

1.工程验收:acceptance of work

2.工读学校:reform school; approved school


4.工农联盟:alliance of works and peasants

5.工薪阶级:salariat; state employee; salaried person

6.工业园区:industrial park

7.工于心计:adept at scheming; very calculating

8.工欲善其事,必先利其器:a workman must first sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well.

9.公报私仇:avenge personal wrong in the name of public interest; abuse public power to retaliate against a person enemy

10.公而忘私:so devoted to public service as to forget private interest; selfless

11.公费医疗:free medical care

12.公共关系:public relations

13.公款吃喝:recreational activities using public funds

14.公买公卖:be fair in buying and selling; buy and sell at reasonable prices

15.公平合理:fair and just; fair and reasonable

16.公勤人员:service personnel in an office; office attendants

17.公说公有理,婆说婆有理:each says he/she is right; both parties claim to be in the right

18.公务人员:civil servant

19.公益事业:community service


21.公正,公平,公开:just, fair and open

22.公之于世:make known to the world; reveal to the public

23.公众人物:public figure

24.公诸同好:share enjoyment with those having similar tastes

25.功败垂成:fail on the verge of success; suffer defeat when victory

26.功成不居:claim no credit for one’s service


28.功成名遂:attain distinction

29.功成业就:be crowned with success

30.功到自然成:constant effort yields sure success

31.功德无量:boundless beneficence; great service

32.功夫不负有心人:Everything comes to him who waits.

33.工作是非:merits and demerits; contributions and blunders

34.功亏一篑:fall through when success is in sight

35.功名利禄:position and wealth

36.攻城掠地:attack cities and seize territories

37.攻其不备:attack by surprise

38.攻其一点,不及其余:pounce on one point and ignore all others

39.攻守同盟:an offensive and defensive alliance

40.攻无不克:all-conquering; ever-victorious

41.攻心为上:psychological offensive is the best of tactics

42.供不应求:The supply is not adequate to the demand.

43.供过于求:supply exceed demand

44.恭敬不如从命:it is better to accept deferentially than to decline courteously

45.恭喜发财:May you be prosperous!

46.觥筹交错:wine cups and mora chips lying about in disorder at a hilarious party

47.共聚一堂:gather in the same hall; gather together

48.供认不讳:acknowledge; confess



