
Hello everybody. This is Elliott from ETJ English. Today, I have an interesting video for you.,下面我们就来聊聊关于商务英语单词handling?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Hello everybody. This is Elliott from ETJ English. Today, I have an interesting video for you.

大家好,我是 ETJ 英语频道的埃利奥特。今天我将为大家带来一个有趣的视频。

We're going to be learning some very common and very useful British expressions which I think are most often used in the workplace or in a business environment. However, some of these can be used and transferred into daily life also.


So, we're going to learn quite a few. I want to get straight into the video.


Just so you know, because I mainly focus on pronunciation, I'm a pronunciation teacher, we will be focusing on also how to connect our speech with some of these phrases and also how to just make things sound very nice, okay, in a British style. So, let's get straight to my list of expressions.


So, I'm gonna start with a sentence and then I'm going to teach you what the sentence means, what the expression means. So, the first sentence I have for you: "Off the top of my head, I'd say we have about 300 employees."


Okay, so the expression I'm talking about "off the top of my head". Notice how the word "off/ɒv/" becomes "off /əv/".

我要说的短语是“off the top of my head”。注意单词“off/ɒv/”变成了“off /əv/”。

It's what we call a function word; it's not important. Top of my head. Off the top of my head.

这就是我们所说的虚词,它并不重要。Top of my head. Off the top of my head.

Sometimes, it will even become "of/ə/", "top of my head". The "off" is not important; the important words are "top" and "head" mainly.

有时它甚至变成“of/ə/”,“top of my head”。“off”不重要,重要的主要是“top”和“head”。

"Off the top of my head, I'd say we have about 300 employees." And what it means is "without thinking too much" or "without really thinking about it", then you make your statement.


So, I don't know that we have exactly 300 employees, but off the top of my head, the first thing I can think of is that we have about 300. The next sentence. Have a listen here:


"I leave for work at about 6 am and I get off work at about 5 pm." "I leave for work." Firstly, let's look at that: I leave for work.

“我早上6点左右去上班,下午5点左右下班。”“I leave for work”,我们首先看看这个:“I leave for work”。

So, we've got the schwa on the word "for". Once again, "for" is not important, so we say "for/fə/ work".

单词“for”有个 /ə/ 元音。同样,“for”不重要,所以我们读成“for/fə/ work”。

"I leave for work." A lot of my students, they get confused.


They think that to "leave for work" actually means to "go home from work". Because I said the time is six a. m, maybe it's a bit clearer for you.

他们认为“leave for work”是“下班回家”的意思。因为是说时间是早上六点,也许这样对你们来说会清楚一些。

"I leave for work at six a. m." means I leave my house to go to work at six a. m. "I leave for work", okay.

“I leave for work at six a.m.”意思是我早上六点出门去上班。“I leave for work”,懂了吗?

And "I get off work", that's when I finish work, when I leave work. "Get off work" connected speech: "get-off, get-off work".

而“I get off work”,就是我完成工作,我做完工作。“Get off work”连读:get-off, get-off work。

That is when you finish work, you go home. Okay. "I leave for work at about 6 a. m. and I get off work at about 5 p. m."


Another one, very very very very very common one: I'll drop you an email later. I'll drop you an email later.


And listen to my pronunciation: I'll drop you(w)an email, you(w)an email, connected speech happening there, a /w/ sound. I'll drop you an email later.

听一下我的发音:I'll drop you(w)an email,you(w)an email,这里发生连读,有个/w/音。我稍后给你发邮件。

Now, the word "drop" is used here and that literally just means "I will send/I will give you an email later". Sometimes, people also say "I will ping you an email later" or even "I will ping you later".

这里使用“drop”这个词,字面意思是“我会发送/我稍后会给你发邮件”。有时人们也会说“I will ping you an email later”,或甚至“I will ping you later”。

And I think the word "ping" has come from the sound — when we receive a message you know that kind of ding sound. "I'll drop you an email later/I'll ping you an email later."


Whichever one is, whichever one is best for you, really, um, but that's more common than saying "I will send you an email".?Next one, I use this a lot with my friends as well as in business terms: give me a shout.

你喜欢用哪个都可以,但它们都比“I will send you an email”更常用。下一个,我经常和我的朋友使用这个短语,也经常在商业用语中使用:喊我一声。

For example: "Give me a shout when you're free." "Give me a shout" is a bit like saying "let me know" or "tell me".


"Give me a shout when you're free." Okay. So, it's just like saying "tell me when you're available".


And also related to email. I could say "give me a bell later", "give me a bell later".

还是与跟邮件有关。我可以说“give me a bell later”,“give me a bell later”。

And that also means "call me", "call me later", "give me a bell". Some people do also say "give me a ring", "give me a call" and those can also be used in the same situation.

