
Your body is amazing! Inside are many parts that work together to make you move, eat, see and think.


Your brain, heart and lungs are all organs. Each organ has a special job to do to keep your body going. Your brain thinks and your heart pumps blood around your body.

Here's a diagram of the body's internal organs (internal means inside):


This picture may look a bit scary, but this is what you have inside your body. The picture shows the organs in your body. Your skin and muscles are also organs. We'll talk about what each organ does in another article. For now, try to memorize the organs names and where they are in your body.


Your muscles are also organs because they have the job of making you move. Your muscles control your bones, so you can walk, run and jump. Your muscles even make you sit down and stand up. In fact, your muscles control almost all the bones in your body as well as some organs like your heart.

This picture shows the muscles that control your bones to make you move. For example, your biceps make you pick things up by lifting your forearm. You can stand on your tip-toes by flexing your calves. Can you find the biceps and calves on the muscle diagram below?



All your bones make up your skeleton, which is also called the skeletal system. Your skeleton protects your vital organs like your brain and heart. Your brain is protected by your skull and your heart and lungs are behind your rib cage.



