




Section 1:

Let’s go brush our teeth.(让我们去刷牙吧)Where’s your tooth mug and toothbrush?(你的刷牙杯和牙刷在哪里?)Ok. Here they are!(在这里!)Lift your stool to the washstand. (把你的小凳子搬过来)Stand on the stool. Be careful.(站在小凳子上,小心一点哦)Fill up your tooth mug. Run some water over your toothbrush.(牙刷杯装满水,把牙刷冲洗一下)Squeeze toothpaste onto your toothbrush.(挤一点牙膏到牙刷上)Move your toothbrush up and down and back and forth.(开始刷咯!上上下下,前前后后)Again, move your toothbrush up and down and back and forth.(再来一次)To rinse your mouth, take some water, swish it back and forth in your mouth.(漱漱口)Spit it into the sink.(之后吐到水池里)Rinse off your toothbrush. Then put it back in the tooth mug.(冲洗牙刷,放回刷牙杯)

Section 2:

It’s time to brush your teeth. (刷牙时间到)Turn on the tap and put some water in your cup.(打开水龙头,刷牙杯装满水)Squeeze a pea-sized amount onto the toothbrush.(挤一点牙膏到牙刷上,豌豆大小就可以)Rinse your mouth.Take a sip of water.Gargle and spit it out.(漱漱口,吐出来)Do the top part first from one side of your teeth to the other.(先刷上方牙齿,从一边到另一边)Do the lower part in the same way.(再刷下面的部分)Don’t forget to brush the back, the back of your teeth.(不要忘记刷一下牙齿内侧哦)Is there too much bubble in your mouth?(嘴巴里面都是泡泡了,对吗?)Spit it into the sink.(吐到水池里)Don’t forget to brush your tongue. (别忘记刷舌头)Wash your mouth.(泡沫沾到嘴巴上了,清洗一下)Wipe your mouth.(擦干紧)God job!(真棒)

Section 3:

Are you ready to brush your teeth?(准备好了吗?我们要去刷牙咯)There’re germs on our teeth.(牙齿上会有很多细菌)So we need to brush our teeth every day to defeat the germs,right?(每天刷牙,保持牙齿清洁哦)We should brush our teeth two times a day.(我们每天刷2次)Now let’s get started. Do you wanna brush on your own?(现在开始吧,你想自己刷吗?)Do you know how to brush your teeth?(知道怎样刷牙吗?)So can you show me your toothbrush?(拿出你的牙刷)Firstly we’d better wet it under the tape.(我们先冲洗一下)And then squeeze some toothpaste on your toothbrush, OK?(再挤一点牙膏到牙刷上)Not too much, that’s enough. Just the pea-sized amount.(不用很多,差不多豌豆大小)Let’s start brushing.(开始刷牙吧)You should brush for at least 2 minutes.(一天至少刷2次)We do it in the morning and evening.(早一次,晚一次)Brush up and down, left and right, round and round.(上上下下,左左右右,前前后后)This is the way we brush our teeth.(对的,就是这样刷)Brush the inside of your teeth as well.(牙齿内侧也要刷到哦)Now take a sip of water.(喝点水)Rinse your mouth and spit it out.(漱漱口,再吐出来)Wow all clean now.(这样就干净啦)


宝宝出生的时候就已经有20颗牙齿了,但是这时候我们看不见他们,直到宝宝6-12个月的时候,萌发出来,被称作乳牙(primary teeth/baby teeth/milk teeth),上下颌左右侧各5颗。5-6岁左右,乳牙逐个脱落,恒牙(permanent teeth)长出。12-13岁左右,乳牙基本全部被换成恒牙,但这时候通常只有28颗牙齿。17-25岁的时候,大部分人还会长出4颗智齿(wisdom teeth),至此32颗牙齿长全了。

牙齿可分为8颗切牙(门牙,incisors)、4颗尖牙(虎牙,canine teeth)、8颗前磨牙(premolars/bicuspid)和8颗磨牙(molars)4种,还有4颗智齿(wisdom teeth),智齿也属于磨牙(molars)。


