
91assume /ə̍sjuːm/ vt. 假定;承担;呈现

考点链接assume...to be认为……如何

assuming that...假定……

assume office就职

assume a new aspect呈现新貌

派assumed adj.假定的,虚构的

assumption n. 假定,设想;担任,承担

on the assumption that... 假定……

the assumption of 承担……;获得……

92.astonish /ə̍stɒnIʃ/ vt. 使……惊讶

考点链接be astonished at/by 对……惊讶

派astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的→astonished adj. 感到惊讶的→astonishment n. 惊讶

to one’s astonishment使某人惊讶的是


93.atmosphere /̍ætməsfIə/ n. 气氛;情趣;(与the连用)大气

考点链接a friendly atmosphere友好的气氛

94.attach /ə̍tætʃ/ v. 把……固定;重视

考点链接①attach...to... 认为……有(重要性、意义);把……附在……上面;连接

attach importance to 重视

attach oneself to 依附;热爱,依恋

attach to sb./sth.与某人/物相关联/有关系

②attached adj. 依恋的;附属于的

be attached to sb./sth.喜爱/依恋某人/物

Long-ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand,the scientists say.科学家们说,很久以前,建造师有可能把木棍和石头绑在一起,使它们在沙子上滚动。

95.attack /ə̍tæk/ vt.& n. 攻击,袭击

考点链接under attack遭受袭击

(2017·6浙江)Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike.接下来,它袭击了麦可的自行车的后部。


96.attempt /ə̍tempt/ vt.& n. 试图,尝试

考点链接attempt to do sth.试图做某事

make an attempt to do/at doing sth.企图做某事

in an attempt to do/at doing sth.为了做某事

at the first attempt首次尝试

97.attend /ə̍tend/ v. 出席,参加

考点链接attend a lecture/movie/meeting听演讲/看电影/参加会议

attend school上学

attend church做礼拜

熟词生义v. 看护,照料,服侍

attend on/upon sb.伺候某人;照顾某人

attend to处理;注意倾听;照料,照顾

写作佳句(2016·全国Ⅲ)I have just found that I have to attend an important meeting that afternoon.


(2016·6浙江)I have always enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope to attend many more in the coming years.我一直很喜欢你组织的各项活动,我希望未来几年能参加更多的活动。

98.attitude /̍ætItjuːd;(US)̍ætItʊd/ n. 态度,看法

考点链接attitude to/towards对待……的态度

(2018·江苏)It is necessary to hold an objective attitude towards ratings.


99.attract /ə̍tækt/ v. 吸引,引起

派attraction n. 吸引,爱慕

attractive adj. 迷人的,有吸引力的

100.automatic /̩ɔːtə̍mætIk/ adj. 自动的,机械的

拓展autonomous adj. 自治的,自主的



