


1. Make a discovery (of…) 发现了…(英文书面中更正式,对名词的修饰更灵活)

Discover v.发现

e.g. make an interesting discovery (of…)

use make use of … make the best use of…

He made the best use of his talent.

Describe make a vivid description of…

Investigate make a thorough investigation of…

Summarize make a comprehensive summary of…

2. The Aegean island of Kea

Of 在这里引出地点的名字;

E.g. the city of Beijing

The promontory of Ayia Irini


e.g. the novel entitled Three Kingdoms

the man named/called Vincent

the movie entitled Da Vinci Code

3. Be located/Be situated/Be sited 位于某个地方,被动结构

Stand 坐落于,主动结构,立体感比较强

e.g. The monument to the People’s Heroes stands in the center of Tian’anmen Square.

Lie 位于,主动结构,侧重于平面

e.g. The famous monastery of St.Bernard, which was founded in the 11th century lies about a mile away.

Sit 坐落于,类似于stand

e.g. The house sits on top of a hill overlooking the town.

4. Promontory (headland): a long narrow area of high land that sticks out into the sea


Cape: a very large piece of land sticking out into the sea.

5. at one time=once

6. enjoy good health 拥有良好的健康

Enjoy a high standard of living 享有高水平的生活


Be blessed with…幸运地享有…

e.g. They were blessed with two children, a boy and a girl.

Be endowed with…天生拥有…

e.g. she is endowed with both brains and beauty.

Boast vi.吹牛(人做主语),vt.有好的东西(物作主语)

E.g. there is a lot of beautiful scenery in China.

=China boasts a lot of beautiful scenery.

7. with 的用法:课文中表示从属关系

A girl with blue eyes

A mug with a broken handle

8. equip A with B 给A装配B

Be equipped with…被动形式

Equipment n.设备

e.g. The classrooms are equipped with modern multimedia teaching equipment.

8. a great many (of)…修饰可数名词

=a great number of…

A great amount/deal of…修饰不可数名词

9. beneath / underneath 在下面(贴在一起的)反义on

Under 在下面(不相邻,中间有距离)反义over

10. be used as…被当作…使用

e.g. The wooden box is used as a seat.

Act/serve/function as…可与之替换

11. B.C. (BC): Before Christ在耶稣基督出生之前,公元前

A.D. (AD): Anno Domini 公元后

12. in modern/recent/ancient/prehistoric/ times

=In times of…在某个时代

e.g. in times of peace/war


e.g. the Ice Age

the Stone Age

the modern age

era/epoch 更文言

e.g. the steam-engine era/epoch

the end of an era/epoch

His death marked the end of era. 他的死标志着一个时代的结束。

the beginning of a new era/epoch 一个新时代的开始

e.g. it marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new era.

13. represent vt.代表

可与stand for 替换

e.g. Honey, this gold ring stands for/represents my love for you.


On behalf of…代表

14. date from… 追溯到…

=date back to…/can be traced back to…

e.g. The prosperity of the Silk Road dates from/dates back to/can be traced back to the distant Han Dynasty.

15. happen to do 碰巧…=it happen that …= By chance/by accident/accidently

Sth. happen to sb.发生

e.g. We happened to take the same train.

It happened that we took the same train.

We took the same train by chance.

Chance to do=it chance that…碰巧,可替换

As it happen 碰巧

e.g. As it happened, we took the same train.

As luck would have it 碰巧

As luck would have it, we took the same train.

16. preserve 保护,(强调保证质量不变)

Preserve one’s eyesight/food

Conserve 保护,强调保持数量不变

Conserve wildlife/resources

Reserve 保护,预定,强调保护为将来所用

Reserve your energy for the climb tomorrow.

All Rights Reserved.

I reserve the right to disagree.

Reserve a table for 2

17. surprise使惊讶

Astonish 使惊讶,语气比较重


Astound, 使惊讶,强调把某人惊呆了

e.g. The police were astounded when Mrs Ramsay told them what she had done.

18. turn out to be原来是这样的

Prove (to be)被证明是

19. Despite = in spite of =notwithstanding介词短语

= in spite of the fact that…/despite the fact that… 书面语中常用,可以代替连词though/although/even though


