
端午节Dragon Boat Festival,下面我们就来聊聊关于端午节平平无奇的一天?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




Dragon Boat Festival


The fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar, known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the Chu state. The Chinese have the tradition of eating zongzi (dumpling made of glutinous rice), and having dragon boat race on this day.

commemorate verb [VN] · to remind people of an important person or event from the past with a special action or object; to exist to remind people of a person or an event from the past· (用…)纪念;作为…的纪念:

glutinous adj. · sticky· 黏的;胶质的:glutinous rice 糯米

农历五月初五→五月初五就是第五个月的第五天,此处译为了the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar,下文还有出现,译为了the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

关于中国特有文化现象及事物的翻译,建议采用汉语拼音加注释性翻译的策略。例如,本处出现的“粽子”可以翻译如下:zongzi (dumpling made of glutinous rice)


According to Historical Records, Qu yuan was a minister of the Chu State during the period of the Warring States(475BC-221BC).

同理,对于中国历史纪年体系的翻译,也建议采用增译处理策略。例如,本处出现的“战国时期”,除采用直译方法将之译为the period of the Warring States之外,另外增加(475BC-221BC)这一公元纪年参照,有利于不熟悉中国历史的读了解其时代细节。


He passionately advocated selecting government functionaries according to their competence, making the state and the army strong and allying with Qi State to fight Qin. Chu’s aristocrats strongly opposed him. Later Qu Yuan was framed and sent into exile.

functionary noun (often,disapproving)· a person with official duties· 公职人员;官员 SYN official :party / state / government functionaries  政党 / 国家 / 政府的官员

aristocrat noun · a member of the aristocracy · (一个)贵族

就句间逻辑关系而言,“遭到贵族们的强烈反对”与“后遭诋毁流放”两者之间存在一种隐性因果关系。根据英文强调形合的特性,翻译时不妨将两者之间的逻辑关系显性化。不妨参考翻译如下:As a result of the strong opposition from other aristocrats of Chu State,Qu Yuan was later set up by his opponents and sent into exile。


In 278 BC, Qin’s army captured Chu’s capital. Hearing this sad news, Qu Yuan, totally disillusioned, drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

disillusioned adj. ~ (by / with sb / sth)· disappointed because the person you admired or the idea you believed to be good and true now seems without value· 大失所望的;不再抱幻想的;幻想破灭的 SYN disenchanted

根据英文句子组句习惯,也可将原文中的动态述位短语“万念俱灰”转化为修饰定语,如:Upon hearing this news, the totally disillusioned Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month。


It was said that upon hearing the news of Qu Yuan’s death, local people in the Chu State rushed to the river bank to show their respect for him. fishermen rowed on the river, trying hard to retrieve his body.

“凭吊”可以翻译为to show their respect for/to pay homage/ to pay

tribute/ to commemorate等。


They threw rice balls and eggs into the water, hoping to keep fish, shrimps and crabs from hurting the poet’s body.


To prevent the giant dragon from eating the rice balls, local people later wrapped the rice balls with bamboo leaves and bound them with colorful threads, which explains how zongzi has come into being.

这就是传说中...的来源→这就是...是怎么形成的:explain how ... has come into being.


端午节Dragon Boat Festival

农历五月初五 the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar/

the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

楚国the Chu State

粽子zongzi (dumpling made of glutinous rice)

赛龙舟dragon boat race

《史记》 Historical Records

战国时期 the period of the Warring States(475BC-221BC)

举贤授能select government functionaries according to their competence

富国强兵make the state and the army strong

联齐抗秦 ally with Qi State to fight Qin

遭诋毁流放 was framed and sent into exile

攻破京都capture capital

噩耗sad news

凭吊to show their respect for/to pay homage/to pay tribute/ to commemorate

蛟龙 the giant dragon


