


A country is an area of land that is controlled by its own government. It refers to territory. It's a political and geographical concept.country(国家)是指由自己的政府控制的土地。它指的是领土。这是一个政治和地理的概念。


A nation mainly refers to a group of people united by common origin, history, culture or language, inhabiting a particular territory. It's a cultural as well as a political concept.nation(国家;民族)主要指因共同的起源、历史、文化或语言而团结在一起的一群人,居住在一个特定的领土上。这既是一个文化概念,也是一个政治概念。


A country is one of the political units which the world is divided into, covering a particular area of land.country(国家)是划分世界的政治单位之一,覆盖特定的土地面积。Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world.印度尼西亚是世界上人口第五大国。...the boundary between the two countries.…这两个国家的分界线。The people who live in a particular country can be referred to as the country. 生活在一个特定country(国家)的人可以被称为country(国民)。Finally the country got some much-needed good news.最后该国人民得到了一些他们最需要的好消息。A nation is an individual country considered together with its social and political structures.一个nation(国家)是一个单独的国家,与它的社会和政治结构一起考虑。Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.这样的一些政策会要求国与国之间前所未有的合作。The nation is sometimes used to refer to all the people who live in a particular country, or all the people who belong to a particular ethnic group.nation(全国国民;民族)有时用来指生活在一个特定国家的所有人,或属于一个特定民族的所有人。It was a story that touched the nation's heart.这是一个感动了全民族的故事。...the former chief of the Cherokee nation.…前任切罗基族酋长。,

