single-minded emotion(wigged-out不安的狂乱的)

single-minded emotion(wigged-out不安的狂乱的)(1)

Word of the Day:April 1, 2021



adjective WIGD-OUT


​: mentally or emotionally discomposed:upset, crazy

精神上或情绪上是慌张的: 不安的,疯狂的


"The idea that you might take a television drama very seriously is accepted now.… The difference with Buffy was that the delivery mechanism was teenage-girl-focused horror, just as David Lynch's Twin Peaks was supposedly just a wigged-out soap and Hill Street Blues was technically a police procedural." — Patrick Freyne, The Irish Times, 5 Jan. 2021

“你现在可以认真的(严肃的 )接受一部电视剧的想法……与 Buffy 的区别在于,传递的(“the delivery mechanist”我觉得是说电视剧的主旨)是teenage-girl-focused horror(年轻女孩儿恐惧的视角),正如大卫·林奇的《Twin Peaks》被认为是一部疯狂的肥皂剧,而《Hill Street Blues》从技术上讲是一部警察侦查剧(原意的警察程序剧(police procedural)好别扭,改成“侦查”能舒服一点 大概能贴近一点原意吧~)。”

"Pete Davidson's slow, stoned persona, mixing confessional revelation and wigged-out understatement, is one of the most original and charming in current comedy." — Noah Berlatsky,, 12 June 2020


Did You Know?

The wig in wigged-out is the one you don to change or enhance your appearance. Wig has been in use since the late 17th century, when it was adopted as a clipped form of periwig, itself denoting a manufactured covering of natural or synthetic hair for the head. The source of periwig is Middle French perruque (source also of the synonym peruque). In the American slang of the mid-20th century, the word wig was moving into new territory: wig became a word for the mind, and to "wig out" was to lose one's composure or reason. The idiom "flip one's wig" also came into use (sharing the "to become crazy or very angry" meaning of the very similar "flip one's lid"), and the adjective wigged-out found a home in the language too, describing anyone who was mentally or emotionally discomposed.

The wig in wigged-out 是指你不需要改变或提升你的形象。Wig从17世纪晚期就开始使用了,当它被用于修剪的假发时,表示自然的头发(或人造头发)覆盖在头上。periwig的来源是中古法语 perruque (也与同义词 peruque 同源)。在20世纪中期的美国俚语中,wig(假发)一词进入了一个新领域:wig 成为了一个表达思想的词,wig out (wig out)的意思是to lose one's composure or reason「失去冷静、理智」。习语“flip one's wig”也开始使用(“sharing the "to become crazy or very angry「变得疯狂或非常生气」,同“flip one's lid”含义相同,”),形容词 wiggout 也在该语言中有了用之处,describing anyone who was mentally or emotionally discomposed.「用来形容精神或情绪错乱的人」。

Test Your Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks to complete a word for a foolish person: m _ _ n _ _ l _.


