
Unit1 词汇

Unit 1 Cultural Relics

1. Match the words and phrases.

A. words (词汇连线)

B. phrases(短语连线)

2. 根据释义写出单词或短语

(1) to choose carefully

(2) not seen or found often

(3) welcome area in a hotel

(4) to surprise somebody very much

(5) no more than

(6) made of wood

(7) trying to find something; looking for something

(8) to manage to live or continue in difficulties

(9) to take something away

(10) person who creates things which can be considered works of art


1. survivevi. 幸免; 幸存; 生还 vt. (经历某遭遇后)幸存; 比……长寿;


(1)The human race cannot without protecting the earth. 不保护地球, 人类就不能继续生存。

(2)The official said no passengers the air-crash on Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.


(3)You need to be tough to in the jungle. 要在丛林中活下来就要有坚忍不拔的意志。

(4)Most women will their husbands. 大多数女性都比丈夫长寿。


(1)作为vi. 及物动词时, 意思是:

(2)作为vt. 及物动词时, 意思是: ; 或者

2. fancy adj. 奇特的; 异样的 vt. 想象; 设想; 爱好


(1)The dress is too for me. 这件服装我穿太花哨。

(2)The furniture was very . 那家具非常精巧。

(3)I think he me. 我认为他喜欢我。

(4)I don't walking all that way in such bad weather. 我不喜欢在这样的坏天气里一直这么走着。

(5)He himself as a poet. 他自以为是诗人。

(1)fancy doing. . .

(2)fancy that. . .

(3)fancy oneself as

3. in return 回报; 作为报答


(1)He gave her some roses for her kindness. 他送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意

(2)He has given me so much help that I really want to do something for him . 他给了我这么多帮助, 我确实想要做点什么来回报他。

(3)The girls called out their names . 那些女孩儿逐一报出自己的名字。

(4)We did the work . 我们是轮流做这项工作的。

(1)in return for

(2)in turn

(3)by turns

4. doubtn. 怀疑; 疑惑 v. 怀疑; 不信


(1)There is some doubt about John will come. 约翰会不会准时来还不太确定。

(2)I have doubt we shall be able to do something for you. 我怀疑我们是否有能力为你做点什么。

(3)This has increased many people's doubts the tap water they drink every day is safe. 这增加了人们的怀疑, 他们每天喝的自来水是否安全。

(4)I have no doubt he will succeed. 毫无疑问他会成功的。

(5)I doubt very much or not he will accept our invitation. 我非常怀疑他是否接受我们的邀请。

(6)I don't doubt you are honest. 我相信你是诚实的。

There is some doubt about. . . 对……有疑问

There is no doubt that. . . 毫无疑问……

doubt whether/if. . . 某人对……不肯定/没有把握; 认为……未必可能

doesn't/don't doubt that. . . 某人对……毫无疑问

注意:(1)doubt用作名词时, 在肯定句中其后用whether引导同位语从句; 否定句中则用that引导。

(2)doubt用作动词时, 在肯定句中其后多用whether或if引导宾语从句; 否定句中其后的宾语从句用that引导。

5. worth prep. 值得的; 相当于……的价值 n. 价值; 作用 adj. (古)值钱的


(1)What is the of a man's wisdom if he does not share it?一个人如果不与别人分享他的智慧, 何谈什么价值呢?

(2)Now that you have tried illegal drugs and have been arrested, was it ?

现在你已经尝试了非法贩运毒品并且已被逮捕, 这个麻烦事值得做吗?

(3)How much is your i-Phone ?你的i-Phone值多少钱?

