热情,热心。例:

Young people will lose their enthusiasm if they were confined everywhere.如果处处受到限制,年轻人就会失去热情。


5. survival n. 幸存,生存;幸存者,残存物。例:

The man’s survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.这个人能活下来真是个意外,因为医生都认定了他会死。

This ceremony is a survival from pre-christian times.这是一个从公元前就沿袭下来的礼仪活动。

6. democracy n. 民主制,民主,民主国家。五四时期的“德先生”,而科学science则是“赛先生”。例:

The effort for developing democracy and a legal system will be strengthened.我们要加大发展民主和法治的力度。

【参】democratic adj. 民主的。例:

In a democratic atmosphere, free expression of different opinions is encouraged.民主氛围鼓励人们自由表达不同的观点。

7. fanned out v. 成扇形散开。例:

he fanned out 他三振出局

teams fanned out 队展开行动

He fanned out the cards in his hand.他把手中的纸牌呈扇形展开。

Win or lose, many activists say they will fan out throughout the city this summer.输也好,赢也罢,很多示威者表示他们会在这个夏天涌向整个城市。

[选自:CNN: latimes: Convention protests loom as defining test for Los Angeles police]

8. Fulbright先生在1946年所创立的项目,对有竞争力和天赋的师生学者们提供一个国际交换学习的机会。[Fulbright Program is a program of highly competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946.]

9. literature n. 文学,文学作品,文献。例:

The writer won the Nobel Price in literature.这位作家获得了诺贝尔奖。

[In the America] (of our own time), the great educational challenge 1 has becomean effort [to strengthen 2 the teaching of what is now known as the STEM disciplines 3] (science, technology, engineering, and math)原. Thereis(considerable 4 and justified) concern {that the United Statesis falling behindmuch of the rest(of 5 the developed world) [in these essential disciplines].} India, China, Japan, and other regions 6 seemto be seizingtechnological leadership.在我们这个时代的美国,教育方面的最大挑战是努力加强STEM学科(自然、科技、工程和数学)的教学。我们有足够的理由来担心这些基础学科方面美国正在落后于其他发达国家。在印度、中国、日本和其他地区似乎正在占据技术领先的地位。

注:1. challenge n. 挑战;艰巨任务。文中此意。例:

I’m ready to meet any challenge.我准备好去迎接任何挑战。

vt. 向...挑战。例:

Tom challenge me to play tennis game.汤姆向我挑战要我跟他再打一场篮球。


2. strengthen v. 加强,巩固。例:

The conference will strengthen linkages between the two countries.这次会议将会加强两国之间的联系。

An accelerated move to strengthen the legal system is one of the most urgent.加快提升法律系统的步伐是当务之急。

[选自:ECONOMIST: China's banks]

3. discipline n. 纪律,规定;学科;训练。例:

Without discipline ,there is no method.没有规矩不能成方圆。

We will set up a new academic in our school.我们将在学校里设立一门新的理念学科。

The mountaineer has been under perfect discipline.那位登山运动员受过良好的训练。

【派】disciplined (adj. 受过训练的;遵守纪律的)

4. considerable adj. 相当大(或多)的,可观的;值得考虑的,重要的。例:

Jack looks at the photos with considerable interest.杰克饶有趣味地看着这些照片。

He used to be a considerable man in local affairs.他曾是地方事务上相当重要的人物。

And this labour also represents a considerable cost for the company, added Mr Varennes.Varennes补充道:那么这个劳动力也意味着公司较大的成本。

[选自:BBC: Machine uses artificial vision to detect rotten oranges]

【派】considerably (adv.相当地,可观地)

5. the rest of 【重点词组】其余的;剩下的。例:

We can guess the rest of the story.我们能够猜到故事的其余部分。

6. region n. 地区,区域,范围。例:

The special local farm product in this region is corn.该地区的农业特产是玉米。

【派】regional (adj. 地区的,地方的);regionally (adv. 地区性地)

China sent in thousands of troops to enforce its claim on the region in 1950.1950年,中国政府曾派出数以千计的军队巩固对西藏的主权。

[选自:BBC: Regions and territories: Tibet]

[At the same time], ^perhaps inevitably 1^, the humanities – ^while still popular in elite 2 colleges and universities^ – have experienced(a significant 3)decline. Humanistic disciplinesare[seriously]underfunded4, [not just by the government and the foundations 5but by academic institutions themselves]. Humanistsare[usually] [among the lowest-paid faculty 6 members] [at most 20 institutions] andare[often] [lightly]regarded [because theydo not generategrant7 income] and [because theyprovideno obvious credentials [for most nonacademic careers].]与此同时,人文学科——尽管在一些名牌大学里仍然很受欢迎——已经走向了衰退,这或许是不可避免的。人文学科经费严重不足,造成这种原因的不仅是政府和基金,学术机构本身也有责任。在大部分机构里,人文学科研究者通常都是收入最低的,而且往往不受重视,因为他们不产生拨款收入,也因为他们提供不了自己能胜任非学术性的职业资质。

注:1. inevitably adv. 不可避免地,自然而然地。例:

Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment.技术变革必然会导致失业。

Inflation rates would probably increase and they would inevitably drive up the price of gold.通货膨胀率可能会上升,这不可避免地抬高金价。

[选自:FORBES: Wealth Blossoms Not By Beating The Market But Joining It]

2. elite n. [总称]上层人士,掌权人物,实力集团;精英。例:

The scientific elite 科学界的杰出人士


3. significant adj. 有意义的;重大的,重要的。例:

