


Is it racist that white makes the first move in a game of chess?在国际象棋比赛中,白棋先走一步是种族主义吗?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

评论翻译Sivaraj DIt is not just racist, it is also sexist. See, the poor queen has to do most of the work while the king just stays idle most of the time. And when the king is gone, the game is done.It is elitist and capitalist. See the poor pawns who are being sacrificed by the bourgeoisie pieces. Down with you rich bastards!It is evangelist and theist. I mean, what is a bishop doing in my board?It is Manichaeist - believing that everything is black and white, while life is an infinite shade of gray.这不仅是种族主义,也是性别歧视。看,可怜的女王必须做大部分工作,而国王大部分时间都无所事事。当国王狗带,游戏就结束了。它是精英主义和资本主义。看看被资产阶级的棋子牺牲的可怜的棋子。打倒你们这些有钱的混蛋!它是福音派和有神论者。我的意思是,主教在我的董事会做什么?摩尼教教徒相信一切都是黑白的,而生活是一种无限的灰色阴影。It is deterministic - leaving no room for chance or luck.It is imperialist and not pacifist. See you are warmongering and killing armies. You bloodthirsty people. It is probably even atavist and extremist.It is anachronist - fighting with cavalry, siege weapons and elephants. Are we living in medi India, China or Persia? Get on the machine guns, helicopters and missiles, guys. I would seriously love a nuclear weapon - once one side gets there, game over ;-)It is also squarist. I mean, why is it all squares? Why not circles or triangles, for Pete's sake?这是确定的——没有机会或运气的余地。这是帝国主义,而不是和平主义。看,你在煽动战争,屠杀军队。你们这些嗜血的人。它甚至可能是返祖主义者和极端主义者。这是不合时宜的——用骑兵、攻城武器和大象作战。我们生活在中世纪的印度、中国还是波斯?伙计们,快装上机关枪、直升机和导弹。我真的很喜欢核武器——一旦一方到达那里,游戏结束。它也是方形的。我的意思是,为什么都是正方形?看在皮特的份上,为什么不画圆形或三角形呢?Diana CrețuWell, that is a very light form of racism, at least black does get to play, and in many cases, even win.If you want to hear some of the really bad stuff, take me for example: I never use black toothpaste, I always write on white paper, and I went as far as to not consume milk unless it was perfectly white (one time, there was an unidentified black thing floating in my milk, and I scooped it out! If that's not racism, I don't know what is).嗯,这是一种很轻的种族主义形式,至少黑人可以参与比赛,而且在很多情况下,甚至还能获胜。如果你想听到一些非常糟糕的东西,以我为例:我从不使用黑色牙膏,我总是写在白纸上,我甚至不喝牛奶,除非它是完全白色的(有一次,我的牛奶里漂浮着一种不明黑色的东西,我把它舀了出来!如果那不是种族主义,我不知道是什么)。Additionally, I would also like to point out a very worrying issue: the Quora website is using SO much more white than black. Just look at all that background whitecompared to the small black text pixels. It's outrageous! I assume that's why people keep writing and writing and writing here, to diminish the racism by occupying the white space with black characters.此外,我还想指出一个非常令人担忧的问题:Quora网站使用的白色比黑色多得多。看看所有的白色背景和黑色小文本像素。太离谱了!我想这就是为什么人们一直在这里写作、写作和写作的原因,通过用黑色字符占据空白空间来减少种族主义。Vernie SeidelIs it racist that red goes before black in checkers? They say fire before smoke. Is it racist that the White House is white. Is it racist that there are black colleges but not “white colleges. Are white birds racist? I could go on and on about this nonsense . None of those things are racist, yet in todays society, people are turning the most innocent things racist or offensive and frankly its childish and getting old fast.跳棋中红先于黑是种族主义吗?他们说先火后烟。白宫是白色的是种族主义者吗?有黑人大学而没有“白人大学”,这是种族主义吗?白鸟是种族主义者吗?我可以不停地谈论这些无稽之谈。这些事情都不是种族主义,但在当今社会,人们正在把最无辜的事情变成种族主义或冒犯性的,坦率地说,这是幼稚的,很快就会衰老。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Akilesh RadhakrishnanIf so, it would be equally racist if black got to make the first move.如果是这样的话,如果黑色先走一步,也同样是种族主义。