

743rd article743期双语推文


Photo: Ma Jian


NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

The Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland will see migratory birds spend the winter here! For several consecutive days, staff belonging to the Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland Nature Reserve have observed the arrival of national first-class protected birds–such as great bustards, black storks, and white-naped cranes–and national second-class protected birds such as cygnets and gray cranes, as well as large flocks of other birds such as herons, wild geese and ducks, and great cormorants, which heralds the wintering of migratory birds in the Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland.


In this season, the waters of the Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland are often blanketed by a vast sea of mist, and reeds sway in the breeze. When the rare migratory birds flock here, the wetland becomes more lively and charming as some birds roost and play on the tidal flats, while some dance on the water.


The Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland is located along the borders of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and also in the middle route among China's three major bird migration pathways. From mid-October to April of the following year, the Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland boasts vast tidal flats, lush aquatic plants, and rich fish and shrimps, which attracts nearly a million rare migratory birds from the Inner Mongolian prairies, northeastern swamps, and Siberian wilderness to rest or winter here.



Photo: Ma Jian

Wild waterfowl are an important indicator to reflect the ecological condition of wetlands. In recent years, Zhengzhou City has continuously moved forward with the ecological rehabilitation, protection, and restoration of the Yellow River Wetland. As human activities decrease, the environment in the Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland Nature Reserve has improved greatly, in turn attracting a larger number of birds.


The Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetland Nature Reserve is fully prepared to welcome the "army" of migratory birds. Staff will increase daily inspections and monitoring to ensure that the rare migratory birds can safely settle here for the winter or temporarily rest here before migrating further.


Bird lovers are required to keep a safe distance from the birds so as not to interfere with their lives when watching or taking photos. Protecting the birds is an important part of protecting our environment.




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