the style of 加名词还是动词(名词所有格ThePossessive)


the style of 加名词还是动词(名词所有格ThePossessive)(1)

● A possessive noun is a noun form used to show possession or that something belongs to someone or something. It’s commonly recognized by the apostrophe and the letter S at the end, as in Charlotte’s Web.

● 名词所有格用来表示所属关系,通常在名词词尾加上 ’S,如Charlotte’s Web《夏洛特的网》。

Apostrophe S (’S) has 3 three meanings in English.


◆ When an apostrophe is followed by an adjective, then the apostrophe is a contraction of IS, as in the sentence Andy’s tall.

当’S后面跟的是形容词时,’S就是IS的缩写,如Andy’s tall.

◆ When an apostrophe S is followed by a past participle, then the apostrophe is a contraction of HAS, as in the sentence Andy’s studied.

当’S后面跟的是过去分词时,’S就是HAS的缩写,如Andy’s studied。

◆ When an apostrophe S is followed by a noun, then the apostrophe is used to show possession or that something belongs to someone or something, as in the sentence Andy’s car is red.

当’S后面跟的是名词时,’S表示所属关系,如Andy’s car is red.

How to Make the Possessive Form of Nouns?

◆ For singular nouns, we add apostrophe S (’S).

◆ 单数名词,我们直接加 ’S。

★ Andy’s house 安迪的房子

★ Cathy’s parents 凯西的父母

◆ For plural nouns ending in S, we only have to add an apostrophe.

◆ 以S结尾的复数名词,直接加 ’ 。

★ students' lounge 学生休息室

★ teachers' union 教师工会

★ parents’ permission 家长的许可

◆ For plural nouns not ending in S, add apostrophe S (’S).

◆ 不以S结尾的复数名词,加 ’S 。

★ children’s books 儿童读物

★ the men’s toilet 男厕

★ the women’s university 女子大学

★ the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国

★ men's clothing 男士服装

◆ For names ending in S and pronounced /z/, adding apostrophe S or only an apostrophe are both correct.

◆ 以S结尾的人名并且S的发音为/z/,加 ’S 或 ’ 均可。

★ James’s dog / James’ dog

★ Charles Dickens’s novels / Charles Dickens’ novels

◆ But with classical or religious names ending in S, we only add the apostrophe.

◆ 以S结尾的历史上有名的人或古希腊文化或宗教文化中的人名,直接加 ’。

★ Moses’ law 摩西律法

★ Jesus’ followers 耶稣的追随者

★ Achilles’ heel 阿喀琉斯之踵

★ Sophocles’ plays are still performed today.

★ 索福克勒斯的戏剧至今仍被演艺。

★ Hercules’ strength seemed unlimited.

★ 赫拉克勒斯的力量似乎是无限的。

Apostrophes with Joint Ownership: 共有关系

◆ When one thing belongs to two or more people, make only the final name possessive.

◆ 当某件东西是两个或两个以上的人共有时,只需在最后一个名词词尾加 ’S。

★ Andy and Cathy’s shop (Andy and Cathy own a shop together)

★ 安迪和凯茜的商店(安迪和凯茜共同拥有一家商店)

◆ But when you’re talking about separate things that belong to different people, make all the names possessive.

◆ 如果不是共有,则所有名词词尾均需分别加上 ’S。

★ Andy’s and Cathy’s shops (Andy and Cathy each own a shop)

★ 安迪和凯茜的商店(安迪和凯茜各拥有一家商店)

Apostrophes with Compound Nouns:复合名词的所有格

◆ If the compound noun is singular, just add an apostrophe S to the final word. If the nouns are plural with a regular S at the end, add only an apostrophe to the final word. But if the noun is plural without an S at the end, add an apostrophe S to the final word.

◆ 复合名词单数,直接在词尾加 ’S。以S结尾的复合名词复数,直接在词尾加 ’,不以S结尾的复合名词复数,直接在词尾加 ’S。

★ the editor-in-chief’s office 总编室

★ my sister-in-law’s father 我嫂子的父亲

★ the ten-year-old’s birthday 十岁孩子的生日

★ X-rays’ image X射线影像

● We often use apostrophe S with people or groups of people, other living things, places, and times to show possession.

