
大雪,顾名思义,雪量大。《月令七十二候集解》说:“大雪,十一月节。大者,盛也,至此而雪盛。”到了这个时段,雪往往下得大、范围也广。节气“大雪”在英文中的表达是Major Snow。


“Heavy Snow” is a very important period for farmers. If the snow is very heavy, it means next year will be a harvesting year. This is because that the nitrogen compound in snow is 4 times more than those in the rain. When the snow melt and soak into the soil, the increased nitrogen in soil can be absorbed by crops quicker. At the same time, the freezing snow water can kill many pests on earth’s surface layer.


一、赏腊梅Appreciating wintersweet


Wintersweet usually blossoms in mid-to-late December in some southern cities of China. Sometimes it even blooms earlier. Wintersweet originated in China and is highly appreciated in Chinese culture for its endurance in severe winters. With pine and bamboo,it is referred to as one of the Three Friends of Winter.


二、涮羊肉 Eating lamb


Lamb is the main food chosen by Chinese people during Major Snow. It is excellent for nourishing the body, promoting blood circulation and providing protection against the cold. People in Chongqing like to have potted lamb soup or stewed lamb soup with their families and friends. Nanjing residents like to stew the lamb with yams or wolfberries to make it more nutritious.


三、腌肉 Preserved Meat


As soon as Heavy Snow arrives, every family gets down to preserving meat for the upcoming Spring Festival. As an old saying goes, people should “make preserved vegetables during Xiaoxue and preserved meat during Daxue”. Pork, chicken, duck, fish and all kinds of meat can be cured; cabbage, potherb mustard, green beans, radish, bamboo shoots, mustard root, pepper and a variety of vegetables are all suitable for pickling.


People preserve meat with salt, sugar, anise, Sichuan pepper, and Chinese cinnamon. They hang the preserved meat under the eaves to dry it, and sit under the roof with their family, waiting in anticipation for the most important Chinese festival.


四、滋补 Tonic Food


makes one strong enough to beat the fierce tiger in spring.” Heavy Snow is the perfect time for tonics. Eating nourishing food in winter can improve the immune system, promote metabolism, and mostly important, strengthen our tolerance to the cold. People have developed a custom of eating citrus fruits as a significant amount of the fruits come into season during this period. In the meanwhile, ginger jujube soup and hot pot have also become firm favorites.



大雪节气来到,我们都期待着能够下一场大雪,这样就可以堆雪人(build a snowman)、打雪仗(have a snowball fight)了,这些可是我们小时候过冬的乐趣所在呢。而现在的冬天,我们更喜欢约上三五好友去开启一场惊险刺激却又令人兴奋的滑雪(go skiing)之旅。



snow 下雪

snowy 下雪的

snowfall 降雪

snowflake 雪花

big snowflakes 鹅毛大雪

feathery snowflakes 羽毛似的雪花

fluttering 飘扬

the first snow 初雪

the first snowflakes 初雪

snow with rain 雨夹雪

sleet 雨夹雪

slight snow 小雪

snow slightly 小雪

heavy snow 大雪

snow heavily 大雪

blizzard/snowstorm 暴风雪


Build a snowman 堆雪人

e.g.To build a snowman, you will need a bucket,a carrot, a few buttons and a pair of warm gloves.


Have a snowball fight 打雪仗

e.g.Wrap yourselves up - let's go outside andhave a snowball fight!


Shovel the snow 铲雪

e.g.The blizzard was so severe that our entirefamily had to go out and shovel the snow together.


Take a togoggan ride/go on a toboggan ride 滑雪橇

e.g.When it snows ,we can take a toboggan ridetogether down the hill by our house.


Go skiing 滑雪

e.g.You can go skiing in Austria even insummer.


Go to see a snow or ice sculpture snow 赏雪雕

e.g.My family went to Harbin last winter to seean ice sculpture snow - it was fascinating.



It's snowing.下雪了。

It's snowy outside. 外面下雪了。

Snowflakes are fluttering in the air.Howbeautiful it is!


Big snowflakes are patting against thewindowpane.


It snowed heavily. We all sit in thekitchen with hot milk in our hands and watched the snow pile up.


The snow showed no sigh of melting. Comeon, let’s remove the snow and clear the way.


Don’t be lazy. At Least we should shovelthe snow in front of our house.






Snow——to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun

by Mao Zedong

North country scene. A hundred leagues locked in ice. A thousand leagues of whirling snow. Both sides of the Great Wall, one single white immensity. The Yellow River’s swift current Is stilled from end to end. The mountains dance like silver snakes, and the highlands charge like wax-hued elephants, vying with heaven in stature. On a fine day, the land clad in white, adorned in red, Grows more enchanting.


唐 祖咏



Snow atop the Southern Mountains

by:Zu Yong

How fair the gloomy mountainside!

Snow-crowned peaks float above the cloud.

The forest’s bright in sunset dyed,

With evening cold the town’s overflowed.






In the Mountain after A Snow

By Zheng Xie

At morn when door opened the mountains are seen on dress of snow white, Sunny rays cold shining on the snow reflect clear under top of clouds light. The eaves are seen no drip of snow-water but frozen plum blossoms in sight, A lonely kind of quietness is still on one's expectation more free and bright.


ByZheng Xie

When I rise and open the door at dawn,I see snow envelop the hills. The sunlight through flimsy clouds in the cleared-up sky renders chills. With plum blossoms frozen and icicles on the eaves refusing to melt, An extraordinary upright aloofness is certainly felt.






译本一 Witter Bynner 译

River Snow

A hundred mountains and no bird,

A thousand paths without a footprint;

A little boat, a bamboo cloak,

An old man fishing in the cold river-snow.

译本二 王守义、诺弗尔 译

Snow on the River

No singing of birds in the mountain ranges

No footprints of men on a thousand trails

There is only one boat on the water

With an old man in a straw rain cape

Who stands on deck and fishes by himself

Where the snow falls on the cold river

