

Stay tuned for the first episode of my 王霸胆公开课: So You Really Wanna Learn English, eh? It's almost done!



  1. Hellotalk: One of the biggest language learning apps. You can find native speakers around the world to chat with. Free. 最大的语言学习类app之一,你可以找到世界各地的母语人士进行聊天,免费喔~!

  1. Speaky: Just like Hellotalk, but more web-based. Free. 和Hellotalk 差不多,但更网页式,同样免费~!

  1. Tandem: Unique language learning community with high standards for members. Free. 独一无二的对成员有着高标准的语言学习社区。免费!

  1. italki: One of the earliest language learning communities. You can meet language partners, share your writing to get corrected, and also find inexpensive community tutors to help you practice. Free w/ paid features. 最早的语言学习社区之一,你可以在这里找到语言伙伴,分享你写的东西让他们帮你修正,而且还可以找到便宜的社区导师帮你进行练习。(免费,但会附有付费内容)

Now that you've found a source to meet native speakers, how do you start a conversation? Native English speakers who are active on these websites get dozens, if not hundreds (thousands?) of friend requests and messages each day. Against these odds, it seems almost impossible to connect with them. But if you follow my advice below, you can greatly increase your chances!


These tips are all taken from my personal experience using these language learning communities.


How to (Actually) Chat with a Foreign Language Partner


  • First impression is key, so say something unique.

  • 第一印象是关键。所以,说点特别的东西吧。不要问“可以做个朋友吗?”,或者是“你可以教我英语吗?” 每当我们听到这些,都会觉得有点无趣甚至是厌烦。

  • Don't involve your ego.If they don't reply, just try someone else. Just like dating~

  • 不要太玻璃心。如果他们不回复你,那就找其他人,就像约会一样~

  • Finding a good language partner is a numbers game. You might strike out 100 times before hitting a home run.

  • 找一个好的语言伙伴就像买,也许你要出击100次才能赢回一次。

  • Ask before you video chat!

  • 视频通话前要先询问对方意愿!千万不要觉得我就坐在这里等着跟你聊天,而且有可能我正在忙一些事情,然后你的视频就弹出来打断了,我当然会就不开心啦~

  • Use an attractive picture of yourself.

  • 用一张你自己最好看的照片。因为我会想知道我聊天的对象是怎样的,所以不要用卡通图片或者就只是随机的挑一张图片,要选一张看起来清晰、吸引人并能展示出你最好的一面的照片。

  • Don't send a voice message as your first message. Strangers don't send voice messages to each other. We're not that friendly yet, and I'm not going to listen to it. You've got to break the ice with a fun text message first.

  • 发第一条信息的时候不要发语音。陌生人之间是不会这样做的,毕竟我们之间还不熟,所以我也不会去听。你应该是先发一条比较有趣的信息去展开交谈。

  • Remember the saying, "Trying the same thing and expecting different results is madness". If you've tried starting a conversation with multiple people and still aren't successful, then you're doing it wrong.

  • 要记住这句话:“总是做着同样的事情,却期待着不同的结果是很傻的。”如果你已经尝试着开始和很多的人进行对话但却没有成功,那一定是方法不对。

  • Try to find common interests.Read their user profiles and try to tailor your message to them. People love talking about their interests (and themselves!).

  • 试着找出共同爱好。看下他们的用户资料,再看看发怎样的消息合适。人都喜欢谈论他们自己的喜好(还有他们自己本身)

  • Send a multi-lingual message.Most of the messages I receive are either all English or all Chinese. Why not separate yourself from the herd by sending a multi-lingual message like this: "Wow, your Chinese is so 屌! Do you know what 屌 means?"

  • 发送一条有多种语言的信息。大多数我收到的信息要么全是英文,要么全是中文。为什么不尝试下这样从这样的群体里脱离出来呢?下次试试这样发信息:“哇~!你的中文好屌喔!你知道屌是什么意思不?”

  • Don't make it too long.Whenever I see a long paragraph of text, I automatically skip over that person's message. Just like a good article, you've got to hook me from the beginning or I'm gone.

  • 信息不要太长。

Here is a great example of an opener that I would definitely respond to:


Hey, I see you're interested in XXX. I'm interested in that too, would you like to do a language exchange and talk about XXX in Chinese with me? I'm learning English =)


I hope these pointers can help you find a language partner to practice English with. Remember, these are REAL people, so treat them as such. Chinese people are some of the most active users on language learning communities, and many native English speakers are used to receiving the exact same messagesfrom Chinese people. If you want to find a language partner in 2016, you've got to express your individuality.


Good luck, and go learn some English!