● ’S 通常用来表示人、一群人、其他生命体、地点、时间的所有格。

★ Elizabeth's business card伊丽莎白的名片

★ my father’s room 我父亲的房间

★ the committee’s agenda 委员会的议程

★ the jury’s decision 陪审团的决定

★ bird’s nest鸟巢

★ China’s industry 中国的工业

★ today’s lesson 今天的课程

★ this year’s best movie 今年的最佳电影

★ a day's journey 一天的路程

★ How much notice do you need to give an employer when you plan to quit your job?


Usually four weeks’ notice.


★ Do you know how much a landlord usually asks a tenant to pay in advance?


Often you need to pay three months’ rent.


★ Does a company pay anything when a worker gets laid off?


Usually yes, one month’s pay.


● 当某个名词对后一个表示事物的名称起分类作用时,通常用 ’S。

★ a teacher’s college 师范学院

★ a master’s degree 硕士学位

★ a doctor’s degree 博士学位

★ children’s books 儿童读物

★ men’s clothing 男士服装

● 当名词后有另一个名词作同位语时,在同位语名词后加 ’S。

★ his classmate Andy’s book 他同学安迪的书

★ Your teacher Mr. Wang’s office is over there.

★ 你们王老师的办公室在那边。

● The noun following a possessive form can be left out when we talk about someone’s home, or some shops and services.

● 当谈论某人的家、某种商店或提供某项服务的店铺时,所有格 ’S后的名词往往省略。

★ the newsagent’s 报社

★ the chemist’s 药店

★ the hairdresser’s 美发店

★ the butcher’s 肉店

★ We’re going to Andy’s/ Andy’s home for the evening.

★ 我们要去安迪家过夜。

● We usually leave out the noun after the ’S to avoid repetition, especially when the meaning is clear.

● 通常情况下,当双方清楚所讨论的人或物时,所有格 ’S后的名词往往被省略,以避免重复。

★ My car is more expensive than Andy’s.

★ 我的车比安迪的车要贵。

★ The magazine is not mine, but Cathy’s.

★ 这本杂志不是我的,是凯西的。

● However, we are more likely to use the OF noun form with inanimate objects.

● 无生命物体的所属关系,我们通常使用OF 名词的结构。

★ the cover of the book or the book cover 书籍封面

★ The drawer of the desk is stuck.

★ 书桌的抽屉卡住了。

● We are more likely to use the OF noun form when we are talking about a process, or a change over time.

● 谈论某种过程或随着时间流逝发生的某种变化,我们通常使用OF 名词的结构。

★ the establishment of the committee 该委员会的成立

★ the destruction of the forest 森林的破坏

★ The completion of the road was ahead of the schedule.

★ 该道路修建提前完工。

★ The evacuation of the building took only 10 minutes.

★ 只用了10分钟就完成了大楼的疏散工作。

● We are more likely to use the OF noun form when the noun is a long noun phrase.

● 当该名词是一个较长的名词短语时,我们通常使用OF 名词的结构。

★ She is the sister of someone I used to go to school with.

★ 她是以前和我一起上学的一个人的妹妹。

★ He’s the friend of a man I know at work.

★ 他是我工作中认识的一个人的朋友。

★ It’s the responsibility of the firm who built the houses.

★ 这是建造这些房子的那家公司的责任。

★ Do you know the opinion of the committee appointed a few days ago?

★ 你知道几天前任命的委员会的观点吗?

● We are more likely to use the OF noun form when explaining something that is part or belongs to something bigger.

● 当表示部分与整体的关系,通常使用 OF 名词的结构。

★ the rest of the people 其余的人

★ the majority of voters 大多数选民

★ the end of the video 视频的结尾

★ the top of the mountain 山顶

● 当定冠词加形容词或分词表示一类人时的所属关系,通常使用OF 名词的结构:

★ the struggle of the exploited 受剥削人的斗争

★ We hope that our government should pay more attention to the livelihood of the poor.

★ 我们希望政府应该多关注穷人的生计。

Fixed Expressions 固定搭配:

★ in one’s mind’s eye 在某人的心中

★ at one’s wit’s end 不知所措

★ at one’s finger’s ends 了如指掌

★ a bird’s eye view 鸟瞰

★ a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼

★ at death’s door 在鬼门关

★ at arm’s length 疏远

★ to one’s heart’s content 尽情地

You’ve got a whole week to yourself and you can read to your heart’s content.


★ a stone’s throw 一箭之遥

The apartment is just a stone's throw from the sea.


★ a hair’s breadth 间不容发的距离,极小量,差一点

His finger was within a hair's breadth of touching the alarm.


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