
Desk Clerk: "Good afternoon. Checking in?"


George: "Yes. Uh,the reservation's in the name of Williams. George Williams."


Desk Clerk: "Let me get your paperwork"


George: " So what do you want to do first?"


Bree: "I don't know. I thought maybe we could go antiquing." (to the desk clerk) "I hear you have some lovely museums nearby. Do you have any brochures?"


Desk Clerk: "Right over there, Mrs. Williams."


George: "Oh, uh, she's not my wife."


Desk Clerk: "I'm so sorry."


George: "So I hear they have a terrific Farmers' Market nearby. We should pick up some nectarines."


Bree: "George, I can't."


George: "What?"


Bree: "I can't stay in a hotel room with you."


George: "Why not?"


Bree: "Because I am starting to get that rash again."


George: "Well, I, I brought the antihistamines."


Bree: "Oh, please. it's not gonna help. George, clearly, this is psychosomatic. We need to go home."


George: "Bree, we just drove three hours to get here."


Bree: "I know, and you have every right to be mad, but, George, I am really starting to itch."


Desk Clerk: "Is there a problem?"


George: "Uh, no, there's no problem. Everything is fine. Okay, okay, okay. Uh, uh, I'll get you your own room."

没事,没问题,一切正常 。好吧,我给你开个单间。

Bree: "George..."


George: "No, no, no. We can still have a nice weekend. We'll just shift the focus to...antiquing."


Bree: "Please. I mean, clearly, you didn't come here to shop."


George: "No, I came to spend time with you, time that does not need to be spent in a bed."


Bree: "Really? You mean that? You wouldn't mind?"

真的吗 你确定吗? 你不介意吗?

George: "No."


Bree: "You know what, George? We're gonna have a great time, because there's tons of fun stuff we can do that doesn't involve sex."


George: "You betcha. While I take care of this, why don't you go get those brochures?"


Bree: "Okay."


Bree: "George, you won't believe it. I just stopped itching."


George: "How about that?"


  • check in 登记入住,check out 结账离开
  • reservation [ˌrezər'veɪʃn]n. 预定;保留意见
  • go antiquing go v-ing 去做某事 go shopping 去购物 go camping 去露营
  • antique [æn'tiːk] v.买古玩
  • brochure [broʊ'ʃʊr]n. 小册子,资料手册
  • pick up some nectarines
  • pick up(顺便)买
  • nectarine ['nektəriːn] n. 油桃
  • antihistamine [ˌænti'hɪstəmiːn]n. 抗组胺剂(抗过敏的药物)
  • psychosomatic [ˌsaɪkoʊsə'mætɪk]adj. 身心的;心身失调的
  • have every right to do sth 完全有权利去做某事
  • shift the focus to
  • shift [ʃɪft]v. 移动;改变;换挡
  • focus ['foʊkəs] n. 焦点;焦距;中心
  • involve [ɪn'vɑːlv]vt. 包含;使忙于;牵涉
  • You bet =you betcha. 那还用说。当然!不错!肯定行!
  • betcha=bet you


  • Desk Clerk: "Good afternoon. Checking in?"
  • George: "Yes. Uh, reservations in the name of Williams. George Williams."
  • Desk Clerk: "Let me get your paperwork"
  • George: " So what do you want to do first?"
  • Bree: "I don't know. I thought maybe we could go antiquing." (to the desk clerk) "I hear you have some lovely museums nearby. Do you have any brochures?"
  • Desk Clerk: "Right over there, Mrs. Williams."
  • George: "Oh, uh, she's not my wife."
  • Desk Clerk: "I'm so sorry."
  • George: "So I hear they have a terrific Farmers' Market nearby. We should pick up some nectarines."
  • Bree: "George, I can't."
  • George: "What?"
  • Bree: "I can't stay in a hotel room with you."
  • George: "Why not?"
  • Bree: "Because I am starting to get that rash again."
  • George: "Well, I, I brought the antihistamines."
  • Bree: "Oh, please. it's not gonna help. George, clearly, this is psychosomatic. We need to go home."
  • George: "Bree, we just drove three hours to get here."
  • Bree: "I know, and you have every right to be mad, but, George, I am really starting to itch."
  • Desk Clerk: "Is there a problem?"
  • George: "Uh, no, there's no problem. Everything is fine. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Uh, uh, I'll get you your own room."
  • Bree: "George..."
  • George: "No, no, no. We can still have a nice weekend. We'll just shift the focus to...antiquing."
  • Bree: "Please. I mean, clearly, you didn't come here to shop."
  • George: "No, I came to spend time with you, time that does not need to be spent in a bed."
  • Bree: "Really? You mean that? You wouldn't mind?"
  • George: "No."
  • Bree: "You know what, George? We're gonna have a great time, because there's tons of fun stuff we can do that doesn't involve sex."
  • George: "You betcha. While I take care of this, why don't you go get those brochures?"
  • Bree: "Okay."
  • Bree: "George, you won't believe it. I just stopped itching."
  • George: "How about that?"

前台服务员:下午好,入住吗? 乔治:是的,预定人的名字叫威廉姆斯,乔治.威廉姆斯。 前台服务员:容我查一下你的文件。 乔治:那你想先干什么呢? 布里:不知道啊,我觉得可以先去逛逛古玩展。我听说这附近有些不错的博物馆,你们有宣传册吗? 前台服务员:就在那边,威廉姆斯夫人。 乔治:她不是我夫人 前台服务员:真不好意思。 乔治:我听说这离那家不错的农贸市场很近。我们可以先去买点油桃。 布里:乔治:什么 布里:我不能在这跟你开房。 乔治:为什么不能? 布里:因为我又开始起疹子了。 乔治:我带了抗组胺剂。 布里:拜托,那没用的,乔治。这显然是心理作用,我们得回去。 乔治:布里,咱们开了三个小时车才到这。 布里:我知道你大可生我的气,不过,乔治,我真痒得不行了。 前台服务员:有什么问题吗? 乔治:没事,没问题,一切正常 。好吧,我给你开个单间。 布里:乔治...... 乔治:不,咱们还是可以度过一个美好的周末的。把重点放在买古玩就可以了。 布里:拜托了,显然你来这儿不是为了购物的。 乔治:不是,我来是因为我想跟你在一起,但不一定非要跟你一起在床上。 布里:真的吗 你确定吗? 你不介意吗? 乔治:不会。 布里:乔治,我们会玩得很开心的,因为除了上床,我们还有很多有趣的事情可以做。 乔治:绝对的。这边交给我,你去那边看看宣传册吧。 布里:好的。 布里:乔治,你猜怎么了?我突然就不痒了。 乔治:怎么会这样?