那也是“给我打电话”,“晚点给我打电话”的意思,“give me a bell”。有些人也会说“give me a ring”,“give me a call”,也可以用于同样的情境中。

"Give me a ring", "give me a bell", "give me a call", whatever you want. This one's a good one to use if you, if you like talking about other people in the office.

“Give me a ring”、“give me a bell”、“give me a call”,用哪个都可以。如果你想谈论办公室里的某个人,这个短语非常好用。

"He's been sucking up to the manager all week. I think he's a bit of a kiss-arse."


Okay. Let's take a look at the first part of the sentence. "He's been sucking up to the manager all week."


To "suck up" means to be really nice to someone, to really compliment them. "Oh, you're an amazing boss!" "Oh, you're so good at your job!" "Oh, you're fantastic!"


He's sucking up, okay, to tell someone how great you think they are, maybe even if you don't think it's true, okay? So, "he's been sucking up to the manager or the boss all week."


"I think he's a bit of a (bit-of-a) kiss-arse." A kiss-arse is a name we give to someone who likes to suck up.


So, now you know what "suck up" means. A kiss-arse is someone who sucks up.


Imagine they are kissing someone's bottom. And you'll find the office business work jargon. . .


Really, bad language is not a problem, but you need to feel comfortable with the people that you're talking to to use the bad language. So, the word "arse" is not that bad if you're in a comfortable office environment.


If you're talking to your boss, maybe don't use the word "arse" or other words. There are worse phrases, some quite rude expressions, but this is a family show.


I've got two expressions in this next sentence, so listen closely. "Everything is a bit up in the air right now.


I think I need to put off our meeting." "Everything is a bit up in the air right now", "up in the air".


So, lots of connected speech here: up-in the(j)air, up-in the(j)air. Now, if things are up in the air, imagine you have loads of plans, loads of ideas, but they're not coming together, you're not organized.

这里有很多连读:up-in the(j)air,up-in the(j)air。如果事情悬而未决,想象一下你有很多计划,很多想法,但是它们联系不起来,你没有条理。

That would mean that your plans or things are up in the air, not very organized, a bit kind of confusing at the moment. So, "everything is a bit up in the air right now."


Notice how I use the word "a bit" as well. This is very common in British English.

注意,我也用了“a bit”。这在英式英语中很常用。

We like to use the word "bit". So, "I think we need to put off (put-off) our meeting."


"So, I think we need to put off our meeting." So, connected speech: put-off, put-off.


If you need to put something off, very simple, "postpone", "change to another day". So, this guy's plans, they're a bit up in the air, not organized, so he needs to put off, reschedule, change the meeting.

如果你要推迟某事,很简单“postpone”,“change to another day”。所以,这家伙的计划,有点悬而未决,没有条理,所以他需要推迟、重新安排、改期会议。

One which is very similar to "put off". So "put off" means "postpone" and "call off" means "cancel".

有一个词和“put off”很像。“put off”意思是“推迟”,“call off”意思是“取消”。

Just so you know. So, I could say "I need to call off our meeting". Notice the pronunciation of this: an American would say call/kɑːl/; we say call/kɔːl/.

你知道,我可以说“我需要取消我们的会议”。注意这里的发音:一个美国人会说 call/kɑːl/;我们说 call/kɔːl/。

Notice where my tongue is. I'm doing a very round shape with the mouth and the tongue goes back: /ɔː/, /kɔːl/, "I need to call off the meeting".


"Call off" means "cancel". The best way to remember: "put off" begins with "p", and so does "postpone"; "cancel" begins with "c", and so does "call off".

“call off”意思是“取消”。最好的记忆方法:“put off”以“p”开头,“postpone”也是;“cancel”以“c”开头,“call off”也是。

Finally, last one, so we've got two in this one: "We need to knuckle down and finish this project, or else it will all go down the drain."


First thing, "we need to knuckle down". "Knuckles", these things, "knuckle down".

第一个,“我们必须全力以赴”。“Knuckles”,这些地方,“knuckle down”。

That means get your hands on the table and start working or else. . . So "if we don't knuckle down and finish the project soon, it will all go down the drain."


This is such a British expression If things all "go down the drain", that means it all goes wrong, it finishes, it's over, no chance of continuing, it's finished, it's all gone down the drain, okay, so you failed.

这是一个非常英式的表达用语。 如果一切都“付诸东流”,这意味着一切都错了,结束了,完了,没有继续的机会,结束了,一切都白费了,好吧,所以你失败了。

And that's just like water when it goes down the drain when we're draining water. There you go. There's your expressions. I hope you found them useful today.


This is one of the most requested videos. Last week, I said what do you want me to make a video about?


Most of you said you wanted this. So I hope you're happy.


Please leave me a comment and tell me if you found this useful. And if you have any pronunciation ideas for the next lesson, next thursday, please let me know.


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