We believe that they are significant to our history.我们相信它们对我的的历史相当重要。

But more significant solar storms are expected in the next few years, he said.他说道:但影响更大的太阳风暴可以预计将在接下来的数年中爆发。

[选自:MSN: Effects of solar flares arriving on Earth]


4. underfunded adj. 资金不足的。例:

His pension funds are severely underfunded.他的养老资金少得可怜。

Unfortunately, during the last decade, our nuclear complex and experts were neglected and underfunded.不幸的是,在过去的十年中,我们的核设施和专家们被忽视了,资金也不到位。

[选自:WHITEHOUSE: VP Biden: The Path to Nuclear Security]

5. foundation n. 基础,根本;建立,创立;[pl.] 地基;基金,基金会。例:

on the foundation of 在...的基础上

Gratitude and esteem are good foundation of affection.感激和尊重都是爱情的良好基础。

The story of the foundation and rise of Temple University is surprising.坦普尔大学创立和崛起的故事鼓舞人心。

Their role was to find the foundations of the historic.他们的任务就是找到这些古建筑的地基。

Tom’s ambition is to set up a charity foundation.汤姆的理想就是创建一个慈善机构。

6. faculty n. 学院、学系,灵巧,熟练;[pl.] 设备,设施,便利条件。例:

He spoke on behalf of all the members of the faculty and staff.他代表全体教职员工讲了话。

communication faculties通讯设备

The school has excellent sports faculties.这所学校有非常好的体育设备。

7. grant n. 拨款。例:

Barwale won a grant to travel to America and observe the operations of seed companies there.Barwale获得了去美国旅行并观察那边育种公司的经营的拨款。



grant a request答应请求

As my wife, I think you should grant me this favor.作为我的妻子,我认为你应该给予我这份关爱。

take...for granted想当然,认为...理所当然

[Undoubtedly 1] American education should train[more] scientists and engineers.Much of the concern [among politicians] (about the state of American universities) [today] is focused on2the absence3 of “real world” education– (whichmeanspreparation [for professional and scientific careers].) But the idea {that institutions or their studentsmust decide[between humanities and science]}is false.Our societycould not survive[without scientific and technological knowledge]. But wewould be[equally]impoverished4 [without humanistic knowledge] [as well]. Science and technologyteachuswhat wecan do. Humanistic thinkinghelpsus

注:1. undoubtedly adv. 毋庸置疑地,明显地,显然。例:

Tom is undoubtedly a great player.毫无疑问,汤姆使命很棒的球员。

Such changes would undoubtedly result in even larger effects for our nation's most needy children.如此这般的改变无疑会给我们国家最贫穷的孩子们带来更为深远的影响。



[选自:CNN: Cutting Head Start is bad fiscal policy]

2. be focused on集中于,专心于。例:

Goals should be focused on what is achievable.目标应着眼于能实现的事。

【参】be diverted from 偏离

3. absence n. 缺席,不在场;缺乏,没有。例:

How many absences does jack have this mouth.这个月杰克缺席了多少次?

absence of mind 心不在焉

The absence of such vitamin makes poor health.缺乏这种维生素会使人生病。

in the absence of由于缺乏

4. impoverished adj. 穷困的;用尽了的,无创造性的。例:

Money and food were sent to the impoverished drought victims.(好心人)给贫困的灾民送去了救济金和粮食。


There he meets an equally nameless young woman who is also an impoverished musician.在那儿,他遇到了一位同样毫无名气的女音乐家,她年轻而贫穷。

[选自:NPR: 'Once' With Feeling: Small Musical Has a Big Heart]

5. 语法讲解,双宾语与宾语补足语。最后两句,一个是teach sb. sth.一个是help sb. do sth.前者是双宾语,后者是宾语 宾补。teach sb. sth.里的sth.也是宾语,所以teach 的对象既是sb.也是sth.,所以可以改为teach sth. to sb. 而help sb. do sth.里的宾语只是sb., 而do sth.讲的是宾语所做的动作,逻辑上与宾语构成主谓关系,因此是宾语补足语。六级阅读原文真是太棒了,通过学习文章可以牢牢掌握这两个知识点。

It is[almost]impossibleto imagine our society without thinking of the extraordinary 1 achievements of scientists and engineers in building our complicated world. Buttry to imagineour world[as well] [without the remarkable 2 works] (thathave defined3 our culture and values.) Wehave[always]needed, and we [still]need,both.如果忽视了科学家和工程师们创建这个复杂世界所取得的卓越成就,这个社会是无法想象的。但是,也试想一下,如果没有伟大的作品来阐释我们的文化和价值观,我们的世界会怎样。我们一直需要自然科学和人文学科,也仍会需要这两者,缺一不可。

注:1. extraordinary adj. 非常的,格外的。例:

Marry is an extraordinary beauty.玛丽是个绝色美人。

2. remarkable adj. 值得注意的;显著的,异常的,非凡的。例:

remarkable achievement了不起的成就

John’s stories of working in the circus are remarkable.杰克在马戏团的故事非常不平凡。

Not only is this scaffold a remarkable mechanical structure, it also transmits data as well.该成果不但能支撑起非凡的机械结构,还能传输数据。

[窃以为句末的as well多余了。][选自:BBC: Scientists teach cells to line-up]

【派】remarkably (adv.显著地,非凡地)

3. define vt. 给...下定义;限定,规定。例:

It’s hard to define those abstract items.我们很难给那些抽象的事物下定义。

But make no mistake – these soldiers define the meaning of bravery and heroism.军人们对勇敢和英雄气概的定义却是不犯错。

[选自:WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Bestows Presidential Unit Citation on the Blackhorse]

【参】define (vt.限制)


