




在一个图形界面上构造两个位于同一起跑线方块,起跑线位于界面靠左位置, A 方块先开始运动,向右移动 50 像素后停止,B 方块开始运动,向右移动 100 像素后停 止,A 方块继续向右运动 100 像素后停止,B 方块开始运动,如此循环接替执行,直至 某一个方块到达终点,界面显示该方块胜利信息。

1) 自定义一个threadA,ThreadB, ThreadFrame类(均继承自Thread)。

2) 定义全局变量,方块的位置,总长度,冠军,睡眠时间等,布尔值方块等待变量、游戏继续变量、绘图变量

3) ThreadA(ThreadB):等待waitA(waitB)变量释放,即:等待另一个方块更新完位置;然后随机产生要移动的长度,检查运动后位置与总长度的关系,以此判断游戏是否结束。更新位置信息,更改绘图变量,通知绘图线程重绘。自锁本身,释放另一个方块线程。

4) ThreadFrame:创建类对象,重写run函数,等待绘图变量的命令。接到绘图命令,重绘,判断游戏释放结束,重置绘图命令。

5) 构造函数,paint函数绘制,并进行游戏是否结束的判断,若结束,则打印冠军是谁,退出

6) 主函数,定义threadA,ThreadB, ThreadFrame类的对象,运行。用jion函数等待子线程的结束。

import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.*;public class four3 extends JFrame { // 全局变量 static int positionA = 50, positionB = 50, distanceAll = 1600; static int RecWidth = 50, RecHeight = 50; static char winner; static long sleeptime = 300; static boolean waitA = true, waitB = true, gaming = true, unrepaint = true; //构造函数 public four3() { setTitle("多线程:方块赛跑"); setBackground(Color.WHITE); setSize(1600, 500); setLocation(0, 200); setResizable(false); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } //绘图函数 public void paint(Graphics g) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub g.clearRect(0, 0, 1600, 900); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.fillRect(positionA - 50, 100, RecWidth, RecHeight); g.setColor(Color.BLUE); g.fillRect(positionB - 50, 300, RecWidth, RecHeight); if (!gaming) {  g.setFont(new Font("宋体", ALLBITS, 50));  if (winner == 'A') {  g.setColor(Color.RED);  g.drawString(new String("Winner Is The Red One!"), 550, 250);  } else if (winner == 'B') {  g.setColor(Color.BLUE);  g.drawString(new String("Winner Is The Blue One!"), 550, 250);  } } } public static void main(String[] args) { waitA = false; waitB = true; unrepaint = false; threadframe tf = new threadframe(); threadA tA = new threadA(); threadB tB = new threadB(); tf.start(); tA.start(); tB.start(); try {  tf.join();  tA.join();  tB.join(); } catch (Exception e) {  // TODO: handle exception } return; } //红色方块线程 public static class threadA extends Thread { public void run() {  while (gaming) {  while (waitA) {   if (!gaming)return;   System.out.print(");  }  try {   sleep(sleeptime);  } catch (InterruptedException e) {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();  }  int distance = (int) (Math.random() * 100000) % 100;  positionA += distance;  if (positionA >= distanceAll) {   positionA = distanceAll;   unrepaint = false;   gaming = false;   winner = 'A';  }  unrepaint = false;  waitA = true;  waitB = false;  } } } //蓝色方块线程 public static class threadB extends Thread { public void run() {  while (gaming) {  while (waitB) {   if (!gaming)return;   System.out.print(");  }  try {   sleep(sleeptime);  } catch (InterruptedException e) {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();  }  int distance = (int) (Math.random() * 100000) % 100;  positionB += distance;  if (positionB >= distanceAll) {   positionB = distanceAll;   unrepaint = false;   gaming = false;   winner = 'B';  }  unrepaint = false;  waitB = true;  waitA = false;  } } } //框架刷新线程 public static class threadframe extends Thread { four3 jiemian = new four3(); public void run() {  while (gaming) {  while (unrepaint) {   if (!gaming)return;   System.out.print(");  }  jiemian.repaint();  unrepaint = true;  } } }}


