


图 via CNN


• 49 confirmed dead in 'terrorist' shootings at two Christchurch mosques• Seven died at Linwood, 41 at mosque near Hagley Park• Four people initially arrested, including one woman• Man, 28 due in court tomorrow charged with murder• One of the gunmen livestreamed shooting at Al Noor Mosque in chilling 17-min video• 新西兰克赖斯特彻奇两座清真寺发生的“恐怖分子”枪击事件已导致49人死亡• 7人死于位于Linwood区的清真寺,41人死于哈格利公园附近的清真寺(注:1人送医抢救无效)• 已逮捕4名嫌疑犯,其中包括1名女性• 一名28岁男子被控谋杀罪,并将于明日出庭• 一名枪手在网上上传其袭击AI Noor清真寺的视频,时长达17分钟

▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)


视频来源:TicToc by Bloomberg


54岁的努尔·哈姆扎(Noor Hamzah)当时正在Al Noor清真寺里,他说听到枪响,他和其他一些人赶紧跑到了门外,躲在停车场的汽车后面。


图 via nzherald

他说他感觉枪声至少持续了15分钟。随后警察冲进了大楼里,他站在入口处,透过窗户,看到了里面“成堆的尸体”(piles of bodies)。


"This is a disaster for New Zealand. A black day," said Hamzah, who had blood on his clothes from trying to help the wounded. "I can't imagine something like this happening at all. It hasn't sunk into my head yet."一直帮助伤者,哈姆扎衣服上也沾上了不少血。他说:“这对新西兰来说是一场灾难,是黑暗的一天。我完全没想到会发生这种事,至今都没法相信这是真的。”"I think I'll go into shock over the next couple of days. I hope I am strong enough.We have to bury a lot of people."“我觉得接下来的几天我还是难以从震惊中恢复过来,我希望我能挺过去。我们得埋葬很多人。”

▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)

枪击发生时,约有400人在克赖斯特彻奇的Al Noor清真寺祈祷。莫汉·易卜拉欣(Mohan Ibrahim)就是其中的一人。

"I didn't get a glimpse of the gunman as I was in the next room, but all of a sudden we heard the shots being fired and people just started running for their lives. I'm still in shock."“当时我在隔壁房间,没看到持枪歹徒,突然我们听到枪声,大家就开始四处逃命。我压根还没反应过来。”"A lot of people have been killed and many are injured. I can see a girl dead in the middle of the road," Ibrahim said through tears.易卜拉欣泪流满面地说:“许多人被打死,许多人受伤。我看到一个女孩死在路中间,”"I am scared for my friends. Some are still inside and we have been calling but can't get hold of them," Ibrahim said.他说:“我很担心我的朋友们。他们有的人还在里面,我们一直在打电话,但找不到他们。”

▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)


警察护送清真寺的人离开。图 via nzherald


19岁的索菲·尼尔斯(Sophie Nears)告诉记者,她的一个朋友也在现场,还给她打了电话,歇斯底里地尖叫着,说自己腿上中了一枪。目前她也不知道这个朋友是否还活着。

"He just hung up and I haven't been able to get back in contact with him. I've never heard him cry before. He was screaming that heaps of people were dead and then the line just cut out."“他的电话就那么断了,我再也联系不上他了。我从来没听过他哭。他尖叫着说许多人遇难了,然后线路就断了。”

▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)

住在Al Noor清真寺附近的一个年轻人说自己听到了多达20-40次的枪声。很快,就有一名枪击受害者上门求助,他的腿被子弹射中,伤口足足有7厘米。

"[The victim said] he didn't see the armed gunman but he heard bullets ringing around, one had just missed his stomach area. He would have had a far more serious injury in that case." he said.年轻人说:“伤者说他没看到枪手,但是听到了子弹嗖嗖飞过的声音,有一颗从他的腹部擦过去。要是打中的话伤势就比现在严重多了。”"I thought he was making it up ... I didn't realise something of this magnitude could happen in New Zealand. I was just in an utter panic."“一开始我还以为他在胡编乱造... 我根本没想到新西兰会发生这么大的事。那会儿我完全慌了手脚。”

▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)


警察安抚清真寺外的幸存者。图 via nzherald




"I just ran as fast as I could, over the fence to Hagley Park, I didn't stop," he said. "The gun shots sounded like pop, pop, pop... I heard over 50."他说:“我只能拼尽全力地跑,一直穿过篱笆跑到哈格利公园,一下也没停。枪声听起来砰,砰,砰... 我听到至少有50下。”"My uncle got shot in his backside, I am just praying it is not too serious."“我叔叔背部中枪了,祈祷他伤得不是太严重。”"This week is the first time I went to the mosque...I am still shaking, and I am traumatised," Idris said.伊德里斯说:“这周是我第一次去清真寺... 我现在还在发抖,心里已经有阴影了。”

▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)

39岁的拉希米·艾哈迈德(Rahimi Ahmad)和他11岁的儿子每周五都去Al Noor清真寺。现在他的太太阿兹拉(Azila)还没能联系上他。

"I just want to know he's safe, and I'm praying and hoping that he will call," she said. "Rahimi has his mobile phone with him, so I'm sure he will be able to get in contact soon. But right now I don't know what's happened to him."“我只想知道他是否安全,我正在祈祷,希望他能打电话来。”她说,“拉希米带着手机,所以我以为他很快就会联系我。但现在我不知道他出了什么事。”Rahimi went to the mosque at around 1pm with his son, she said. But when she heard news about the shooting, she got worried about their safety. She got a call from her friend saying her son was safe, but Rahimi was believed to be inside the mosque at the time of the shooting.她说拉希米和儿子下午1点左右一起去了清真寺。但是当她听到枪击案的消息时,开始担心他们的安全。一个朋友打来电话说她的儿子是安全的,但拉希米在枪击发生时应该是在清真寺内。"My son was playing outside, so when the shooting happened, a friend just grabbed him and took him to a Kiwi's house next to the mosque," Azila said.阿兹拉说:“我儿子在外面玩,所以当枪击发生时,一位朋友一把拉住了他,把他带到了清真寺旁边的一个新西兰人家里。”

▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)