Rob WeirThe question is based on a false premise. "White" or "black" does not move in chess. The player with the white pieces moves first and that player can be of any race. Also, in competitive chess players alternative colors, so in any tournament everyone has the same opportunity to start first.Chess one of the most equal-opportunity games around. It doesn't require access to rich schools and neighborhoods or expensive equipment. You don't need a horse (polo) or pay greens fees (golf). It is purely mental. It is played by rich and poor. Even those with disabilities are on equal terms. Blind (or blindfolded) tournament participants are quite common and are part of the tradition of the game.这个问题基于一个错误的前提。“白”或“黑”在国际象棋中都不动,先动的是使用白色棋子的人,这个人可以是任何种族的人。此外,在国际象棋比赛中,选手可以选择不同的颜色,所以在任何比赛中,每个人都有同样的机会先开始。国际象棋是机会最均等的游戏之一。它不需要进入富裕的学校和社区,也不需要昂贵的设备。你不需要马(马球)或支付果岭费(高尔夫)。这是纯粹的智力游戏。富人和穷人都能玩。即使是残疾人也享有平等待遇。盲人(或蒙着眼睛)参加比赛的人很常见,也是比赛传统的一部分。Also, if you want to make social stories about the game, it is more class-based than racial. Note that the pawns, the weakest and most common of the pieces, almost always are the first to move, and the queen moves only much later, and the king typically doesn't move at all (except for protection) until the end game. So if anything moving first represents a lower-class status, not a privilege.此外,如果你想制作关于游戏的社会故事,它更多的应该是基于阶级而非种族。请注意,棋子中最弱和最常见的棋子几乎总是最先移动的,而皇后移动的时间要晚得多,而国王通常在游戏结束前都不会移动(除了是为了保护)。因此,如果任何东西最先移动都代表着较低的阶级地位,不是特权阶级。Sribatsa PathyAs many have made it clear that "Chess is not racist" through their witty sarcasm tinged answers.... i would just like to throw in a fresh perspective -Yes, may be the creators of the great game of Chess were racist.May be black pieces in Chess do represent the dark complexioned races of the world and the white pieces do represent the remaining fair complexioned(so called superior) ones.....but then may be Chess teaches one of the best lessons to the world of today :"At the end of the game, all the pieces go into the same box"Clearly a game is not racist. It depends on how we choose to play it.正如许多人通过他们诙谐讽刺的回答清楚地表明“国际象棋不是种族主义的”……我只想提出一个新的观点:是的,也许国际象棋这个伟大游戏的创造者是种族主义者。也许国际象棋中的黑色棋子确实代表了世界上肤色较深的种族,而白色棋子则代表了其余肤色较浅(所谓的高级)的种族……但也许国际象棋给当今世界上最好的教训之一是:游戏结束时,所有棋子都会被放在同一个盒子里。显然,一个游戏不是种族主义。一切取决于我们选择玩它的方式。Sabrina DeepOne could argue to the contrary, because being forced to move the white first, while the blacks sit and watch sounds like slavery, limitation of freedom, negation of rights, black supremacy. So, you see? Both whites and blacks are unhappy withe the chess rules. For this reason, many have given up playing chess in favor of playing the racism card game: the only known game where the player, be it white or black or yellow, always wins. It is a pretty boring game, but so are the people who play it.有人可能会提出相反的观点,因为被迫首先移动白色的,而黑色的坐在那里观望,听起来像是奴隶制、限制自由、否定权利、黑人至上。所以,你看到了吗?白人和黑人都对国际象棋规则不满。出于这个原因,许多人放弃下棋,转而玩种族主义纸牌游戏:这是唯一的一个已经被知道的,无论是白人、黑人、黄种人,都能获胜的游戏。这是一个很无聊的游戏,玩它的人也是。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处AnonymousIf chess pieces were pink and blue, would it be sexist if pink was allowed to play first, because pink is a more girlish colour?No.It's just a simple choice, one of the two colours had to be chosen.It is wrong to think that any choice involving white or black will ultimately end up being categorised as racist.如果棋子是粉色和蓝色的,如果允许粉色先下走,会不会有性别歧视,因为粉色更像女孩子的颜色?不是的。这只是一个简单的选择,必须选出两种颜色。认为任何涉及白或黑的选择最终都会被归类为种族主义者是错误的。Cyn DwithIn modern India may be we can set this right, by allowing two moves of the black and only one move for the whites, in order to improve the position of suppressed blacks from so many years :P :D !!!在现代印度,也许我们可以通过允许黑色动两步,白色只允许动一步来纠正这一点,以便改善多年来被压制的黑人的地位,:P :D!!!


