
There are a lot of factors that determine our success, some of which are completely out of our control. The number one factor that is completely within our own control is-- attitude. “Attitude is everything” is more than a feel-good quote out of a self-help book or the caption on an inspirational poster; it’s a fundamental truth.,下面我们就来聊聊关于一切事物都处于发展之中对还是错?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



There are a lot of factors that determine our success, some of which are completely out of our control. The number one factor that is completely within our own control is-- attitude. “Attitude is everything” is more than a feel-good quote out of a self-help book or the caption on an inspirational poster; it’s a fundamental truth.

决定我们成功的因素有很多,其中一些是我们完全无法控制的。完全在我们自己控制范围内的首要因素是态度。 “态度就是一切”不仅仅是一本自助书或鼓舞人心的海报的标题中的一句感觉良好的引用,这是一个基本的真理。

Attitude is an all-encompassing term that defines your outlook and approach to life. Attitude determines whether or not you pursue the opportunities you are given. Those with a positive, hopeful attitude will pursue every opportunity they are given where a pessimist cannot see the hope. Attitude also determines how you relate to other people. People are always drawn towards those with a positive, friendly, and inspiring attitude.

态度是一个包罗万象的术语,定义了你的生活观和方法。 态度决定了你是否追求给你的机会。 那些持积极、充满希望态度的人将追求他们得到的每一个机会,而悲观主义者看不到希望。态度也决定了你与他人的关系。人们总是被那些具有积极,友好和鼓舞人心的态度的人所吸引。

When facing difficulties and hardship, we all have a choice. We can choose an inner dialogue of self-encouragement and self-motivation,and take action from the present, or we can choose one of self-defeat and self-pity,and give up without any effort. Each of us may encounter hard times, hurt feelings, unfair treatments and physical or emotional pain. It’s not what happens to you that matters; it’s how you choose to respond.

面对困难和艰辛,我们都有一个选择。我们可以选择一种自我鼓励和自我激励的内在对话,并从当下采取行动,也可以选择一种自我挫败和自怜,不做任何努力就放弃。 我们每个人都可能遇到困难时期,受伤的感觉,不公正的对待,身体或情感上的痛苦。重要的不是发生在你身上的事情,而是你选择如何回应。

“Attitude is everything” is a more productive and beneficial way to shape our course of life and brings us a more fulfilling future. It is considered to be one of the most important ingredients to success.



