
作者: Charles Perrault


It was snowing hard; the wind was so violent that he was twice blown off his horse,


and, as the night was closing in, he was afraid thathe would die of cold and hunger, or that he would be eaten by the wolves, that he could hear howling around him.


All at once, however, he caught sight of a bright light, which appeared to be some way off, at the further end of a long avenue of trees.


He walked towards it, and soon saw that it came from a splendid castle, which was brilliantly illuminated.


The merchant thanked God for the help that had been sent him, and hastened towards the castle, butwas greatly surprised, on reaching it, to find no one in the courtyard, or about the entrances.


His horse, which was following him, seeing the door of a large stable standing open, went in, and finding there some hay and oats, the poor animal, half dead for want of food, began eating with avidity.


The merchant fastened him up in the stable, and went towards the house, but still no one was to be seen;


he walked into a large dining-hall, and there he found a good fire, and a table laid for one person, covered with provisions.


Being wet to the skin with the rain and snow, he drew near the fire to dry himself, saying, as he did so,


"The master of this house, or his servants, will pardon me the liberty I am taking; no doubt theywill soon appear."


He waited for a considerable time; but when eleven o'clock had struck, and still he had seen no one, he could no longer resist the feeling of hunger, and seizing a chicken, he ate it up in two mouthfuls, trembling the while.


Then he took a draught or two of wine, and, his courage returning, he left the dining-hall and made his way through several large rooms magnificently furnished.


Finally he came to a room where there was a comfortable bed, and as it was now past midnight, and he was very tired, he made up his mind to shut the door and lie down.


It was ten o'clock next morning before he awoke, when, to his great surprise, he found new clothes put in place of his own, which had been completely spoiled.


"This palace must certainly belong to some good fairy," he said to himself, "who, seeing my condition, has taken pity upon me."

“这个宫殿的主人肯定是一个善良的仙女,” 他对自己说,“她在可怜我的处境了。”

He looked out of the window; the snow was gone, and he saw instead, bowers of delicious flowers which were a delight to the eye.


He went again into the dining-hall where he had supped the night before, and saw a little table with chocolate upon it.


"I thank you, good madam fairy," he said aloud, "for your kindness in thinking of my breakfast."

“谢谢你,善良的仙女,” 他高声说,“你是那么好心,又为我准备了早餐。”

The merchant, having drunk his chocolate, went out to find his horse; as he passed under a bower of roses, he remembered that Beauty had asked him tobring her one, and he plucked a branch on which several were growing.