(4)This painting is 1, 000 US dollars. 这幅画值1 000美元。

(5)The exhibition is worth . 这个展览值得一看。

(6)The trip was expensive but it was . 这次旅行花费很大, 但是花的每一分钱都不冤枉。

(7)This idea is well . 这个想法很值得考虑。

(8)It is before we go to the restaurant. 去饭馆之前预约一下是值得的。

be worth n. 值得……

be worth 钱数 值……钱

be (well)worth doing (很)值得做

注意:在be worth doing 句型中, worth后的动词用主动形式表被动意义; 另外, worth 不能用very修饰, 但可以用well 修饰。

6. take apart 拆开


(1)It's easy to a watch but difficult to put it together again. 拆开手表很容易, 但要再装起来就难了。

(2)The two sisters look so much alike that it is difficult to them . 两姐妹长得太像了, 很难分清她们。

(1)take apart

(2)tell. . . apart


Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. Few buildings s the earthquake.

2. He was in s of an old friend.

3. She was a at how calm she felt after the accident.

4. The experiment is d to test the new drug.

5. Don't f that you can succeed without hard work.

6. We d the house with some pictures.

7. My favorite car used to b to my sister.

8. He (去除, 清除) the mud from his shoes.

Ⅱ. 单项填空

1. We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and , dogs give us their all.

A. in allB. in fact

C. in shortD. in return

2. Rod loves clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.

A. taking apartB. giving away

C. making upD. turning off

3. Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future to the well-educated.

A. belongsB. is belonged

C. is belongingD. will be belonged

4. Bad habit are not easy to be . It needs your determination.

A. replacedB. moved

C. removedD. got rid

5. Only a few soldiers the battle.

A. survivedB. remained

C. survived ofD. remained in

6. His father him for a doctor, but he preferred to be an artist.

A. hopedB. designed

C. producedD. made

7. All the streets in Beijing were with flags to welcome the president.

A. furnishedB. supplied

C. decoratedD. declined

8. Farmers used to the best seeds —the one with the best color, which would be used as the next spring.

A. getB. take

C. electD. select

9. The police the thief what he had stolen.

A. looked; forB. searched; for

C. searched; ofD. referred; to

10. Harry Potter is 22 yuan. It is really for you.

A. worth; worth to read

B. worth; worth reading

C. worth; worthy to read

D. worthy; worthy of reading

Ⅲ. 短文填空

Mary likes Chinese (文物) very much. She spends most of her spare time going everywhere (搜寻) (稀有的) things (设计) or made by famous (艺术家), such as (有价值的) (木制) furniture, (奇特的) hats and (花瓶) of all (样式), which have (幸存) for a long time. One day she visited her friend, John, in whose house she was (惊奇的) to find some paintings that reflected the period when China was (处于战争状态) with Japan. Mary told John that the paintings (属于) China. Mary (挑选了) a few of them and (作为回报) gave John some china that was (值……) the money. In order to show respect for the Chinese culture, both Mary and John made up their minds to offer the paintings to China. But their parents didn't agree with them. They (争论了) for two hours, and at last their parents gave in. There is no (疑问) that their kindness will be (高度赞扬) by the government of China and the Chinese people.



2. 根据释义写出单词或短语

(1)select (2)rare (3)reception (4)amaze (5)less than (6)wooden (7)in search of (8)survive (9)remove (10)artist


1. (1)survive (2)survived (3)survive (4)survive



(2)经历某遭遇后, 幸免于; 比……长寿, 寿命长

2. (1)fancy (2)fancy (3)fancies (4)fancy (5)fancies




自以为; 自认为是

3. (1)in return (2)in return (3)in turn (4)by turns



按照顺序轮流地, 依次

轮流, 交替

4. (1)whether (2)whether (3)whether (4)that 5)whether (6)that

5. (1)worth (2)worth the trouble (3)worth (4)worth (5)a visit (6)worth every penny

(7)worth considering 8)worth making an appointment

6. (1)take; apart (2)tell; apart


(1)拆开, 拆散 (2)分辨, 区分


Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. survived 2. search 3. amazed 4. designed 5. fancy 6. decorated 7. belong 8. removed

Ⅱ. 单项填空

1~5. DAACA 6~10. BCDBB

Ⅲ. 短文填空

relics; in search of; rare; designed; artists; valuable; wooden; fancy; vases; styles; survived; amazed; at war; belonged to; selected; in return; worth; debated; doubt; thought highly of;


