
The opening section sets up the yin-yang between thirtysomething Will and 26-year-old Louisa “Lou” Clark (Clarke) with admirable economy. In contrast to his moneyed joie de vivre, she still lives in the cramped home of her parents (Brendan Coyle and Samantha Spiro) and, like many women in screen romances, has a boyfriend (Matthew Lewis) who’s cartoonishly wrong for her.影片开场便在30多岁的男主威尔与26岁女主克拉克·路易莎(简称“露”)间展现强烈的对比,毫不拖泥带水。相较于威尔的生活小资、衣食无忧,克拉克仍然和父母(由布兰登·柯伊尔与萨曼莎·斯毕洛饰演)挤在一个屋檐下。克拉克的人物设定如同荧幕上大多爱情片中的女主。其男友,像经典卡通里上演的那番,会误会错怪她。

Lou’s explosively colorful girlie getups announce her quirky vivacity — costume designer Jill Taylor has a field day with fuzzy sweaters and polka-dot shoes.露那一套挑战眼球的缤纷少女装扮宣示了她不同寻常的活力。戏组的服装设计师吉尔.泰勒让蓬蓬的毛衣和斑点鞋在镜头前频频出现。





When Lou and Will meet, he’s almost completely paralyzed, two years after an accident cut short his seemingly unstoppable upward trajectory. That Will’sstoically suffering mother (Janet McTeer, powerfully understated) hires the inexperienced Lou in the first place is a testament to either the woman’s desperation or her ability to see beyond a nicely played wardrobe malfunction to Lou’s compassion and resilience.两年前的一次意外阻绝了威尔势不可挡的腾飞轨迹。而当露见到威尔时,他几乎已经完全瘫痪了。坚忍地承受这个不幸的母亲(由詹妮特·麦克蒂尔饰演)会雇佣毫无照顾经验的露——可以说要么她内心已绝望,要么她能无视露那天衣裙崩破,看到了这个女孩富有同情心,而且很顽强。


“Lou is incredibly close to who I am, so this is much more me than Daenerys. … But I think there’s weirdly a lot of similarities between the two because they’re both incredibly strong – but one smiles and one doesn’t.”“露这个角色很贴近现实生活中的我,因而露有更多‘我’的成分,而非龙母丹妮莉丝的因素。不过我觉得出乎意料的是,这两个角色有很多共同点,因而她们都极其坚强,只不过一个面带微笑,另一个不苟言笑。”


来看看乔乔·莫伊斯原著小说《Me Before You》中超感人的7个句子吧!英语君已经哭到不行了……

1. You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.1. 人的生命只有一次。其实你有义务将其尽可能地过充实。

2. You are scored on my heart,Clark. You were from the first day you walked in, with your ridiculous clothes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt.2. 克拉克你成功地走进我心里。自你走进房间的第一天,你就击中了我——着装有些可笑的你,那个一点心思也藏不住的你。

3. If you’re going to wear a dress like that you need to wear it with confidence. You need to fill it out mentally as well as physically.3. 如果你要穿这么一件裙子,你得自信。你不仅需要穿上它,内心也要接受它。

4. He smelled of the sun, as if it had seeped deep into his skin, and I found myself inhaling silently, as if he were something delicious.4. 他身上带有阳光的气息,仿佛阳光已深深浸入他的肌肤。而我发现自己正安静地呼入这好似格外可口的气息。

5. All I can say is that you make me… you make me into someone I couldn’t even imagine. You make me happy, even when you’re awful.5. 我能说的只有你让我……让我爱上一个甚至我都想不到的人。即便你看着糟糕,也让我能重拾笑意。

6. I held him close and said nothing, all the while telling him silently that he was loved. Oh, but he was loved.6. 静默中,我紧紧地抱着他,无言地向他诉说我爱着他。噢,没错,有人爱他。

7. Don’t think of me too often. I don’t want to think of you getting all maudlin. Just live well. Just live.7. 不要太想我。我不想你总那么感伤。我只要让你好好的,只要你活着。




