

Nowadays, there are more and more families keeping pet dogs in their homes. They take them out for a walk every day, but many dog owners don't know the importance of walking dogs.




As the saying goes, "life lies in motion." people need exercises, so does a dog. However, when a dog is petted, its movement is restricted. Especially large dogs, small houses simply can n ot meet their sports needs. Therefore, the owner takes his pet dog for a walk every day. This is the dog's movement. Walking a dog is actually the easiest way for the owner to keep the dog in a certain amount of exercise. No matter what age the dog is, what breed of dog needs a certain amount of exercise. Dog sports can help to speed up the circulation of blood, promote the metabolism of dogs, enhance the physique and immunity of dogs.



Of course, you don't have to walk the dog to let the dog exercise, such as golden hair, border herding, these heavy exercise dogs, you can let it do some more exercise, such as catching balls, running hurdles, Frisbee and so on. The way of exercise varies from dog to dog, and the amount of exercise also depends on the specific dog. Depending on the demand, dogs can do well, and occasionally give some snacks such as dog food, chicken jerky as a reward.




Taking the dog out for a walk can also solve the problem of the dog's urine. Although the dog can also urinate at home, but the taste is really unacceptable, so many owners will take the dog out to urinate. And after the dog is used to urinating outside, he will no longer urinate at home. If he does not take him out, he will endure it all the time. If the time is too long, it is not good for the dog's body. So for those dogs who have developed urination outside, the owner should not be lazy and take them out on time.




The mood of taking the dog out every day will also be better, because during this time he can go out to play freely, find his friends happy, but the dog also has its own social. Dogs also need friends. Besides, dogs used to be social animals. It's not good to keep them at home all day and play by themselves. So taking them out for a walk can make them know more dogs and have fun together. In fact, the dog walking process is also a "social" and "socialized" process, so that the dog can see strangers, contact other dogs, play with other dogs, see the sunshine, listen to various sounds. It's very helpful for dogs to develop a more gentle personality.



What do you think of dog walking? Welcome to comment ~


