长江学者申请的条件 全球青年学者金秋九月

诚邀您的 西安交通大学


长江学者申请的条件 全球青年学者金秋九月(1)



一. 研讨会简介

长江学者申请的条件 全球青年学者金秋九月(2)


September 18-22,2018

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Location: Xi’an, China





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二. 申请条件

  • 申请人具有博士学位,年龄40周岁以下(含40周岁),一般具有2年以上工作经历。
  • 申请人在所从事领域已取得突出的学术业绩,为同龄人中的拔尖人才,已获得学术界同行的高度认可。
  • 申请人具有广阔的学术视野和创新思维,具备成为所从事领域领军人才的潜质。
  • 申请人学风严谨,遵守法纪及职业道德规范。

三. 注册申请




四. 活动安排





五. 交通食宿


六. 联系方式


联系人:李惠昊 杨喆

电话: 86 29 8266 6336

邮箱: sris2018@xjtu.edu.cn

丝绸之路青年学者研讨会网址: http://sris.xjtu.edu.cn



七. 招聘岗位



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八. 学校简介

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西安交通大学是国家教育部直属重点大学,为我国最早兴办的高等学府之一,是一所涵盖理、工、医、经济、管理、文、法、哲、教育和艺术等10个学科门类的综合性研究型大学。学校一直是国家重点建设的大学之一,是首批进入国家“211”和 “985”工程建设的学校。2017年,在国家公布的“双一流”建设名单中,入选一流大学A类建设高校,力学、机械工程、材料科学与工程、动力工程及工程热物理、电气工程、信息与通信工程、管理科学与工程、工商管理等8个学科入选一流建设学科。


长江学者申请的条件 全球青年学者金秋九月(11)

学校正在加快 中国西部科技创新港 建设,聚焦国家战略目标,搭建国际平台,谋划和打造全新的引才聚才平台。创新港围绕理、工、医、人文社科四大学科版块,将建设电气工程、高端装备制造、能源与动力、信息技术、新材料、航天航空、生物医学、环境保护等23个研究院,将 建成拥有科研、教育、转孵化、综合配套四大板块,打造功能齐备、交通便利、环境优美的“智慧学镇 ”。


长江学者申请的条件 全球青年学者金秋九月(12)

The 4th Silk Road International Autumn Symposium for Distinguished Young Scholars

September 18-22, 2018, Xi’an, China

Looking forward to your participation!

1. Introduction of SRIS

Silk Road International Symposium (SRIS) is an extraordinary communicating event for academic and professional development which is held by Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) for outstanding young scholars from all over the world. Meanwhile, XJTU would also like to take this opportunity to facilitate the communication and collaboration between the invited scholars and XJTU faculties, present XJTU’s talents recruitment schemes and attract interested distinguished scholars to join XJTU.

XJTU has already held the SRIS three times since 2015. In total, around 770 distinguished young scholars who came from more than 30 countries and regions have been invited to participate this extraordinary event.

In order to attract young scholars at home and abroad in wide range, the SRIS will be held twice a year from 2018, one session in spring and the other in autumn respectively. SRIS autumn 2018 is now open for distinguished young scholars from following disciplines:

(1) Fields of Science

Target Disciplines: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistr

(2) Fields of Energy and Environment

Target Disciplines:

Energetics and Engineering Thermophysics, Nuclear Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering, Electric Engineering,

Chemical Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering,


(3) Fields of Machinery, Aeronautics & Astronautics and Materials

Target Disciplines:

Mechanical Engineering,

Instrument Science and Technology, Mechanics,

Aerospace Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering

(4) Fields of Electronics and Information

Target Disciplines:

Electronic Science and Technology,

Information and Communication


Control Science and Engineering,

Computer Science and Technology, Cyberspace Security, Software Engineering

(5) Fields of Medical Science and Bioscience

Target Disciplines:

Preclinical medicine,

Clinical Medicine,

Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Pharmacy,


Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,

Nursing, Biology,

Biomedical Engineering

(6) Fields of Administration and Economics

Target Disciplines:

Practical Economics,

Theoretical Economics,

Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration,

Public Administration

(7) Fields of Humanities & Social Sciences

Target Disciplines:

Foreign Languages and Literatures,



Marxist theory,

Journalism and Communication,



Science of Physical Culture and Sports, Design Science

(8) Interdisciplinary Fields over above Fields

Related Schools of XJTU:

Frontier Institute of Science and Technology

2. Application Requirements

  • Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree, be under the age of 40 (including 40) and generally have more than 2 years of working experience.
  • Applicants should have achieved outstanding academic accomplishments and high reputation in their research field, having earned recognition in the scholarly community.
  • Applicants should have a broad academic vision and innovative thinking with enormous potential of future leadership in their research field.
  • Applicants should be dedicated to research, law abiding and ethical.

3. Registration

  • Applicants could log on to SRIS website at http://sris.xjtu.edu.cn/Englishfor online registration and uploading his/her curriculum vitae (CV) in Word or PDF format. The CV should include the following information: personal information (including education and working experiences), research interests, academic achievements (including list of publications), and other information deemed necessary by the applicants. The CV to be uploaded can be either in English or in Chinese.
  • Application Deadline for SRIS Autumn 2018: August 25, 2018

4. Schedule

  • Activity 1: Keynote Session organized by Shaanxi Province
  • Activity 2: Keynote Session in XJTU
  • Activity 3: Tour of university campus, the Innovation iHarbour, Memorial hall of XJTU, Library, Housing, Kindergarten, Primary school and High School Affiliated to XJTU
  • Activity 4: Parallel Sessions, meeting with school leaders/distinguished professors, Lab tour etc.

5. Other Information

  • SRIS charges no registration fees. Domestic and international travel expenses will be reimbursed for all the invited scholars. Accommodation, food and airport/railway station transportation will be provided by the university.
  • For further information about SRIS, please contact the secretariat by sending E-mail to sris2018@xjtu.edu.cn or via phone at 86 29 8266 6336.
  • For more information about XJTU, please visit website: http://en.xjtu.edu.cn

6. Introduction of XJTU

XJTU, as one of the first universities entering China's "211 Project" and “985 Project”, is selected to be developed into a global first-class university. XJTU is a comprehensive research university with scientific focus. It is composed of 10 branches of disciplines, namely: science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, literature, law, philosophy, education and art. In recent years, XJTU focuses on national strategy, vigorously promoting the establishment of the Western China Science & Technology Innovation Harbour, which is designed to be an innovative unit with a union of “campus, industrial zone and community”, a combination of technologies and services, and a link center of science, technology and industry.

XJTU takes talents strategy as a key developing strategy, now, it has more than 400 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Changjiang Scholars, Outstanding Young Investigator Award laureates and other scholars. Moreover, XJTU has 45 first degree disciplines, 25 Post-doctoral research stations, 27 nation-level research centers and 115 provincial and ministerial key research centers. In recent years, XJTU has not only led 38 projects under the “973” Program and national key research and development program, but also 23 major projects of the national social science fund. In the same period, university scientists and engineers have had 5506 projects approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The university has been awarded 61 national science and technology prizes as the first author. The total number of basic research projects and grants places XJTU in the front rank among Chinese universities.




(Wechat:XJTU_ SRIS)

长江学者申请的条件 全球青年学者金秋九月(13)


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「出品 / 党委宣传部」

内容来源 / 人力资源部

摄影 / 景泽昊

版尾设计 / 刘鸿翔

值班编辑 / X工作室 刘家豪

责任编辑 / 交小童


