
喜 报



















▲周欣橦同学在比赛环节,巾帼不让须眉,将成外国际部学子风范展现得淋漓尽致。在演讲台上声情并茂,自信大方。颇有挥斥方遒的大家风范,以一篇女性权利主题的文章让全场拍手叫好,全省高中演讲组冠军来之不易,却也是意料之中!You deserve it!


I,young feminist

When I was 6, people said I’m not like a girl, simply because I didn’t like pink;

When I was 7, some of my girlfriends felt uncomfortable when wearing school uniform skirts, but they had to, while boys were free to choose between trousers and shorts;

When I was 12, my favorite Chinese teacher who was keen on calligraphy and Chinese culture was kept being urged to get married, since she was about 30 years old;

When I was 13, the class monitor and vise-monitor were boys, while a girl who was on top 1 in academic performance was just a teaching assistant;

Now, I am 15, some people keep talking about my figure, because I am not skinny enough.

WHY do all these biases exist EVERYWHERE in our live?

When I was in grade 9, it was my first time to get to know the term “feminism” by Emma Watson’s speech in the United Nations launching the HeForShe initiative. In the speech she made the very important point that in order for gender equality to be achieved, harmful and destructive stereotypes of and expectations for masculinity have got to change. She said: “Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” Well, I was surprised with the confidence and toughness she manifested. After that, I began studying on Feminism, or women’s rights, and I chose to BE a feminist.

Then, I found something that doesn’t make sense at all, but seemed to be adapted by every person. On history textbooks, I can not even come up with a female character who has promoted a revolution, or be in charge of a war and won victory, or let’s say, notorious as hell. Is it because there were no female activists or generals or politicians? Absolutely not, women did much more than those written on a history textbook:

Joan of Arc, an active politician and soldier at a time when women didn’t do such things. She overcame the condescension of military leaders and worked to lift the siege of Orleans in nine short days; Rosa Park, grew up during a time when colored people were oppressed. She made her a symbol of the civil rights movement by refusing to move to the back and letting white passengers sit; Florence Nightingale was a pioneer of the nursing profession. She reduced many deaths during the Crimean War, and is known as the mother of modern nursing.

Since it is “HIStory”, rather than a HERstory. Women who did excellent job couldn’t even find their own place on record, which originally, they deserve it.

However, men, I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too. I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help for fear it would make them “less of a man”. I’ve seen men that are less recognized as a parent, even he’s spent as much patience and time exactly as mother has.

In my nervousness for this speech and in my moments of doubt, I told myself firmly, “If not me, then who? If not now, then when?” Folks, if not us, who will pursue the fair opportunity when women and men are competing with the same working position? If not us, who will guarantee the rights on women’s own bodies? If not us, who will provide women equal representation to politics? If not us, who will give aid to women who are still suffering from oppressive patriarchy? If not us, who will endure that women won’t be nobody and forgotten in history?

And it should be, and must be us, to challenge the “norm”; It must be us to believe in and strive for our needs on that are originally belonged to us. It must be us to put our names right there on our history.

At last, I would like to end up by speech with a verse in Kesha’s song “ Praying”: If you think that we were done, then you were wrong and now, the BEST is yet to come.









全美演讲与辩论联盟(National Speech and Debate Association,简称NSDA),是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的中学演讲与辩论荣誉组织,也是世界演讲与辩论领域最大的专业教练会员组织。





