

现今,世界各国越来越重视全球市场,马来西亚的 NSB 家电为了走向世界,特意邀请了国际著名设计师 Karim Rashid,为其设计一款现代天花板风扇,并取名为 NSB Superstar 系列 Swish。


Karim 以具象且细腻的线条和曲线勾勒出了 Swish 的整体造型,它简约的外形给现代家居环境增添了一丝柔和感。在 Karim 看来,Swish 代表着一种有创造力的生活方式。

从功能出发,Swish 风扇的风力能够吹到11英尺远的地方,且无任何噪音;同时,它由直流电机驱动,并附带一个LED照明灯,节能又环保。这是一个集摩登时尚外观与节能高科技内涵于一体的吊扇。


NSB 创始人 Jo Hooi 对于此次与 Karim Rashid 合作做了一个访谈,以下是访谈记录。

访 谈 内 容

Z 代表主持人,JH 代表 Jo Hooi

Z : How did the collaboration with Karim Rashid begin?

JH:It actually began through Iko In (Founder of Creative Home Magazine), he introduced me to Karim Rashid and so from there, we at NSB had the idea of collaborating with an international designer as it gives us the chance to go global with our products. We want to expand from just Malaysia.

Z : 你是怎样跟Karim Rashid合作呢?

JH:这次合作实际上是创意家居杂志创始人Iko In把我介绍给了Karim Rashid,所以我才会有一个和国际著名设计师合作的想法,这能让我们的产品走向全球。我们想开拓马来西亚以外的市场。

Z : How can Karim Rashid help you go global?

JH:As Karim is an international designer, he is internationally well known. People know him for his unique product design and his designs can help us build our reputation as well as going global with the designs and products.

Z:Karim Rashid怎么帮助你们的产品走向全球呢?


Z:Karim Rashid has a very eccentric and peculiar style – how do you think the Malaysian market will receive his designs?

JH:I think they will like it very much. All his designs are very unique and he really understands the local interior designs which is definitely helpful.

Z:你认为马来西亚市场会接受Karim Rashid这种独特的设计风格吗?


Z:Karim has designed six different fans for NSB – can you share some details about the designs?

JH:His designs are simple – simple for a fan, but difficult to manufacture. It took us almost two years to come up with the SWISH prototype, which we completed about only a couple of months ago. The thing about fans is that it is really simple to assemble – you need a motor, housing, a blade and that’s pretty much it.



Z: And what about with Karim Rashid’s designs – the SWISH?

JH: What we did with Karim was come up with an entirely new fan and design – which was a very tedious process. It certainly took a lot of time and effort. His designs are slightly different from conventional fan designs as his fan is attached to the motor itself, meaning whenever we had to make changes, we had to create the whole thing again. The good thing is that we learnt new things by making all these minor adjustments each time. For an example, with the pitch and the steepness of the fan – we had to play around with these factors so that we could achieve a comfortable and quiet wind. we wanted to get a powerful and comfortable wind with very low noise pollution.

Z: 那么你如何评价Karim Rashid有关 SWISH的设计呢?


Z:The design of SWISH is very different from your normal fan, in that it doesn’t have 2, 3 or 5 blades. How effective is his design for a fan?

JH:This is the first time we are doing this type of fan. To our surprise, it was actually very effective – the wind can reach up to 11 feet. The normal wind direction of a fan pushes the wind downwards and outwards, so when you stand further away, you can’t feel the wind much as it’s at your feet. With the SWISH, you can surprisingly feel the wind at waist height, even standing at 11 feet away. The coverage area of the wind was certainly a surprise for us.



Z: What do you like about the Karim Rashid’s designs?

JH:All of his designs are very curvy, they aren’t edgy. The curves are beautiful and I think they will blend very well with all interiors.

Z:你喜欢Karim Rashid的设计?


Z: What are the other features of SWISH?

JH:It is a DC motor fan. Compared to traditional fans, it consumes very little energy – from our results so far on what we have tested, it can take 43 Watts at maximum speed, and we are currently trying to further reduce the power consumption and take it down to about 20 Watts.





